Convert an Object to a java.sql.Time : Date Time Timestamp « Database SQL JDBC « Java

Convert an Object to a java.sql.Time

 * Copyright Javelin Software, All rights reserved.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

 * The DateUtil is used as a Utility Class for Dates.
 * @author Robin Sharp

public class DateUtil 
    public final static long SECOND_MILLIS = 1000;
    public final static long MINUTE_MILLIS = SECOND_MILLIS*60;
    public final static long HOUR_MILLIS = MINUTE_MILLIS*60;
    public final static long DAY_MILLIS = HOUR_MILLIS*24;
    public final static long YEAR_MILLIS = DAY_MILLIS*365;

    public static DateFormat OUT_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
    public static DateFormat OUT_TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss");
    public static DateFormat OUT_DATETIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yyyy H:mm:ss");
    public static DateFormat OUT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yy H:mm:ss.SSS");
    public static DateFormat IN_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yy");
    public static DateFormat IN_TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss");
    public static DateFormat IN_DATETIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yy H:mm:ss");
    public static DateFormat IN_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yy H:mm:ss.SSS");
    public static DateFormat DATE_TIME_FORMAT= new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMddkkmmss" );  

    public static Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();


     * Create a new DateTime. To the last second. This will not create any 
     * extra-millis-seconds, which may cause bugs when writing to stores such as
     * databases that round milli-seconds up and down. 
    public static java.util.Date newDateTime()
        return new java.util.Date( (System.currentTimeMillis()/SECOND_MILLIS)*SECOND_MILLIS);

     * Create a new Date. To the last day.
    public static java.sql.Date newDate()
        return new java.sql.Date( (System.currentTimeMillis()/DAY_MILLIS)*DAY_MILLIS);
     * Create a new Time, with no date component. 
    public static java.sql.Time newTime()
        return new java.sql.Time( System.currentTimeMillis()%DAY_MILLIS);
     * Create a new Timestamp. 
    public static java.sql.Timestamp newTimestamp()
        return new java.sql.Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() );
     * Get the seconds difference
    public static int secondsDiff( Date earlierDate, Date laterDate )
        if( earlierDate == null || laterDate == null ) return 0;
        return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/SECOND_MILLIS) - (earlierDate.getTime()/SECOND_MILLIS));

     * Get the minutes difference
    public static int minutesDiff( Date earlierDate, Date laterDate )
        if( earlierDate == null || laterDate == null ) return 0;
        return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/MINUTE_MILLIS) - (earlierDate.getTime()/MINUTE_MILLIS));
     * Get the hours difference
    public static int hoursDiff( Date earlierDate, Date laterDate )
        if( earlierDate == null || laterDate == null ) return 0;
        return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/HOUR_MILLIS) - (earlierDate.getTime()/HOUR_MILLIS));
     * Get the days difference
    public static int daysDiff( Date earlierDate, Date laterDate )
        if( earlierDate == null || laterDate == null ) return 0;
        return (int)((laterDate.getTime()/DAY_MILLIS) - (earlierDate.getTime()/DAY_MILLIS));

    * Roll the java.util.Time forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @period Calendar.YEAR etc
    * @param amount - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.sql.Time rollTime( java.util.Date startDate, int period, int amount )
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
        gc.add(period, amount);
        return new java.sql.Time(gc.getTime().getTime());
    * Roll the java.util.Date forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @period Calendar.YEAR etc
    * @param amount - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.util.Date rollDateTime( java.util.Date startDate, int period, int amount )
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
        gc.add(period, amount);
        return new java.util.Date(gc.getTime().getTime());
    * Roll the java.sql.Date forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @period Calendar.YEAR etc
    * @param amount - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.sql.Date rollDate( java.util.Date startDate, int period, int amount )
        GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar();
        gc.add(period, amount);
        return new java.sql.Date(gc.getTime().getTime());
    * Roll the years forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @param years - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.sql.Date rollYears( java.util.Date startDate, int years )
        return rollDate( startDate, Calendar.YEAR, years );

    * Roll the days forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @param months - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.sql.Date rollMonths( java.util.Date startDate, int months )
        return rollDate( startDate, Calendar.MONTH, months );

    * Roll the days forward or backward.
    * @param startDate - The start date
    * @param days - Negative to rollbackwards.
    public static java.sql.Date rollDays( java.util.Date startDate, int days )
        return rollDate( startDate, Calendar.DATE, days );
      * Checks the day, month and year are equal.
     public static boolean dateEquals( java.util.Date d1, java.util.Date d2 )
        if( d1 == null || d2 == null ) return false;
        return d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() &&
               d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() &&
               d1.getYear() == d2.getYear();
      * Checks the hour, minute and second are equal.
     public static boolean timeEquals( java.util.Date d1, java.util.Date d2 )
        if( d1 == null || d2 == null ) return false;
        return d1.getHours() == d2.getHours() &&
               d1.getMinutes() == d2.getMinutes() &&
               d1.getSeconds() == d2.getSeconds();

      * Checks the second, hour, month, day, month and year are equal.
     public static boolean dateTimeEquals( java.util.Date d1, java.util.Date d2 )
        if( d1 == null || d2 == null ) return false;               
        return d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() &&
               d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() &&
               d1.getYear() == d2.getYear() &&
               d1.getHours() == d2.getHours() &&
               d1.getMinutes() == d2.getMinutes() &&
               d1.getSeconds() == d2.getSeconds();
     * Convert an Object of type Classs to an Object.
    public static Object toObject( Class clazz, Object value ) throws ParseException
        if( value == null ) return null;
        if( clazz == null ) return value;
        if( java.sql.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) return toDate( value );
        if( java.sql.Time.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) return toTime( value );
        if( java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) return toTimestamp( value );
        if( java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) ) return toDateTime( value );
        return value;
     * Convert an Object to a DateTime, without an Exception
    public static java.util.Date getDateTime( Object value )
            return toDateTime( value );
        catch( ParseException pe )
            return null;
     * Convert an Object to a DateTime.
    public static java.util.Date toDateTime( Object value ) throws ParseException
        if( value == null ) return null;        
        if( value instanceof java.util.Date ) return (java.util.Date)value;
        if( value instanceof String )
            if( "".equals( (String)value ) ) return null;
            return IN_DATETIME_FORMAT.parse( (String)value );
        return IN_DATETIME_FORMAT.parse( value.toString() );
     * Convert an Object to a Date, without an Exception
    public static java.sql.Date getDate( Object value )
            return toDate( value );
        catch( ParseException pe )
            return null;

     * Convert an Object to a Date.
    public static java.sql.Date toDate( Object value ) throws ParseException
        if( value == null ) return null;        
        if( value instanceof java.sql.Date ) return (java.sql.Date)value;
        if( value instanceof String )
            if( "".equals( (String)value ) ) return null;
            return new java.sql.Date( IN_DATE_FORMAT.parse( (String)value ).getTime() );
        return new java.sql.Date( IN_DATE_FORMAT.parse( value.toString() ).getTime() );
     * Convert an Object to a Time, without an Exception
    public static java.sql.Time getTime( Object value )
            return toTime( value );
        catch( ParseException pe )
            return null;
     * Convert an Object to a Time.
    public static java.sql.Time toTime( Object value ) throws ParseException
        if( value == null ) return null;        
        if( value instanceof java.sql.Time ) return (java.sql.Time)value;
        if( value instanceof String )
            if( "".equals( (String)value ) ) return null;
            return new java.sql.Time( IN_TIME_FORMAT.parse( (String)value ).getTime() );
        return new java.sql.Time( IN_TIME_FORMAT.parse( value.toString() ).getTime() );
     * Convert an Object to a Timestamp, without an Exception
    public static java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp( Object value )
            return toTimestamp( value );
        catch( ParseException pe )
            return null;

     * Convert an Object to a Timestamp.
    public static java.sql.Timestamp toTimestamp( Object value ) throws ParseException
        if( value == null ) return null;        
        if( value instanceof java.sql.Timestamp ) return (java.sql.Timestamp)value;
        if( value instanceof String )
            if( "".equals( (String)value ) ) return null;
            return new java.sql.Timestamp( IN_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.parse( (String)value ).getTime() );
        return new java.sql.Timestamp( IN_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.parse( value.toString() ).getTime() );
     * Tells you if the date part of a datetime is in a certain time range.
    public static boolean isTimeInRange( java.sql.Time start, java.sql.Time end, java.util.Date d )
        d=new java.sql.Time(d.getHours(),d.getMinutes(),d.getSeconds());
        if (start==null || end==null)
            return false;
        if (start.before(end)&&(!(d.after(start)&&d.before(end))))
            return false;
        if (end.before(start)&&(!(d.after(end)||d.before(start))))
            return false;
        return true;

    public static  int getYear( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.YEAR );

    public static int getMonth( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.MONTH );

    public static int getDate( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.DATE );

    public static int getHour( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.HOUR );

    public static int getMinute( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.MINUTE );

    public static int getSeconds( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.SECOND );

    public static int getMillisecond( Date date )
        calendar.setTime( date );
        return calendar.get( Calendar.MILLISECOND );
     * Convert an Object to a String using Dates
    public static String toString( Object date )
        if( date == null ) return null;
        if( java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom( date.getClass() ) )
            return OUT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT.format( date );
        if( java.sql.Time.class.isAssignableFrom( date.getClass() ) )
            return OUT_TIME_FORMAT.format( date );
        if( java.sql.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( date.getClass() ) )
            return OUT_DATE_FORMAT.format( date );
        if( java.util.Date.class.isAssignableFrom( date.getClass() ) )
            return OUT_DATETIME_FORMAT.format( date );
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported type " + date.getClass() );



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10.Compare two times
11.Convert an Object to a DateTime, without an Exception
12.Convert an Object to a Timestamp, without an Exception
13.Timestamp parse
14.Parse date and time
15.convert Strings to Dates and Timestamps and vice versa.
16.Convert into java.sql.Time (or into java.util.Calendar)
17.A method to get the current date and time to use in a timestamp
18.A method to get the current date to use in a timestamp
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20.Convert String To Timestamp
21.Format Timestamp
22.Convert a timestamp (= millisecs) to a concise string
23.Get Date stamp