Object Int Map : Customized Map « Collections Data Structure « Java

Object Int Map

/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
 * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
 * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
 * $Id: ObjectIntMap.java,v 2004/05/09 16:57:54 vlad_r Exp $

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * MT-safety: an instance of this class is <I>not</I> safe for access from
 * multiple concurrent threads [even if access is done by a single thread at a
 * time]. The caller is expected to synchronize externally on an instance [the
 * implementation does not do internal synchronization for the sake of efficiency].
 * java.util.ConcurrentModificationException is not supported either.
 * @author (C) 2001, Vlad Roubtsov
final class ObjectIntMap
    // public: ................................................................
    // TODO: optimize key comparisons using key.hash == entry.key.hash condition

     * Equivalent to <CODE>IntObjectMap(11, 0.75F)</CODE>.
    public ObjectIntMap ()
        this (11, 0.75F);
     * Equivalent to <CODE>IntObjectMap(capacity, 0.75F)</CODE>.
    public ObjectIntMap (final int initialCapacity)
        this (initialCapacity, 0.75F);
     * Constructs an IntObjectMap with specified initial capacity and load factor.
     * @param initialCapacity initial number of hash buckets in the table [may not be negative, 0 is equivalent to 1].
     * @param loadFactor the load factor to use to determine rehashing points [must be in (0.0, 1.0] range].
    public ObjectIntMap (int initialCapacity, final float loadFactor)
        if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("negative input: initialCapacity [" + initialCapacity + "]");
        if ((loadFactor <= 0.0) || (loadFactor >= 1.0 + 1.0E-6))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("loadFactor not in (0.0, 1.0] range: " + loadFactor);
        if (initialCapacity == 0) initialCapacity = 1;
        m_loadFactor = loadFactor > 1.0 ? 1.0F : loadFactor;        
        m_sizeThreshold = (int) (initialCapacity * loadFactor);
        m_buckets = new Entry [initialCapacity];
     * Overrides Object.toString() for debug purposes.
    public String toString ()
        final StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer ();
        debugDump (s);
        return s.toString ();
     * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.
    public int size ()
        return m_size;

    public boolean contains (final Object key)
        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
        final Entry [] buckets = m_buckets;
        final int keyHash = key.hashCode ();
        final int bucketIndex = (keyHash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
        for (Entry entry = buckets [bucketIndex]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
            if ((keyHash == entry.m_key.hashCode ()) || entry.m_key.equals (key))
                return true;
        return false;
     * Returns the value that is mapped to a given 'key'. Returns
     * false if this key has never been mapped.
     * @param key mapping key [may not be null]
     * @param out holder for the found value [must be at least of size 1]
     * @return 'true' if this key was mapped to an existing value
    public boolean get (final Object key, final int [] out)
        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
        final Entry [] buckets = m_buckets;
        final int keyHash = key.hashCode ();
        final int bucketIndex = (keyHash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
        for (Entry entry = buckets [bucketIndex]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
            if ((keyHash == entry.m_key.hashCode ()) || entry.m_key.equals (key))
                out [0] = entry.m_value;
                return true;
        return false;
    public Object [] keys ()
        final Object [] result = new Object [m_size];
        int scan = 0;
        for (int b = 0; b < m_buckets.length; ++ b)
            for (Entry entry = m_buckets [b]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
                result [scan ++] = entry.m_key;
        return result;
     * Updates the table to map 'key' to 'value'. Any existing mapping is overwritten.
     * @param key mapping key [may not be null]
     * @param value mapping value.
    public void put (final Object key, final int value)
        Entry currentKeyEntry = null;
        // detect if 'key' is already in the table [in which case, set 'currentKeyEntry' to point to its entry]:
        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
        final int keyHash = key.hashCode ();
        int bucketIndex = (keyHash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % m_buckets.length;
        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
        Entry [] buckets = m_buckets;
        for (Entry entry = buckets [bucketIndex]; entry != null; entry = entry.m_next)
            if ((keyHash == entry.m_key.hashCode ()) || entry.m_key.equals (key))
                currentKeyEntry = entry;
        if (currentKeyEntry != null)
            // replace the current value:
            currentKeyEntry.m_value = value;
            // add a new entry:
            if (m_size >= m_sizeThreshold) rehash ();
            buckets = m_buckets;
            bucketIndex = (keyHash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % buckets.length;
            final Entry bucketListHead = buckets [bucketIndex];
            final Entry newEntry = new Entry (key, value, bucketListHead);
            buckets [bucketIndex] = newEntry;
            ++ m_size;
     * Updates the table to map 'key' to 'value'. Any existing mapping is overwritten.
     * @param key mapping key [may not be null]
    public void remove (final Object key)
        // index into the corresponding hash bucket:
        final int keyHash = key.hashCode ();
        final int bucketIndex = (keyHash  & 0x7FFFFFFF) % m_buckets.length;
        // traverse the singly-linked list of entries in the bucket:
        Entry [] buckets = m_buckets;
        for (Entry entry = buckets [bucketIndex], prev = entry; entry != null; )
            final Entry next = entry.m_next;
            if ((keyHash == entry.m_key.hashCode ()) || entry.m_key.equals (key))
                if (prev == entry)
                    buckets [bucketIndex] = next;
                    prev.m_next = next;
                -- m_size;     
            prev = entry;
            entry = next;

    // protected: .............................................................

    // package: ...............................................................
    void debugDump (final StringBuffer out)
        if (out != null)
            out.append (super.toString ()); out.append (EOL);
            out.append ("size = " + m_size + ", bucket table size = " + m_buckets.length + ", load factor = " + m_loadFactor + EOL);
            out.append ("size threshold = " + m_sizeThreshold + EOL);

    // private: ...............................................................

     * The structure used for chaining colliding keys.
    private static final class Entry
        Entry (final Object key, final int value, final Entry next)
            m_key = key; 
            m_value = value;
            m_next = next;
        Object m_key;     // reference to the value [never null]
        int m_value;
        Entry m_next; // singly-linked list link
    } // end of nested class

     * Re-hashes the table into a new array of buckets.
    private void rehash ()
        // TODO: it is possible to run this method twice, first time using the 2*k+1 prime sequencer for newBucketCount
        // and then with that value reduced to actually shrink capacity. As it is right now, the bucket table can
        // only grow in size
        final Entry [] buckets = m_buckets;
        final int newBucketCount = (m_buckets.length << 1) + 1;
        final Entry [] newBuckets = new Entry [newBucketCount];

        // rehash all entry chains in every bucket:
        for (int b = 0; b < buckets.length; ++ b)
            for (Entry entry = buckets [b]; entry != null; )
                final Entry next = entry.m_next; // remember next pointer because we are going to reuse this entry
                final int entryKeyHash = entry.m_key.hashCode () & 0x7FFFFFFF;
                // index into the corresponding new hash bucket:
                final int newBucketIndex = entryKeyHash % newBucketCount;
                final Entry bucketListHead = newBuckets [newBucketIndex];
                entry.m_next = bucketListHead;
                newBuckets [newBucketIndex] = entry;                                
                entry = next;

        m_sizeThreshold = (int) (newBucketCount * m_loadFactor);
        m_buckets = newBuckets;
    private final float m_loadFactor; // determines the setting of m_sizeThreshold
    private Entry [] m_buckets; // table of buckets
    private int m_size; // number of keys in the table, not cleared as of last check
    private int m_sizeThreshold; // size threshold for rehashing
    private static final String EOL = System.getProperty ("line.separator", "\n");
} // end of class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Related examples in the same category

1.Ordered Map
2.Case Insensitive Map
3.A Map collection with real-time behavior
4.Cache Map
5.Map implementation Optimized for Strings keys
6.An integer hashmap
7.An IdentityMap that uses reference-equality instead of object-equality
8.Int Object HashMap
9.Concurrent Skip List Map
10.A hash map that uses primitive ints for the key rather than objects.
11.Integer Map
12.Copy On Write Map
13.Expiring Map
14.Array Map
15.Int Object HashMap (from CERN)
16.Int HashMap from jodd.org
17.String Map
18.List Map
19.Map using Locale objects as keys
20.Map with keys iterated in insertion order
21.Most Recently Used Map
22.Multi Map
23.MultiMap is a Java version of the C++ STL class std::multimap
24.Sequenced HashMap
25.Int Int Map
26.Int Object Map
27.Identity HashMap
28.A java.util.Map interface which can only hold a single object
29.A multi valued Map
30.A simple hashmap from keys to integers
31.A memory-efficient hash map.
32.An implementation of the java.util.Map interface which can only hold a single object.
33.Utility methods for operating on memory-efficient maps.
34.CaseBlindHashMap - a HashMap extension, using Strings as key values.
35.A fixed size map implementation.
36.Int HashMap
37.IntMap provides a simple hashmap from keys to integers
38.Complex Key HashMap
39.A Map with multiple values for a key
40.A Map that accepts int or Integer keys only
41.A Map where keys are compared by object identity, rather than equals()
42.Type-safe Map, from char array to String value
43.A hashtable-based Map implementation with soft keys
44.List ordered map
45.Hash map using String values as keys mapped to primitive int values.
46.Lookup table that stores a list of strings
47.HashNMap stores multiple values by a single key value. Values can be retrieved using a direct query or by creating an enumeration over the stored elements.
48.Combines multiple values to form a single composite key. MultiKey can often be used as an alternative to nested maps.