Splits apart a OS separator delimited set of paths in a string into multiple Strings. : OS « Development Class « Java

Splits apart a OS separator delimited set of paths in a string into multiple Strings.


import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

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 * Various string manipulation methods that are more efficient then chaining
 * string operations: all is done in the same buffer without creating a bunch of
 * string objects.
 * @author <a href="mailto:dev@labs.apache.org">Dungeon Project</a>
public class Main {

   * Splits apart a OS separator delimited set of paths in a string into
   * multiple Strings. File component path strings are returned within a List
   * in the order they are found in the composite path string. Optionally, a
   * file filter can be used to filter out path strings to control the
   * components returned. If the filter is null all path components are
   * returned.
   * @param paths
   *            a set of paths delimited using the OS path separator
   * @param filter
   *            a FileFilter used to filter the return set
   * @return the filter accepted path component Strings in the order
   *         encountered
  public static final List getPaths( String paths, FileFilter filter )
      int start = 0;
      int stop = -1;
      String path = null;
      ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

      // Abandon with no values if paths string is null
      if ( paths == null || paths.trim().equals( "" ) )
          return list;

      final int max = paths.length() - 1;

      // Loop spliting string using OS path separator: terminate
      // when the start index is at the end of the paths string.
      while ( start < max )
          stop = paths.indexOf( File.pathSeparatorChar, start );

          // The is no file sep between the start and the end of the string
          if ( stop == -1 )
              // If we have a trailing path remaining without ending separator
              if ( start < max )
                  // Last path is everything from start to the string's end
                  path = paths.substring( start );

                  // Protect against consecutive separators side by side
                  if ( !path.trim().equals( "" ) )
                      // If filter is null add path, if it is not null add the
                      // path only if the filter accepts the path component.
                      if ( filter == null || filter.accept( new File( path ) ) )
                          list.add( path );

              break; // Exit loop no more path components left!

          // There is a separator between start and the end if we got here!
          // start index is now at 0 or the index of last separator + 1
          // stop index is now at next separator in front of start index
          path = paths.substring( start, stop );

          // Protect against consecutive separators side by side
          if ( !path.trim().equals( "" ) )
              // If filter is null add path, if it is not null add the path
              // only if the filter accepts the path component.
              if ( filter == null || filter.accept( new File( path ) ) )
                  list.add( path );

          // Advance start index past separator to start of next path comp
          start = stop + 1;

      return list;



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