A time-less Date class for basic date arithmetics : Day « Development Class « Java

A time-less Date class for basic date arithmetics

 * (C) 2004 - Geotechnical Software Services
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free 
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, 
 * MA  02111-1307, USA.
//package no.geosoft.cc.util;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.io.Serializable;

 * A time-less Date class for basic date arithmetics.
 * Thanks to Paul Hill @ xmission.com for valuable contribution.
 * @author  Jacob Dreyer (<a href="mailto:jacob.dreyer@geosoft.no">jacob.dreyer@geosoft.no</a>)
public class Day
  implements Comparable, Cloneable, Serializable
  protected Calendar  calendar_;

   * Initialize the internal calendar instance.
   * @param year        Year of new day.
   * @param month       Month of new day.
   * @param dayOfMonth  Day of month of new day.
  private void initialize (int year, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    calendar_ = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar_.setLenient (true);
    calendar_.setFirstDayOfWeek (Calendar.MONDAY);
    calendar_.setTimeZone (TimeZone.getTimeZone ("GMT"));
    set (year, month, dayOfMonth);

   * Create a new day.
   * The day is lenient meaning that illegal day parameters can be
   * specified and results in a recomputed day with legal month/day
   * values.
   * @param year        Year of new day.
   * @param month       Month of new day (0-11)
   * @param dayOfMonth  Day of month of new day (1-31)
  public Day (int year, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    initialize (year, month, dayOfMonth);

   * Create a new day, specifying the year and the day of year.
   * The day is lenient meaning that illegal day parameters can be
   * specified and results in a recomputed day with legal month/day
   * values.
   * @param year       Year of new day.
   * @param dayOfYear  1=January 1, etc.
  public Day (int year, int dayOfYear)
    initialize (year, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
    calendar_.set (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, dayOfYear);

   * Create a new day representing the day of creation
   * (according to the setting of the current machine).
  public Day()
    // Now (in the currenct locale of the client machine)
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

    // Prune time part
    initialize (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR),
                calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH),
                calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

   * Create a new day based on a java.util.Calendar instance.
   * NOTE: The time component from calendar will be pruned.
   * @param calendar  Calendar instance to copy.
  public Day (Calendar calendar)
    this (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR),
          calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH),
          calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

   * Create a new day based on a java.util.Date instance.
   * NOTE: The time component from date will be pruned.     
   * @param date  Date instance to copy.
  public Day (Date date)
    // Create a calendar based on given date
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.setTime (date);

    // Extract date values and use these only
    initialize (calendar.get (Calendar.YEAR),
                calendar.get (Calendar.MONTH),
                calendar.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));

   * Create a new day based on a time value.
   * Time is milliseconds since "the Epoch" (1.1.1970).
   * NOTE: The time component from time will be pruned.     
   * @param time  Milliseconds since "the Epoch".
  public Day (long time)
    this (new Date (time));

   * Create a new day as a copy of the specified day.
   * @param day  Day to clone.
  public Day (Day day)
    this (day.getYear(), day.getMonth(), day.getDayOfMonth());

   * Create a clone of this day.
   * @return  This day cloned.
  public Object clone()
    return new Day (this);

   * A more explicit front-end to the Day() constructor which return a day
   * object representing the day of creation.
   * @return  A day instance representing today.
  public static Day today()
    return new Day();

   * Return a Calendar instance representing the same day
   * as this instance. For use by secondary methods requiring
   * java.util.Calendar as input.
   * @return  Calendar equivalent representing this day.
  public Calendar getCalendar()
    return (Calendar) calendar_.clone();

   * Return a Date instance representing the same date
   * as this instance. For use by secondary methods requiring
   * java.util.Date as input.
   * @return  Date equivalent representing this day.
  public Date getDate()
    return getCalendar().getTime();

   * Compare this day to the specified day. If object is
   * not of type Day a ClassCastException is thrown.
   * @param object  Day object to compare to.
   * @return        @see Comparable#compareTo(Object)
   * @throws ClassCastException  If object is not of type Day.
  public int compareTo (Object object)
    Day day = (Day) object;
    return calendar_.getTime().compareTo (day.calendar_.getTime());


   * Return true if this day is after the specified day.
   * @param date  Day to compare to.
   * @return      True if this is after day, false otherwise.
  public boolean isAfter (Day day)
    return calendar_.after (day.calendar_);


   * Return true if this day is before the specified day.
   * @param date  Day to compare to.
   * @return      True if this is before day, false otherwise.
  public boolean isBefore (Day day)
    return calendar_.before (day.calendar_);

   * Return true if this day equals (represent the same date)
   * as the specified day.
   * @param date  Day to compare to.
   * @return      True if this equals day, false otherwise.
  public boolean equals (Day day)
    return calendar_.equals (day.calendar_);

   * Overload required as default definition of equals() has changed.
   * @return  A hash code value for this object.
  public int hashCode()
    return calendar_.hashCode();

   * Set date of this day.
   * The day is lenient meaning that illegal day parameters can be
   * specified and results in a recomputed day with legal month/day
   * values.
   * @param year        Year of this day.
   * @param month       Month of this day (0-11).
   * @param dayOfMonth  Day of month of this day (1-31).
  public void set (int year, int month, int dayOfMonth)
    setYear (year);
    setMonth (month);
    setDayOfMonth (dayOfMonth);
   * Return year of this day.
   * @return  Year of this day.
  public int getYear()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.YEAR);

   * Set year of this day.
   * @param year  New year of this day.
  public void setYear (int year)
    calendar_.set (Calendar.YEAR, year);

   * Return month of this day. The result must be compared to Calendar.JANUARY,
   * Calendar.FEBRUARY, etc.
   * @return  Month of this day.
  public int getMonth()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.MONTH);

   * Return the 1-based month number of the month of this day.
   * 1 = January, 2 = February and so on.
   * @return Month number of this month
  public int getMonthNo()
    // It is tempting to return getMonth() + 1 but this is conceptually
    // wrong, as Calendar month is an enumeration and the values are tags
    // only and can be anything.
    switch (getMonth()) {
      case Calendar.JANUARY   : return 1;
      case Calendar.FEBRUARY  : return 2;
      case Calendar.MARCH     : return 3;                
      case Calendar.APRIL     : return 4;
      case Calendar.MAY       : return 5;                
      case Calendar.JUNE      : return 6;
      case Calendar.JULY      : return 7;                
      case Calendar.AUGUST    : return 8;
      case Calendar.SEPTEMBER : return 9;                
      case Calendar.OCTOBER   : return 10;
      case Calendar.NOVEMBER  : return 11;                
      case Calendar.DECEMBER  : return 12;

    // This will never happen
    return 0;

   * Set month of this day. January = 0, February = 1, etc.
   * Illegal month values will result in a recomputation of
   * year and a resetting of month to a valid value.
   * I.e. setMonth(20), will add 1 year to day and set month
   * to 8.
   * @param month  New month of this day.
  public void setMonth (int month)
    calendar_.set (Calendar.MONTH, month);

   * Return day of month of this day.
   * NOTE: First day of month is 1 (not 0).
   * @return  Day of month of this day.
  public int getDayOfMonth()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

   * Set day of month of this date. 1=1st  2=2nd, etc.
   * Illegal day values will result in a recomputation of
   * month/year and a resetting of day to a valid value.
   * I.e. setDayOfMonth(33), will add 1 month to date and
   * set day to 5, 4, 3 or 2 depending on month/year.
   * @param dayOfMonth  New day of month of this day.
  public void setDayOfMonth (int dayOfMonth)
    calendar_.set (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);

   * Return the day number of year this day represents.
   * January 1 = 1 and so on.
   * @return day number of year.
  public int getDayOfYear()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

   * Return the day of week of this day.
   * NOTE: Must be compared to Calendar.MONDAY, TUSEDAY etc.
   * @return  Day of week of this day.
  public int getDayOfWeek()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);

   * Return the day number of week of this day, where
   * Monday=1, Tuesday=2, ... Sunday=7.
   * @return  Day number of week of this day.
  public int getDayNumberOfWeek()
    return getDayOfWeek() == Calendar.SUNDAY ?
                           7 : getDayOfWeek() - Calendar.SUNDAY;

   * Return the week number of year, this day
   * belongs to. 1st=1 and so on.
   * @return  Week number of year of this day.
  public int getWeekOfYear()
    return calendar_.get (Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);

   * Add a number of days to this day. Subtracting a number of
   * days can be done by a negative argument to addDays() or calling
   * subtractDays() explicitly.
   * @param nDays  Number of days to add.
  public void addDays (int nDays)
    calendar_.add (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, nDays);


   * Subtract a number of days from this day
   * @param nDays  Number of days to subtract.
  public void subtractDays (int nDays)
    addDays (-nDays);

   * Add a number of months to this day. The actual number of days added
   * depends on the staring day. Subtracting a number of months can be done
   * by a negative argument to addMonths() or calling subtactMonths()
   * explicitly.
   * NOTE: addMonth(n) m times will in general give a different result
   * than addMonth(m*n). Add 1 month to January 31, 2005 will give
   * February 28, 2005.
   * @param nMonths  Number of months to add.
  public void addMonths (int nMonths)
    calendar_.add (Calendar.MONTH, nMonths);

   * Subtract a number of months from this day
   * @see #addMonths(int).
   * @param nDays  Number of days to subtract.
  public void subtractMonths (int nMonths)
    addMonths (-nMonths);

   * Add a number of years to this day. The actual 
   * number of days added depends on the starting day.
   * Subtracting a number of years can be done by a negative argument to
   * addYears() or calling subtractYears explicitly.
   * @param nYears  Number of years to add.
  public void addYears (int nYears)
    calendar_.add (Calendar.YEAR, nYears);


   * Subtract a number of years from this day
   * @see #addYears(int).
   * @param nYears  Number of years to subtract.
  public void subtractYears (int nYears)
    addYears (-nYears);

   * Return the number of days in the year of this day.
   * @return  Number of days in this year.
  public int getDaysInYear()
    return calendar_.getActualMaximum (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

   * Return true if the year of this day is a leap year.
   * @return  True if this year is a leap year, false otherwise.
  public boolean isLeapYear()
    return getDaysInYear() == calendar_.getMaximum (Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);

   * Return true if the specified year is a leap year.
   * @param year  Year to check.
   * @return      True if specified year is leap year, false otherwise.
  public static boolean isLeapYear (int year)
    return (new Day (year, Calendar.JANUARY, 1)).isLeapYear();

   * Return the number of days in the month of this day.
   * @return  Number of days in this month.
  public int getDaysInMonth()
    return calendar_.getActualMaximum (Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);


   * Get default locale name of this day ("Monday", "Tuesday", etc.
   * @return  Name of day.
  public String getDayName()
    switch (getDayOfWeek()) {
      case Calendar.MONDAY    : return "Monday";
      case Calendar.TUESDAY   : return "Tuesday";        
      case Calendar.WEDNESDAY : return "Wednesday";
      case Calendar.THURSDAY  : return "Thursday";        
      case Calendar.FRIDAY    : return "Friday";
      case Calendar.SATURDAY  : return "Saturday";        
      case Calendar.SUNDAY    : return "Sunday";

    // This will never happen
    return null;
   * Return number of days between two days.
   * The method always returns a positive number of days.
   * @param date  The day to compare to.
   * @return      Number of days between this and day.
  public int daysBetween (Day day)
    long millisBetween = Math.abs (calendar_.getTime().getTime() -
    return (int) Math.round (millisBetween / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));

   * Find the n'th xxxxday of s specified month (for instance find 1st sunday
   * of May 2006; findNthOfMonth (1, Calendar.SUNDAY, Calendar.MAY, 2006);
   * Return null if the specified day doesn't exists.
   * @param n          Nth day to look for.
   * @param dayOfWeek  Day to look for (Calendar.XXXDAY).
   * @param month      Month to check (Calendar.XXX).
   * @param year       Year to check.
   * @return           Required Day (or null if non-existent)
   * @throws           ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if dyaOfWeek parameter
   *                   doesn't represent a valid day.
  public static Day getNthOfMonth (int n, int dayOfWeek, int month, int year)
    throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    // Validate the dayOfWeek argument
    if (dayOfWeek < 0 || dayOfWeek > 6)
      throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (dayOfWeek);
    Day first = new Day (year, month, 1);
    int offset = dayOfWeek - first.getDayOfWeek();
    if (offset < 0) offset = 7 + offset;
    int dayNo = (n - 1) * 7 + offset + 1;
    return dayNo > first.getDaysInMonth() ? null : new Day (year, month, dayNo);

   * Find the first of a specific day in a given month, for instance
   * first Tuesday of May:
   * getFirstOfMonth (Calendar.TUESDAY, Calendar.MAY, 2005);
   * @param dayOfWeek  Weekday to get.
   * @param month      Month of day to get.
   * @param year       Year of day to get.
   * @return           The requested day.
  public static Day getFirstOfMonth (int dayOfWeek, int month, int year)
    return Day.getNthOfMonth (1, dayOfWeek, month, year);

   * Find the last of a specific day in a given month, for instance
   * last Tuesday of May:
   * getLastOfMonth (Calendar.TUESDAY, Calendar.MAY, 2005);
   * @param dayOfWeek  Weekday to get.
   * @param month      Month of day to get.
   * @param year       Year of day to get.
   * @return           The requested day.
  public static Day getLastOfMonth (int dayOfWeek, int month, int year)
    Day day = Day.getNthOfMonth (5, dayOfWeek, month, year);
    return day != null ? day : Day.getNthOfMonth (4, dayOfWeek, month, year);


   * Return a scratch string representation of this day.
   * Used for debugging only. The format of the
   * day is dd/mm-yyyy
   * @return  A string representation of this day.
  public String toString()
    StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer();        

    if (getDayOfMonth() < 10) string.append ('0');
    string.append (getDayOfMonth());
    string.append ('/');
    if (getMonth() < 9) string.append ('0');
    string.append (getMonth()+1);
    string.append ('-');
    string.append (getYear());
    string.append (" ");
    string.append (getDayName());        

    return string.toString();

   * Testing this class.
   * @param args  Not used.
  public static void main (String[] args)
    // This proves that there are 912 days between the two major
    // terrorist attacks, not 911 as is common knowledge.
    Day september11 = new Day (2001, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 11);
    Day march11     = new Day (2004, Calendar.MARCH,     11);
    System.out.println (september11.daysBetween (march11));

    // This proves that Kennedy was president for 1037 days,
    // not 1000 as is the popular belief nor 1036 which is the
    // bluffers reply. Nerds knows when to add one...
    Day precidency   = new Day (1961, Calendar.JANUARY,  20);
    Day assasination = new Day (1963, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 22);
    System.out.println (precidency.daysBetween (assasination) + 1);

    // Niel Armstrong walked the moon on a Sunday
    Day nielOnMoon = new Day (1969, Calendar.JULY, 20);
    System.out.println (nielOnMoon.getDayNumberOfWeek());

    // Find last tuesdays for 2005
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
      Day tuesday = Day.getLastOfMonth (Calendar.TUESDAY, i, 2005);
      System.out.println (tuesday);


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