Check the coding conventions : Code Convention « Ant « Java

Check the coding conventions

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project name="Example Application Build" default="build-both" basedir=".">
  <property file=""/>

  <!-- CVSROOT for the JSTL -->
  <property name="cvsroot" 
            value="" />

  <!-- CVSROOT for the MySQL connector -->
  <property name="mysql.cvsroot" 
            value="" />

  <!-- ################################### -->
  <!-- The master build classpath          --> 
  <!-- ################################### -->

  <path id="build.classpath">
    <pathelement location="${servlet24.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${jsp20.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${mysql.jar}"/>
    <pathelement path="${appName.jar}"/>

  <!-- ################################### -->
  <!-- The test build classpath            --> 
  <!-- ################################### -->

  <path id="test.classpath">
    <path refid="build.classpath"/>
    <fileset dir="${httpunit.home}/jars">
      <include name="*.jar"/>
      <exclude name="junit.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${junit.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${httpunit.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${checkstyle.jar}"/>
    <pathelement location="${}"/>

  <!-- ################################### -->
  <!-- Javadoc file sets                   --> 
  <!-- ################################### -->

  <fileset id="javadoc" dir="${src}">
    <exclude name="*/conf/**"/>
    <exclude name="*/docs/*"/>
    <include name="shared/**"/>
    <include name="stand-alone/**"/>
    <include name="web/java/**"/>

  <!-- ##################################################### -->
  <!-- Properties and pattern sets for the packaging targets --> 
  <!-- ##################################################### -->

  <!-- The value of each property in this section is the setting -->
  <!-- for the 'dir' attribute of file sets and tar file sets --> 

  <!-- Property and pattern set for the documentation -->
  <property name="docs.all.dir" value="${build}"/>
  <!-- Tar file sets cannot use file sets, so we must use a pattern set -->
  <patternset id="docs.all">
    <include name="docs/**"/>

  <!-- Property and pattern set for the license and README -->
  <property name="docs.misc.dir" value="${src}/shared/docs"/>
  <!-- Tar file sets cannot use file sets, so we must use a pattern set -->
  <patternset id="docs.misc">
    <include name="README"/>
    <include name="LICENSE"/>
  <!-- Property and pattern set for the source, -->
  <!-- build.xml, and -->
  <property name="src.files.dir" value="."/>
  <!-- Tar file sets cannot use file sets, so we must use a pattern set -->
  <patternset id="src.files">
    <include name="${src}/**"/>
    <include name="build.*"/>

  <!-- Pattern set for the binary JAR -->
  <!-- Nothing else is needed because the directory that contains it -->
  <!-- is already in the ${dist} property and it's used in a zip file set -->
  <!-- as well as a tar file set --> 
  <patternset id="bin.jar">
    <include name="*.jar"/>

  <!-- Pattern set for the binary WAR -->
  <!-- Nothing else is needed because the directory that contains it -->
  <!-- is already in the ${dist} property and it's used in a zip file set -->
  <!-- as well as a tar file set --> 
  <patternset id="bin.war">
    <include name="*.war"/>

  <!-- ################################### -->
  <!-- Initialization target               --> 
  <!-- ################################### -->

  <!-- Create the working directories -->
  <target name="dir" description="Create the working directories">
    <echo message="Creating the working directories"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.stand-alone.root}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${build.web.classes}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${lib}"/>

  <!-- #################################################### -->
  <!-- CVS and build tasks for the JSTL and MySQL connector -->
  <!-- #################################################### -->

  <!-- Update or check out required sources from CVS for the JSTL -->
  <target name="checkout-jstl" depends="dir" 
          description="Update or check out required sources
                       from CVS for the JSTL">

    <echo message="Checking out the required JSTL sources from CVS"/>

    <cvs cvsroot="${cvsroot}" quiet="true"
         command="checkout -P ${}" 
         dest="${build}" compression="true" />

  <!-- Update or check out required sources from CVS for the MySQL connector -->
  <target name="checkout-mysql-connector" depends="dir" 
          description="Update or check out required sources
          from CVS for the MySQL connector">

    <echo message="Checking out the required sources from CVS for the MySQL connector" />

    <cvs cvsroot="${mysql.cvsroot}" quiet="true"
         command="checkout" package="${}"
         dest="${build}" compression="true" />


  <!-- Build the JSTL from source -->
  <target name="build-jstl" depends="checkout-jstl" 
          description="Build the JSTL from source">
    <echo message="Building the JSTL from source"/>

    <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${build}/${}"/>

    <copy todir="${lib}">
      <fileset dir="${build}/${}/${build}/lib">
        <include name="*.jar"/>

  <!-- Build the MySQL connector from source -->
  <target name="build-mysql-connector" depends="checkout-mysql-connector" 
          description="Build the MySQL connector from source">
    <echo message="Building the MySQL connector from source"/>

    <!-- The MySQL connector file needs this directory to exist -->
    <!-- Therefore we need to create it -->
    <mkdir dir="${build}/dist-mysql-jdbc"/>

    <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="${build}/${}"/>

    <copy tofile="${mysql.jar}">
      <fileset dir="${build}/build-mysql-jdbc">
        <include name="mysql-connector*/*.jar"/>

  <!-- ########################### -->
  <!-- The stand-alone application -->
  <!-- ########################### -->

  <!-- Compile the stand-alone application -->
  <target name="compile-stand-alone" depends="dir" 
          description="Compile stand-alone application">
    <echo message="Compiling the stand-alone application"/>
    <javac srcdir="${}" destdir="${build.stand-alone.root}"/>
    <javac srcdir="${}" 

  <target name="stand-alone-complete" 
          description="Compile stand-alone application, 
          using CVS version of the MySQL connector">
    <echo message="Compiling stand-alone application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector"/>
    <antcall target="build-mysql-connector"/>
    <antcall target="package-stand-alone"/>

  <target name="stand-alone-complete" 
          depends="build-mysql-connector, package-stand-alone" 
          description="Compile stand-alone application, 
          using CVS version of the MySQL connector">
    <echo message="Compiling stand-alone application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector"/>

  <target name="stand-alone-complete" 
          depends="build-mysql-connector, package-stand-alone" 
          description="Compile stand-alone application, 
                       using CVS version of the MySQL connector">
    <echo message="Compiling stand-alone application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector"/>

  <!-- Package the stand-alone application -->
  <target name="package-stand-alone" depends="compile-stand-alone" 
          description="Package the stand-alone application">
    <echo message="Creating the stand-alone JAR file"/>
    <copy file="${}" todir="${build.stand-alone.root}"/>
    <jar destfile="${appName.jar}" basedir="${build.stand-alone.root}"/>

  <!-- ########################### -->
  <!-- The web application         -->
  <!-- ########################### -->

  <!-- Compile the web application -->
  <target name="compile-web" depends="dir" description="Compile web application">
    <echo message="Compiling the web application"/>
    <javac destdir="${build.web.classes}">
      <src path="${}"/>
    <javac srcdir="${}" destdir="${build.web.classes}">
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
  <target name="compile-web" depends="dir" description="Compile web application">
    <echo message="Compiling the web application"/>
    <javac destdir="${build.web.root}">
      <src path="${}"/>
    <javac srcdir="${}" destdir="${build.web.root}">
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>

  <target name="web-complete" 
          description="Compile web application, 
                       using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiling web application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>
    <antcall target="build-mysql-connector"/>
    <antcall target="build-jstl"/>
    <antcall target="package-web"/>

  <target name="web-complete" 
          depends="build-mysql-connector, build-jstl, package-web" 
          description="Compile web application, 
                       using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiled web application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>

  <target name="web-complete" 
          depends="build-mysql-connector, build-jstl, package-web" 
          description="Compile web application, 
                       using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiling web application, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>

  <!-- Copy the web pages and configuration files -->
  <target name="copy-web" depends="compile-web" description="Copy the web files">
    <echo message="Copying the web pages and configuration files"/>
    <copy todir="${build.web.root}">
      <fileset dir="${src.web.pages}"/>
    <!-- Copy the tags -->
    <copy todir="${build.web.tags}">
      <fileset dir="${src.web.tags}"/>
    <copy todir="${build.web.web-inf}">
      <fileset dir="${src.web.conf}">
        <include name="*.tld"/>
    <!-- Copy the JAR files -->
    <copy todir="${build.web.lib}">
      <fileset dir="${lib}"/>
    <!-- Copy the properties file -->
    <copy file="${}" todir="${build.web.classes}"/>
    <!-- No need to copy web.xml, as the WAR task does this for us -->

  <!-- Build the WAR file -->
  <target name="package-web" depends="copy-web" description="Build the WAR">
    <echo message="Building the WAR file"/> 
    <war destfile="${appName.war}" basedir="${build.web.root}" 

  <!-- Build the WAR file in one step -->
  <target name="package-web" depends="compile-web" 
          description="Build the WAR file in one step">
    <echo message="Building the WAR file in one step"/> 
    <war destfile="${appName.war}" basedir="${src.web.pages}" 
      <lib dir="${lib}"/>
      <classes dir="${build.web.root}"/>
      <zipfileset dir="${src.web.tags}" prefix="WEB-INF/tags"/>
      <zipfileset file="${}" prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
      <zipfileset dir="${src.web.conf}" prefix="WEB-INF">
        <include name="*.tld"/>

  <!-- ######################################## -->
  <!-- Targets that work with both applications -->
  <!-- ######################################## -->

  <target name="build-both" 
          description="Compile both applications, 
                       without CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiling both applications, without CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>
    <antcall target="package-stand-alone"/>
    <antcall target="package-web"/>

  <target name="build-all" 
          description="Compile both applications, 
                       using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiling both applications, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>
    <antcall target="stand-alone-complete"/>
    <antcall target="web-complete"/>

  <target name="build-both" 
          depends="package-stand-alone, package-web" 
          description="Compile both applications, 
                       without CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiled both applications, without CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>

  <target name="build-all" 
          depends="stand-alone-complete, web-complete" 
          description="Compile both applications, 
                       using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL">
    <echo message="Compiled both applications, using CVS versions of the MySQL connector and the JSTL"/>

  <!-- ######################## -->
  <!-- Download the servlet JAR -->
  <!-- ######################## -->
  <!-- Download the servlet JAR -->
  <target name="download-servlet-jar" depends="dir" 
          description="Download the servlet JAR">
    <echo message="Downloading the servlet JAR"/>

    <get src=""

  <!-- ######################## -->
  <!-- Download the JSP JAR     -->
  <!-- ######################## -->
  <!-- Download the JSP JAR -->
  <target name="download-jsp-jar" depends="dir" 
          description="Download the JSP JAR">
    <echo message="Downloading the JSP JAR"/>

    <get src=""

  <!-- ######################################## -->
  <!-- Building the documentation bundle        -->
  <!-- ######################################## -->

  <!-- Checking that the documentation is up to date -->
  <target name="check-docs" 
          description="Check that the documentation is up to date">
    <echo message="Checking that the documentation is up to date"/>
    <condition property="docs.notRequired">
        <uptodate targetfile="${dist}/${appName}-${}.zip">
          <srcfiles dir="${src}" includes="**"/>
        <uptodate targetfile="${dist}/${appName}-${}.tar.gz">
          <srcfiles dir="${src}" includes="**"/>

  <!-- Generate Javadocs for the application -->
  <target name="javadocs" depends="dir,check-docs" 
          description="Generate Javadocs for the application" 
    <echo message="Generating Javadocs for the application"/>
    <javadoc destdir="${docs}/api" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}">
      <fileset refid="javadoc"/>
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
      <link href="${javadoc.j2se.version}/docs/api"/>  
      <link href="${javadoc.j2ee.version}/docs/api"/> 

   <!-- Generate Javadocs for the application, 
        using offline package-list files -->
  <target name="javadocs-offline" depends="dir,check-docs"
          description="Generate Javadocs for the application, 
                       using offline package-list files"
    <echo message="Generating Javadocs for the application, 
                   using offline package-list files"/>
    <javadoc destdir="${docs}/api" windowtitle="${javadoc.windowtitle}">
      <fileset refid="javadoc"/>
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
      <link href="${javadoc.j2se.version}/docs/api" 
            offline="true" packagelistLoc="${javadoc.j2se.offline}"/>  
      <link href="${javadoc.j2ee.version}/docs/api"
            offline="true" packagelistLoc="${javadoc.j2ee.offline}"/> 
      <link href="${javadoc.j2se.offline}" resolveLink="true"/>  
      <link href="${javadoc.j2ee.offline}" resolveLink="true"/> 

  <!-- Assemble the documentation -->
  <target name="docs" depends="javadocs" 
          description="Assemble the documentation" unless="docs.notRequired">
    <echo message="Assembling the documentation"/>
    <copy todir="${docs}">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="*.html"/>
    <copy todir="${docs}/stand-alone">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="*.html"/>
    <copy todir="${docs}/web">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="*.html"/>

  <!-- ######################################## -->
  <!-- Zip the distribution                     -->
  <!-- ######################################## -->

  <!-- Generate the hashes for a package -->
  <target name="generate-hashes" description="Generate the hashes for a package">
    <echo message="Generating the hashes for ${file}"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${file}" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${file}" forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

    <!-- We want a fresh file -->
    <delete failonerror="false">
      <fileset dir="." includes="**/${file}.asc"/>

    <!-- PGP creates a temporary file if it fails, 
         so we use the scratch directory -->
    <exec executable="pgp" spawn="false" vmlauncher="false">
      <arg value="+force"/>
      <arg value="+batchmode"/>
      <arg value="-s"/>
      <arg value="-b"/>
      <arg value="-o"/>
      <arg value="${build}/${file}.asc"/>
      <arg value="-z"/>
      <arg value="${pgp.password}"/>
      <arg value="${dist}/${file}"/>

    <!-- Copy the file to the distribution directory -->
    <copy file="${build}/${file}.asc" todir="${dist}" failonerror="false"/>

  <!-- Zip the documentation -->
  <target name="zip-docs" depends="docs" description="Zip the documentation">
    <echo message="Zipping the documentation"/>
    <zip destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${}.zip">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <fileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <fileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>

    <antcall target="generate-hashes">
      <param name="file" value="${appName}-${}.zip"/>

  <!-- Zip the source and documentation together -->
  <target name="zip-src" depends="zip-docs" 
          description="Zip the source and documentation together">
    <echo message="Zipping the source and documentation together"/>
    <zip destfile="${dist}/${appName}">
      <!-- Include the source code and the build files -->
      <zipfileset src="${dist}/${appName}-${}.zip"/>
      <fileset dir="${src.files.dir}">
        <patternset refid="src.files"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}" forceOverwrite="true" 

  <!-- Zip the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="zip-bin-stand-alone" depends="package-stand-alone,zip-docs" 
          description="Zip the binary stand-alone distribution 
                       with the documentation">
    <echo message="Zipping the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation"/>
    <zip destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <zipfileset src="${dist}/${appName}-${}.zip"/>
      <!-- Include the binary JAR files -->
      <zipfileset dir="${dist}" prefix="lib">
        <patternset refid="bin.jar"/>
      <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="${mysql.jar}"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Zip the binary web distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="zip-bin-web" depends="package-web,zip-docs" 
          description="Zip the binary web distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Zipping the binary web distribution with the documentation"/>
    <zip destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <zipfileset src="${dist}/${appName}-${}.zip"/>
      <!-- Include the binary WAR files -->
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <patternset refid="bin.war"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Zip the binary distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="zip-bin" depends="zip-bin-stand-alone,zip-bin-web" 
          description="Zip the binary distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Zipping the binary distribution with the documentation"/>
    <zip destfile="${dist}/${appName}" 
         duplicate="preserve" update="true">
      <zipgroupfileset dir="${dist}" includes="*.zip"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}" forceOverwrite="true" 

  <!-- Zip the binary and source distributions -->
  <target name="zip-all" depends="zip-src,zip-bin" 
          description="Zip the binary and source distributions">
    <echo message="Zipped the binary and source distributions"/>

  <!-- ######################################## -->
  <!-- Tar and gz the distribution              -->
  <!-- ######################################## -->

  <!-- Tar the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-docs" depends="docs" description="Tar the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the documentation"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${}.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${}.tar.gz" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${}.tar.gz" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Tar the source and documentation together -->
  <target name="tar-src" depends="tar-docs"
          description="Tar the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the documentation"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-src.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>
      <!-- Include the source code and the build files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${src.files.dir}">
        <patternset refid="src.files"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-src.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-src.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true" 

  <!-- Tar the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-bin-stand-alone" depends="package-stand-alone,tar-docs" 
          description="Tar the binary stand-alone distribution 
                       with the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the binary stand-alone distribution with the documentation"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}-bin.tar.gz" 
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>
      <!-- Include the binary JAR files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${dist}" prefix="lib">
        <patternset refid="bin.jar"/>
      <tarfileset dir=".">
        <include name="${mysql.jar}"/>
      </tarfileset>    </tar> 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}-bin.tar.gz" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.stand-alone}-bin.tar.gz" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Tar the binary web distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-bin-web" depends="package-web,tar-docs" 
          description="Tar the binary web distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the binary web distribution with the documentation"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>
      <!-- Include the binary WAR files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${dist}">
        <patternset refid="bin.war"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Tar the binary distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-bin" depends="tar-bin-stand-alone,tar-bin-web" 
          description="Tar the binary distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the binary distribution with the documentation"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
      <!-- Include the documentation -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.all.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.all"/>
      <!-- Include the license and the README -->
      <tarfileset dir="${docs.misc.dir}">
        <patternset refid="docs.misc"/>
      <!-- Include the source code and the build files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${src.files.dir}">
        <patternset refid="src.files"/>
      <!-- Include the binary JAR files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${dist}" prefix="lib">
        <patternset refid="bin.jar"/>
      <tarfileset dir=".">
        <include name="${mysql.jar}"/>
      <!-- Include the binary WAR files -->
      <tarfileset dir="${dist}">
        <patternset refid="bin.war"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true" 

  <!-- ################################################### -->
  <!-- Tasks that use the zip files to construct tar files -->
  <!-- ################################################### --> 

  <!-- Tar the binary web distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-bin-web-new" depends="package-web,tar-docs,zip-bin-web" 
          description="Tar the binary web distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the binary web distribution with the documentation"/>
    <unzip src="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}" dest="${tmp}/web"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
      <tarfileset dir="${tmp}/web"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-${package.web}-bin.tar.gz" 
              forceOverwrite="true" algorithm="SHA1"/>

  <!-- Tar the binary distribution with the documentation -->
  <target name="tar-bin-new" 
          description="Tar the binary distribution with the documentation">
    <echo message="Tarring the binary distribution with the documentation"/>
    <delete failonerror="false" includeemptydirs="true">
      <fileset dir="${tmp}" includes="**"/>
    <unzip src="${dist}/${appName}" dest="${tmp}"/>
    <tar destfile="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" compression="gzip">
      <tarfileset dir="${tmp}"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true"/>
    <checksum file="${dist}/${appName}-bin.tar.gz" forceOverwrite="true" 

  <!-- Tar the binary and source distributions -->
  <target name="tar-all" depends="tar-src,tar-bin" 
          description="Tar the binary and source distributions">
    <echo message="Tarred the binary and source distributions"/>

  <!-- #################### -->
  <!-- Distribution targets -->
  <!-- #################### -->

  <!-- ################### -->
  <!-- FTP targets         -->
  <!-- ################### -->

  <!-- Place the documentation on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp-docs" depends="zip-docs,tar-docs" 
          description="Place the documentation on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing the documentation on FTP"/>
    <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <include name="${appName}-${}.*"/>

  <!-- Place the documentation on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp-docs" depends="zip-docs,tar-docs" 
          description="Place the documentation on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing the documentation on FTP"/>
    <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <include name="${appName}-${}.*"/>

  <!-- Place the source code on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp-src" depends="zip-src,tar-src" 
          description="Place the source code on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing the source code on FTP"/>
    <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <include name="${appName}-src.*"/>

  <!-- Place the binaries on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp-bin" depends="zip-bin,tar-bin" 
          description="Place the binaries on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing the binaries on FTP"/>
    <ftp server="${ftp.server}"
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <include name="${appName}*bin*"/>

  <!-- Place everything on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp" description="Place everything on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing everything on FTP"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-docs"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-src"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-bin"/>

  <!-- Place everything on FTP -->
  <target name="ftp" description="Place everything on FTP">
    <echo message="Placing everything on FTP"/>
    <input message="Please enter your username." addproperty="ftp.user"/>
    <input message="Please enter your password." addproperty="ftp.password"/>
    <splash showduration="0"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-docs"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-src"/>
    <antcall target="ftp-bin"/>

  <!-- ################### -->
  <!-- Email targets       -->
  <!-- ################### -->

  <!-- E-mail the documentation -->
  <target name="email-docs" depends="zip-docs,tar-docs" 
          description="E-mailing the documentation">
    <echo message="E-mailing the documentation"/>
    <mail from="${mail.from}"
      <fileset dir="${dist}">
        <include name="${appName}-${}.*"/>

  <!-- ################################ -->
  <!-- Deploy the web application       -->
  <!-- ################################ -->

  <!-- 1. Copy the expanded web application -->
  <target name="deploy-copy-files" depends="copy-web,start-tomcat" 
          description="Deploy the application by copying it to Tomcat">
    <echo message="Copying the expanded web application to CATALINA_HOME"/>
    <property environment="env"/>
    <copy todir="${build.web.web-inf}" file="${src.web.conf}/web.xml"/>
    <copy todir="${env.CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/${appName}">
      <fileset dir="${build.web.root}"/>

  <!-- 2. Copy the WAR -->
  <target name="deploy-copy-war" depends="package-web,start-tomcat" 
          description="Deploy the WAR by copying it to Tomcat">
    <echo message="Copying the WAR to CATALINA_HOME"/>
    <property environment="env"/>
    <copy file="${appName.war}" todir="${env.CATALINA_HOME}/webapps"/>

  <!-- 3. Deploy the web application using a context XML file -->
  <target name="deploy-context" depends="copy-web,start-tomcat" 
          description="Deploy the web application using a context XML file">
    <echo message="Deploying the web application using a context XML file"/>
    <property environment="env"/>
    <copy todir="${build.web.web-inf}" file="${src.web.conf}/web.xml"/>
    <copy todir="${env.CATALINA_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost" 

  <!-- The deploy task for web applications on Tomcat -->
  <taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"/>

  <!-- 4. Deploy the WAR using the manager application -->
  <target name="deploy" depends="package-web,start-tomcat" 
          description="Hot deploy the application">
    <echo message="Deploying the WAR to Tomcat"/>
    <deploy url="${manager.url}"

  <!-- The undeploy task for web applications on Tomcat -->
  <taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"/>

  <!-- Undeploy the web application -->
  <target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the application">
    <echo message="Undeploying the WAR"/>
    <undeploy url="${manager.url}"

  <!-- #################################### -->
  <!-- Targets that set up the environment -->
  <!-- #################################### -->

  <!-- Prepare the database by creating it and inserting data -->
  <target name="database" 
          description="Prepare the database by creating it and inserting data">
    <echo message="Preparing the database by creating it and inserting data"/>

    <property file="${}"/>

    <sql driver="${}"
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
      <transaction src="${src.shared.conf}/${drop.sql}"/>
      <transaction src="${src.shared.conf}/${create.sql}"/>
      <transaction src="${src.shared.conf}/${insert.sql}"/>

  <!-- Set the argument defaults -->
  <!-- The Java execution and the script use them -->
  <target name="set-argument-defaults" depends="package-stand-alone" 
          description="Set the defaults for the command-line arguments">
    <echo message="Setting the defaults for the command-line arguments"/>

    <!-- Set a default for the first argument -->
    <condition property="arg0" value="">
        <isset property="${arg0}"/>

    <!-- Set a default for the second argument -->
    <condition property="arg1" value="">
        <isset property="${arg1}"/>

  <!-- This first target is a Java invocation -->
  <target name="run-stand-alone-java" depends="set-argument-defaults" 
          description="Run the stand-alone application">
    <echo message="Running the stand-alone application"/>

    <!-- We want to make a file for each set of results -->
    <property name="results.file" value="results.txt"/>
    <!-- The time stamp will uniquely identify the file -->

    <java classname="org.mwrm.plants.client.PlantClient">
      <arg value="${arg0}"/>
      <arg value="${arg1}"/>
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
      <redirector output="${DSTAMP}-${TSTAMP}-${results.file}"/>

  <!-- Check whether Tomcat is running -->
  <target name="check-port" description="Check whether Tomcat is running">
    <echo message="Checking whether Tomcat is running"/>
    <condition property="tomcat.running">
      <socket server="${}" port="${tomcat.port}"/> 

  <!-- Start Tomcat if it isn't running -->
  <target name="start-tomcat" depends="check-port" 
          description="Start Tomcat if it isn't running" unless="tomcat.running">
    <echo message="Starting Tomcat"/>

    <property environment="env"/>

    <exec executable="${env.CATALINA_HOME}/bin/${tomcat.executableName}" 
          spawn="true" vmlauncher="false"/>
    <sleep seconds="15"/>

    <!-- Set the executable property according to OS -->
    <condition property="executable" value="${tomcat.executableName}.bat">
      <os family="windows"/>

    <condition property="executable" value="${tomcat.executableName}.sh">
      <os family="unix"/>

    <property environment="env"/>

    <exec executable="${env.CATALINA_HOME}/bin/${executable}" spawn="true"/>

  <!-- ################################### -->
  <!-- Testing targets                     --> 
  <!-- ################################### -->

  <!-- Prepare the test directories -->
  <target name="test-init" description="Prepare the test directories">
    <echo message="Preparing the test directories"/>
    <delete dir="${test.junit.reports}"/>
    <delete dir="${}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${test.junit.reports}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${}"/>

  <!-- Prepare the test directories -->
  <target name="test-init" description="Prepare the test directories">
    <echo message="Preparing the test directories"/>
    <delete dir="${test.junit.reports}"/>
    <delete dir="${}"/>
    <delete dir="${test.checkstyle.reports}"/>
    <delete dir="${}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${test.junit.reports}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${test.checkstyle.reports}"/>
    <mkdir dir="${}"/>

  <!-- Compile the test classes -->
  <target name="compile-tests" 
          description="Compile the test classes">
    <echo message="Compiling the test classes"/>
    <javac destdir="${}"
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>

  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <test name="org.mwrm.WebTest"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="true">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <test name="org.mwrm.WebTest"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="false">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <test name="org.mwrm.WebTest"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="false">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <test todir="${}" name="org.mwrm.WebTest"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="false">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <batchtest todir="${}">
        <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit haltonfailure="true" printsummary="false">
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <batchtest todir="${}">
        <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
    <junitreport todir="${}">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
      <report format="frames" todir="${test.junit.reports}"/>
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit printsummary="false" 
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <batchtest todir="${}">
        <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
    <junitreport todir="${}">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
      <report format="frames" todir="${test.junit.reports}"/>

    <fail message="One or more tests failed.Check the reports
                   in ${basedir}/${test.junit.reports}/index.html." 
  <target name="test" depends="compile-tests" description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>
    <junit printsummary="false" 
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <test if="test.class" name="${test.class}" todir="${}"/>
      <batchtest unless="test.class" todir="${}">
        <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
    <junitreport todir="${}">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
      <report format="frames" todir="${test.junit.reports}"/>

    <fail message="One or more tests failed. Check the reports 
                   in ${basedir}/${test.junit.reports}/index.html." 

  <!-- Check whether the tests should run -->
  <target name="check-tests" depends="test-init" 
          description="Check whether the tests should run">
    <echo message="Checking whether the tests should run"/>

    <fileset id="shared-check" dir="${src.shared.root}" 

    <condition property="tests.notRequired">


        <uptodate targetfile="${appName.jar}">
          <srcfiles refid="shared-check"/>
        <uptodate targetfile="${appName.jar}">
          <srcfiles dir="${}" includes="**/*.java"/>

        <uptodate targetfile="${appName.war}">
          <srcfiles refid="shared-check"/>

        <uptodate targetfile="${appName.war}">
          <srcfiles dir="${src.web.root}" 

          <srcfiles dir="${test.src}" includes="**/*.java"/>
          <globmapper from="*.java" to="${basedir}/${}/*.class"/>

          <available file="${last.test.failed.file}"/>

          <isset property="test.class"/>


  <!-- Test the application -->
  <target name="test" depends="check-tests,compile-tests" 
          description="Test the application">
    <echo message="Testing the application"/>

    <junit printsummary="false" 
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <test name="${test.class}" todir="${}" if="test.class"/>
      <batchtest todir="${}" unless="test.class">
        <fileset dir="${}" includes="**/*Test.class"/>
    <junitreport todir="${}">
      <fileset dir="${}">
        <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>
      <report format="frames" todir="${test.junit.reports}"/>

    <echo message="The last test run failed."

    <fail message="One or more tests failed. Check the reports 
                   in ${basedir}/${test.junit.reports}/index.html." 

    <delete file="${last.test.failed.file}"/>

  <!-- Test the application -->
  <target name="test" depends="check-tests,compile-tests" 
          description="Test the application">
    <zipfileset id="jarbatch" src="${appName-test.jar}" 
                includes="**/*Test.class" />

    <junit printsummary="false" 
      <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="brief" usefile="false"/>
      <formatter type="xml"/>
      <batchtest todir="${}">
        <fileset refid="jarbatch"/>

  <!-- Check the coding conventions -->
  <target name="coding-style" depends="test-init" 
          description="Check the coding conventions">
    <echo message="Checking the coding conventions"/>
    <taskdef resource=""/>
    <checkstyle config="${checkstyle.home}/sun_checks.xml" 
      <classpath refid="build.classpath"/>
      <formatter type="xml" 
      <fileset refid="javadoc"/>
      <fileset dir="${test.src}"/>
      <fileset dir="${ant.tasks.src}"/>

    <xslt in="${}/checkstyle_report.xml" 

    <fail message="One or more Checkstyle checks failed. Check the reports in ${basedir}/${test.checkstyle.reports}" 

  <target name="clean" description="Clean up the working directories">
    <echo message="Cleaning up"/>
    <delete dir="${build}"/>


       137 k)

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