Utilities relating to the version of Java in use at runtime : System « Development Class « Java

Utilities relating to the version of Java in use at runtime

Copyright (c) 2005 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved.
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * Utilities relating to the version of Java in use at runtime.
 * @version $Revision: 1.8 $
public class JavaUtils
    private static boolean versionInitialised=false;
    private static int majorVersion=1;
    private static int minorVersion=0;
    private static int isJRE14=-1;
    private static int isJRE15=-1;
    private static int isJRE16=-1;

     * Accessor for whether the JRE is 1.4 (or above). 
     * Checks for the presence of a known 1.4 class.
     * @return Whether the JRE is 1.4 or above
    public static boolean isJRE1_4OrAbove()
        if (isJRE14 == -1)
                isJRE14 = 1;
            catch (Exception e)
                isJRE14 = 0;
        return isJRE14 == 1;

     * Accessor for whether the JRE is 1.5 (or above).
     * Checks for the presence of a known 1.5 class.
     * @return Whether the JRE is 1.5 or above
    public static boolean isJRE1_5OrAbove()
        if (isJRE15 == -1)
                isJRE15 = 1;
            catch (Exception e)
                isJRE15 = 0;
        return isJRE15 == 1;

     * Accessor for whether the JRE is 1.6 (or above).
     * Checks for the presence of a known 1.6 class.
     * @return Whether the JRE is 1.6 or above
    public static boolean isJRE1_6OrAbove()
        if (isJRE16 == -1)
                isJRE16 = 1;
            catch (Exception e)
                isJRE16 = 0;
        return isJRE16 == 1;

     * Accessor for the major version number of the JRE.
     * @return The major version number of the JRE
    public static int getJREMajorVersion()
        if (!versionInitialised)
        return majorVersion;

     * Accessor for the minor version number of the JRE.
     * @return The minor version number of the JRE
    public static int getJREMinorVersion()
        if (!versionInitialised)
        return minorVersion;

     * Utility to initialise the values of the JRE major/minor version.
     * Assumes the "java.version" string is in the form "XX.YY.ZZ".
     * Works for SUN JRE's.
    private static void initialiseJREVersion()
        String version = System.getProperty("java.version");
        // Assume that the version string is of the form XX.YY.ZZ (works for SUN JREs)
        StringTokenizer tokeniser = new StringTokenizer(version, ".");
        String token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            Integer ver = new Integer(token);
            majorVersion = ver.intValue();
            token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            ver = new Integer(token);
            minorVersion = ver.intValue();
        catch (Exception e)
            // Do nothing
        versionInitialised = true;
     * Check if the current version is greater or equals than the argument version.
     * @param version the version
     * @return true if the runtime version is greater equals than the argument
    public static boolean isGreaterEqualsThan(String version)
        boolean greaterEquals = false;
        StringTokenizer tokeniser = new StringTokenizer(version, ".");
        String token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            Integer ver = new Integer(token);
            int majorVersion = ver.intValue();

            token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            ver = new Integer(token);
            int minorVersion = ver.intValue();
            if (getJREMajorVersion() >= majorVersion && getJREMinorVersion() >= minorVersion)
                greaterEquals = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            // Do nothing

        return greaterEquals;

     * Check if the current version is equals than the argument version.
     * @param version the version
     * @return true if the runtime version is equals than the argument
    public static boolean isEqualsThan(String version)
        boolean equals = false;
        StringTokenizer tokeniser = new StringTokenizer(version, ".");
        String token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            Integer ver = new Integer(token);
            int majorVersion = ver.intValue();

            token = tokeniser.nextToken();
            ver = new Integer(token);
            int minorVersion = ver.intValue();
            if (getJREMajorVersion() == majorVersion && getJREMinorVersion() == minorVersion)
                equals = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            // Do nothing

        return equals;


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