Statistics Functions : Statistics « Development Class « Java

Statistics Functions

/* Copyright (C) 2002 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
   This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
   This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
   version 1.0, as published by  For further
   information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */

 @author Andrew McCallum <a href=""></a>

//package cc.mallet.util;

public final class StatFunctions {
  public static double cov(Univariate x, Univariate y) {
    double sumxy = 0;
    int i, n = (x.size() >= y.size() ? x.size() : y.size());
    try {
      for (i = 0; i < x.size(); i++)
        sumxy += (x.elementAt(i) - x.mean())
            * (y.elementAt(i) - y.mean());
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      System.out.println("size of x != size of y");
    return (sumxy / (n - 1));

  public static double corr(Univariate x, Univariate y) {
    double cov = cov(x, y);
    return (cov / (x.stdev() * y.stdev()));

  public static double[] ols(Univariate x, Univariate y) {
    double[] coef = new double[2];
    int i, n = (x.size() <= y.size() ? x.size() : y.size());
    double sxy = 0.0, sxx = 0.0;
    double xbar = x.mean(), ybar = y.mean(), xi, yi;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      xi = x.elementAt(i);
      yi = y.elementAt(i);
      sxy += (xi - xbar) * (yi - ybar);
      sxx += (xi - xbar) * (xi - xbar);
    coef[0] = sxy / sxx;
    coef[1] = ybar - coef[0] * xbar;
    return (coef);

  public static double qnorm(double p, boolean upper) {
     * Reference: J. D. Beasley and S. G. Springer Algorithm AS 111:
     * "The Percentage Points of the Normal Distribution" Applied Statistics
    if (p < 0 || p > 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument " + p
          + " for qnorm(p).");
    double split = 0.42, a0 = 2.50662823884, a1 = -18.61500062529, a2 = 41.39119773534, a3 = -25.44106049637, b1 = -8.47351093090, b2 = 23.08336743743, b3 = -21.06224101826, b4 = 3.13082909833, c0 = -2.78718931138, c1 = -2.29796479134, c2 = 4.85014127135, c3 = 2.32121276858, d1 = 3.54388924762, d2 = 1.63706781897, q = p - 0.5;
    double r, ppnd;
    if (Math.abs(q) <= split) {
      r = q * q;
      ppnd = q * (((a3 * r + a2) * r + a1) * r + a0)
          / ((((b4 * r + b3) * r + b2) * r + b1) * r + 1);
    } else {
      r = p;
      if (q > 0)
        r = 1 - p;
      if (r > 0) {
        r = Math.sqrt(-Math.log(r));
        ppnd = (((c3 * r + c2) * r + c1) * r + c0)
            / ((d2 * r + d1) * r + 1);
        if (q < 0)
          ppnd = -ppnd;
      } else {
        ppnd = 0;
    if (upper)
      ppnd = 1 - ppnd;
    return (ppnd);

  public static double qnorm(double p, boolean upper, double mu, double sigma2) {
    return (qnorm(p, upper) * Math.sqrt(sigma2) + mu);

  public static double pnorm(double z, boolean upper) {
     * Reference: I. D. Hill Algorithm AS 66: "The Normal Integral" Applied
     * Statistics
    double ltone = 7.0, utzero = 18.66, con = 1.28, a1 = 0.398942280444, a2 = 0.399903438504, a3 = 5.75885480458, a4 = 29.8213557808, a5 = 2.62433121679, a6 = 48.6959930692, a7 = 5.92885724438, b1 = 0.398942280385, b2 = 3.8052e-8, b3 = 1.00000615302, b4 = 3.98064794e-4, b5 = 1.986153813664, b6 = 0.151679116635, b7 = 5.29330324926, b8 = 4.8385912808, b9 = 15.1508972451, b10 = 0.742380924027, b11 = 30.789933034, b12 = 3.99019417011;
    double y, alnorm;

    if (z < 0) {
      upper = !upper;
      z = -z;
    if (z <= ltone || upper && z <= utzero) {
      y = 0.5 * z * z;
      if (z > con) {
        alnorm = b1
            * Math.exp(-y)
            / (z - b2 + b3
                / (z + b4 + b5
                    / (z - b6 + b7
                        / (z + b8 - b9
                            / (z + b10 + b11
                                / (z + b12))))));
      } else {
        alnorm = 0.5
            - z
            * (a1 - a2 * y
                / (y + a3 - a4 / (y + a5 + a6 / (y + a7))));
    } else {
      alnorm = 0;
    if (!upper)
      alnorm = 1 - alnorm;
    return (alnorm);

  public static double pnorm(double x, boolean upper, double mu, double sigma2) {
    return (pnorm((x - mu) / Math.sqrt(sigma2), upper));

  public static double qt(double p, double ndf, boolean lower_tail) {
    // Algorithm 396: Student's t-quantiles by
    // G.W. Hill CACM 13(10), 619-620, October 1970
    if (p <= 0 || p >= 1 || ndf < 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Invalid p or df in call to qt(double,double,boolean).");
    double eps = 1e-12;
    double M_PI_2 = 1.570796326794896619231321691640; // pi/2
    boolean neg;
    double P, q, prob, a, b, c, d, y, x;
    if ((lower_tail && p > 0.5) || (!lower_tail && p < 0.5)) {
      neg = false;
      P = 2 * (lower_tail ? (1 - p) : p);
    } else {
      neg = true;
      P = 2 * (lower_tail ? p : (1 - p));

    if (Math.abs(ndf - 2) < eps) { /* df ~= 2 */
      q = Math.sqrt(2 / (P * (2 - P)) - 2);
    } else if (ndf < 1 + eps) { /* df ~= 1 */
      prob = P * M_PI_2;
      q = Math.cos(prob) / Math.sin(prob);
    } else { /*-- usual case;  including, e.g.,  df = 1.1 */
      a = 1 / (ndf - 0.5);
      b = 48 / (a * a);
      c = ((20700 * a / b - 98) * a - 16) * a + 96.36;
      d = ((94.5 / (b + c) - 3) / b + 1) * Math.sqrt(a * M_PI_2) * ndf;
      y = Math.pow(d * P, 2 / ndf);
      if (y > 0.05 + a) {
        /* Asymptotic inverse expansion about normal */
        x = qnorm(0.5 * P, false);
        y = x * x;
        if (ndf < 5)
          c += 0.3 * (ndf - 4.5) * (x + 0.6);
        c = (((0.05 * d * x - 5) * x - 7) * x - 2) * x + b + c;
        y = (((((0.4 * y + 6.3) * y + 36) * y + 94.5) / c - y - 3) / b + 1)
            * x;
        y = a * y * y;
        if (y > 0.002)/* FIXME: This cutoff is machine-precision dependent */
          y = Math.exp(y) - 1;
        else { /* Taylor of e^y -1 : */
          y = (0.5 * y + 1) * y;
      } else {
        y = ((1 / (((ndf + 6) / (ndf * y) - 0.089 * d - 0.822)
            * (ndf + 2) * 3) + 0.5 / (ndf + 4))
            * y - 1)
            * (ndf + 1) / (ndf + 2) + 1 / y;
      q = Math.sqrt(ndf * y);
    if (neg)
      q = -q;
    return q;

  public static double pt(double t, double df) {
    // ALGORITHM AS 3 APPL. STATIST. (1968) VOL.17, P.189
    // Computes P(T<t)
    double a, b, idf, im2, ioe, s, c, ks, fk, k;
    double g1 = 0.3183098862;// =1/pi;
    if (df < 1)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Illegal argument df for pt(t,df).");
    idf = df;
    a = t / Math.sqrt(idf);
    b = idf / (idf + t * t);
    im2 = df - 2;
    ioe = idf % 2;
    s = 1;
    c = 1;
    idf = 1;
    ks = 2 + ioe;
    fk = ks;
    if (im2 >= 2) {
      for (k = ks; k <= im2; k += 2) {
        c = c * b * (fk - 1) / fk;
        s += c;
        if (s != idf) {
          idf = s;
          fk += 2;
    if (ioe != 1)
      return 0.5 + 0.5 * a * Math.sqrt(b) * s;
    if (df == 1)
      s = 0;
    return 0.5 + (a * b * s + Math.atan(a)) * g1;

  public double pchisq(double q, double df) {
    // Posten, H. (1989) American Statistician 43 p. 261-265
    double df2 = df * .5;
    double q2 = q * .5;
    int n = 5, k;
    double tk, CFL, CFU, prob;
    if (q <= 0 || df <= 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument " + q + " or "
          + df + " for qnorm(p).");
    if (q < df) {
      tk = q2 * (1 - n - df2)
          / (df2 + 2 * n - 1 + n * q2 / (df2 + 2 * n));
      for (k = n - 1; k > 1; k--)
        tk = q2 * (1 - k - df2)
            / (df2 + 2 * k - 1 + k * q2 / (df2 + 2 * k + tk));
      CFL = 1 - q2 / (df2 + 1 + q2 / (df2 + 2 + tk));
      prob = Math.exp(df2 * Math.log(q2) - q2 - logGamma(df2 + 1)
          - Math.log(CFL));
    } else {
      tk = (n - df2) / (q2 + n);
      for (k = n - 1; k > 1; k--)
        tk = (k - df2) / (q2 + k / (1 + tk));
      CFU = 1 + (1 - df2) / (q2 + 1 / (1 + tk));
      prob = 1 - Math.exp((df2 - 1) * Math.log(q2) - q2 - logGamma(df2)
          - Math.log(CFU));
    return prob;


  public static double logBeta(double a, double b) {
    return logGamma(a) + logGamma(b) - logGamma(a + b);

  public static double betainv(double x, double p, double q) {
    // Computes P(Beta>x)
    double beta = logBeta(p, q), acu = 1E-14;
    double cx, psq, pp, qq, x2, term, ai, betain, ns, rx, temp;
    boolean indx;
    if (p <= 0 || q <= 0)
      return (-1.0);
    if (x <= 0 || x >= 1)
      return (-1.0);
    psq = p + q;
    cx = 1 - x;
    if (p < psq * x) {
      x2 = cx;
      cx = x;
      pp = q;
      qq = p;
      indx = true;
    } else {
      x2 = x;
      pp = p;
      qq = q;
      indx = false;
    term = 1;
    ai = 1;
    betain = 1;
    ns = qq + cx * psq;
    rx = x2 / cx;
    temp = qq - ai;
    if (ns == 0)
      rx = x2;
    while (temp > acu && temp > acu * betain) {
      term = term * temp * rx / (pp + ai);
      betain = betain + term;
      temp = Math.abs(term);
      if (temp > acu && temp > acu * betain) {
        if (ns >= 0) {
          temp = qq - ai;
          if (ns == 0)
            rx = x2;
        } else {
          temp = psq;
          psq += 1;
    betain *= Math.exp(pp * Math.log(x2) + (qq - 1) * Math.log(cx) - beta)
        / pp;
    if (indx)
      betain = 1 - betain;
    return (betain);

  public static double pf(double x, double df1, double df2) {
    // Computes P(F>x)
    return (betainv(df1 * x / (df1 * x + df2), 0.5 * df1, 0.5 * df2));

  // From libbow, dirichlet.c
  // Written by Tom Minka <>
  public static final double logGamma(double x) {
    double result, y, xnum, xden;
    int i;
    final double d1 = -5.772156649015328605195174e-1;
    final double p1[] = { 4.945235359296727046734888e0,
        2.018112620856775083915565e2, 2.290838373831346393026739e3,
        1.131967205903380828685045e4, 2.855724635671635335736389e4,
        3.848496228443793359990269e4, 2.637748787624195437963534e4,
        7.225813979700288197698961e3 };
    final double q1[] = { 6.748212550303777196073036e1,
        1.113332393857199323513008e3, 7.738757056935398733233834e3,
        2.763987074403340708898585e4, 5.499310206226157329794414e4,
        6.161122180066002127833352e4, 3.635127591501940507276287e4,
        8.785536302431013170870835e3 };
    final double d2 = 4.227843350984671393993777e-1;
    final double p2[] = { 4.974607845568932035012064e0,
        5.424138599891070494101986e2, 1.550693864978364947665077e4,
        1.847932904445632425417223e5, 1.088204769468828767498470e6,
        3.338152967987029735917223e6, 5.106661678927352456275255e6,
        3.074109054850539556250927e6 };
    final double q2[] = { 1.830328399370592604055942e2,
        7.765049321445005871323047e3, 1.331903827966074194402448e5,
        1.136705821321969608938755e6, 5.267964117437946917577538e6,
        1.346701454311101692290052e7, 1.782736530353274213975932e7,
        9.533095591844353613395747e6 };
    final double d4 = 1.791759469228055000094023e0;
    final double p4[] = { 1.474502166059939948905062e4,
        2.426813369486704502836312e6, 1.214755574045093227939592e8,
        2.663432449630976949898078e9, 2.940378956634553899906876e10,
        1.702665737765398868392998e11, 4.926125793377430887588120e11,
        5.606251856223951465078242e11 };
    final double q4[] = { 2.690530175870899333379843e3,
        6.393885654300092398984238e5, 4.135599930241388052042842e7,
        1.120872109616147941376570e9, 1.488613728678813811542398e10,
        1.016803586272438228077304e11, 3.417476345507377132798597e11,
        4.463158187419713286462081e11 };
    final double c[] = { -1.910444077728e-03, 8.4171387781295e-04,
        -5.952379913043012e-04, 7.93650793500350248e-04,
        -2.777777777777681622553e-03, 8.333333333333333331554247e-02,
        5.7083835261e-03 };
    final double a = 0.6796875;

    if ((x <= 0.5) || ((x > a) && (x <= 1.5))) {
      if (x <= 0.5) {
        result = -Math.log(x);
        /* Test whether X < machine epsilon. */
        if (x + 1 == 1) {
          return result;
      } else {
        result = 0;
        x = (x - 0.5) - 0.5;
      xnum = 0;
      xden = 1;
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        xnum = xnum * x + p1[i];
        xden = xden * x + q1[i];
      result += x * (d1 + x * (xnum / xden));
    } else if ((x <= a) || ((x > 1.5) && (x <= 4))) {
      if (x <= a) {
        result = -Math.log(x);
        x = (x - 0.5) - 0.5;
      } else {
        result = 0;
        x -= 2;
      xnum = 0;
      xden = 1;
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        xnum = xnum * x + p2[i];
        xden = xden * x + q2[i];
      result += x * (d2 + x * (xnum / xden));
    } else if (x <= 12) {
      x -= 4;
      xnum = 0;
      xden = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        xnum = xnum * x + p4[i];
        xden = xden * x + q4[i];
      result = d4 + x * (xnum / xden);
    /* X > 12 */
    else {
      y = Math.log(x);
      result = x * (y - 1) - y * 0.5 + .9189385332046727417803297;
      x = 1 / x;
      y = x * x;
      xnum = c[6];
      for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        xnum = xnum * y + c[i];
      xnum *= x;
      result += xnum;
    return result;


 * * @(#) * * DAMAGE (c) 2000 by Sundar Dorai-Raj * @author
 * Sundar Dorai-Raj * Email: * This program is free software;
 * you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 * 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version, * provided that
 * any use properly credits the author. * This program is distributed in the
 * hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
 * See the * GNU General Public License for more details at *
 * *

class Univariate {
  private double[] x, sortx;
  private double[] summary = new double[6];
  private boolean isSorted = false;
  public double[] five = new double[5];
  private int n;
  private double mean, variance, stdev;
  private double median, min, Q1, Q3, max;

  public Univariate(double[] data) {
    x = (double[]) data.clone();
    n = x.length;

  private void createSummaryStats() {
    int i;
    mean = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      mean += x[i];
    mean /= n;
    variance = variance();
    stdev = stdev();

    double sumxx = 0;
    variance = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      sumxx += x[i] * x[i];
    if (n > 1)
      variance = (sumxx - n * mean * mean) / (n - 1);
    stdev = Math.sqrt(variance);

  public double[] summary() {
    summary[0] = n;
    summary[1] = mean;
    summary[2] = variance;
    summary[3] = stdev;
    summary[4] = Math.sqrt(variance / n);
    summary[5] = mean / summary[4];
    return (summary);

  public double mean() {
    return (mean);

  public double variance() {
    return (variance);

  public double stdev() {
    return (stdev);

  public double SE() {
    return (Math.sqrt(variance / n));

  public double max() {
    if (!isSorted)
      sortx = sort();
    return (sortx[n - 1]);

  public double min() {
    if (!isSorted)
      sortx = sort();
    return (sortx[0]);

  public double median() {
    return (quant(0.50));

  public double quant(double q) {
    if (!isSorted)
      sortx = sort();
    if (q > 1 || q < 0)
      return (0);
    else {
      double index = (n + 1) * q;
      if (index - (int) index == 0)
        return sortx[(int) index - 1];
        return q * sortx[(int) Math.floor(index) - 1] + (1 - q)
            * sortx[(int) Math.ceil(index) - 1];

  public double[] sort() {
    sortx = (double[]) x.clone();
    int incr = (int) (n * .5);
    while (incr >= 1) {
      for (int i = incr; i < n; i++) {
        double temp = sortx[i];
        int j = i;
        while (j >= incr && temp < sortx[j - incr]) {
          sortx[j] = sortx[j - incr];
          j -= incr;
        sortx[j] = temp;
      incr /= 2;
    isSorted = true;
    return (sortx);

  public double[] getData() {
    return (x);

  public int size() {
    return (n);

  public double elementAt(int index) {
    double element = 0;
    try {
      element = x[index];
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      System.out.println("Index " + index + " does not exist in data.");
    return (element);

  public double[] subset(int[] indices) {
    int k = indices.length, i = 0;
    double elements[] = new double[k];
    try {
      for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
        elements[i] = x[k];
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      System.out.println("Index " + i + " does not exist in data.");
    return (elements);

  public int compare(double t) {
    int index = n - 1;
    int i;
    boolean found = false;
    for (i = 0; i < n && !found; i++)
      if (sortx[i] > t) {
        index = i;
        found = true;
    return (index);

  public int[] between(double t1, double t2) {
    int[] indices = new int[2];
    indices[0] = compare(t1);
    indices[1] = compare(t2);
    return (indices);

  public int indexOf(double element) {
    int index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      if (Math.abs(x[i] - element) < 1e-6)
        index = i;
    return (index);


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