Print the stack trace for a SQLException to STDERR. : SQLException « Database SQL JDBC « Java

Print the stack trace for a SQLException to STDERR.


import java.sql.SQLException;

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public class Main {

   * Print the stack trace for a SQLException to STDERR.
   * @param e SQLException to print stack trace of
  public static void printStackTrace(SQLException e) {
      printStackTrace(e, new PrintWriter(System.err));

   * Print the stack trace for a SQLException to a 
   * specified PrintWriter. 
   * @param e SQLException to print stack trace of
   * @param pw PrintWriter to print to
  public static void printStackTrace(SQLException e, PrintWriter pw) {

      SQLException next = e;
      while (next != null) {
          next = next.getNextException();
          if (next != null) {
              pw.println("Next SQLException:");



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1.Get Error Code, SQL State, Message
2.Logging errors to a file
3.Handling a SQL Exception: how to retrieve the information in a SQLException.