Copy any input stream to output file : Copy « File Input Output « Java

Copy any input stream to output file


 * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2007 OpenSubsystems s.r.o. Slovak Republic. All rights reserved.
 * Project: OpenSubsystems
 * $Id:,v 1.12 2007/02/01 07:18:32 bastafidli Exp $
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. 
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * Collection of methods to make work with files easier.
 * @version $Id:,v 1.12 2007/02/01 07:18:32 bastafidli Exp $
 * @author Miro Halas
 * @code.reviewer Miro Halas
 * @code.reviewed 1.7 2006/05/21 03:45:37 bastafidli
public class FileUtils
   // Configuration settings ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
    * Default 10 digit file storage distribution array. This means that if I 
    * want to name file as 10 digit number e.g. number 123 as 0000000123 or 
    * number 123456789 as 01234567890. Then the path constructed from number 
    * 1234567890 using distribution 2/2/2/4 would be 12/34/56/0123456789 
   public static final int[] DEFAULT_STRORAGE_TREE_DISTRIBUTION = {2, 2, 2, 4};
    * How big buffer to use to process files.
   public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;
   // Cached values ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    * Temporary directory to use. It is guarantee that it ends with \ (or /)
   protected static String s_strTempDirectory;
   // Constructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    * Move file to a new location. If the destination is on different volume,
    * this file will be copied and then original file will be deleted.
    * If the destination already exists, this method renames it with different
    * name and leaves it in that directory and moves the new file along side 
    * the renamed one.
    * @param flCurrent - file to move
    * @param flDestination - destination file
    * @throws IOException - error message
    * @throws OSSException - error message
   public static void moveFile(
      File flCurrent, 
      File flDestination
   ) throws IOException
      // Make sure that the source exist, it might be already moved from 
      // a directory and we just don't know about it
      if (flCurrent.exists())
         // Next check if the destination file exists
         if (flDestination.exists())
            // If the destination exists, that means something went wrong
            // Rename the destination file under temporaty name and try to  
            // move the new file instead of it
            renameToTemporaryName(flDestination, "old");
         // Make sure the directory exists and if not create it
         File flFolder;
         flFolder = flDestination.getParentFile();
         if ((flFolder != null) && (!flFolder.exists()))
            if (!flFolder.mkdirs())
               // Do not throw the exception if the directory already exists
               // because it was created meanwhile for example by a different 
               // thread
               if (!flFolder.exists())
                  throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + flFolder);
         // Now everything should exist so try to rename the file first
         // After testing, this renames files even between volumes C to H 
         // so we don't have to do anything else on Windows but we still
         // have to handle erro on Unix 
         if (!flCurrent.renameTo(flDestination))
            // Try to copy and delete since the rename doesn't work on Solaris
            // between file systems
            copyFile(flCurrent, flDestination);
            // Now delete the file
            if (!flCurrent.delete())
               // Delete the destination file first since we haven't really moved
               // the file
               throw new IOException("Cannot delete already copied file " + flCurrent);
    * Copy the current file to the destination file.
    * @param flCurrent - source file
    * @param flDestination - destination file
    * @throws IOException - error message
    * @throws OSSException - error message
   public static void copyFile(
      File flCurrent,
      File flDestination
   ) throws IOException
     // Make sure the directory exists and if not create it
     File flFolder;
     flFolder = flDestination.getParentFile();
     if ((flFolder != null) && (!flFolder.exists()))
        if (!flFolder.mkdirs())
           // Do not throw the exception if the directory already exists
           // because it was created meanwhile for example by a different 
           // thread
           if (!flFolder.exists())
              throw new IOException("Cannot create directory " + flFolder);

      // FileChannel srcChannel = null;
      // FileChannel dstChannel = null;
      FileInputStream finInput = null;
      //MHALAS: This code is not working reliably on Solaris 8 with 1.4.1_01
      // Getting exceptions from native code
      // Create channel on the source
      srcChannel = new FileInputStream(flCurrent).getChannel();
      // Create channel on the destination
      dstChannel = new FileOutputStream(flDestination).getChannel();
      // Copy file contents from source to destination
      dstChannel.transferFrom(srcChannel, 0, srcChannel.size());   
      Don't forget to close the channels if you enable this code again
         finInput = new FileInputStream(flCurrent);
      catch (IOException ioExec)
         if (finInput != null)
            catch (Throwable thr)
         throw ioExec;

      FileUtils.copyStreamToFile(finInput, flDestination);
    * Rename the file to temporaty name with given prefix
    * @param flFileToRename - file to rename
    * @param strPrefix - prefix to use
    * @throws IOException - error message
   public static void renameToTemporaryName(
      File   flFileToRename,
      String strPrefix
   ) throws IOException
      assert strPrefix != null : "Prefix cannot be null.";
      String       strParent;
      StringBuffer sbBuffer = new StringBuffer();
      File         flTemp;
      int          iIndex = 0;
      strParent = flFileToRename.getParent();

      // Generate new name for the file in a deterministic way
         sbBuffer.delete(0, sbBuffer.length());
         if (strParent != null) 
         flTemp = new File(sbBuffer.toString());
      while (flTemp.exists());
      // Now we should have unique name
      if (!flFileToRename.renameTo(flTemp))
         throw new IOException("Cannot rename " + flFileToRename.getAbsolutePath()
                               + " to " + flTemp.getAbsolutePath());

    * Delete all files and directories in directory but do not delete the
    * directory itself.
    * @param strDir - string that specifies directory to delete
    * @return boolean - sucess flag
   public static boolean deleteDirectoryContent(
      String strDir
      return ((strDir != null) && (strDir.length() > 0)) 
              ? deleteDirectoryContent(new File(strDir)) : false;

    * Delete all files and directories in directory but do not delete the
    * directory itself.
    * @param fDir - directory to delete
    * @return boolean - sucess flag
   public static boolean deleteDirectoryContent(
      File fDir
      boolean bRetval = false;

      if (fDir != null && fDir.isDirectory()) 
         File[] files = fDir.listFiles();
         if (files != null)
            bRetval = true;
            boolean dirDeleted;
            for (int index = 0; index < files.length; index++)
               if (files[index].isDirectory())
                  // TODO: Performance: Implement this as a queue where you add to
                  // the end and take from the beginning, it will be more efficient
                  // than the recursion
                  dirDeleted = deleteDirectoryContent(files[index]);
                  if (dirDeleted)
                     bRetval = bRetval && files[index].delete();
                     bRetval = false;
                  bRetval = bRetval && files[index].delete();

      return bRetval;

    * Deletes all files and subdirectories under the specified directory including 
    * the specified directory
    * @param strDir - string that specifies directory to be deleted
    * @return boolean - true if directory was successfully deleted
   public static boolean deleteDir(
      String strDir
      return ((strDir != null) && (strDir.length() > 0)) 
                ? deleteDir(new File(strDir)) : false;
    * Deletes all files and subdirectories under the specified directory including 
    * the specified directory
    * @param fDir - directory to be deleted
    * @return boolean - true if directory was successfully deleted
   public static boolean deleteDir(
      File fDir
      boolean bRetval = false;
      if (fDir != null && fDir.exists())
         bRetval = deleteDirectoryContent(fDir);
         if (bRetval)
            bRetval = bRetval && fDir.delete();         
      return bRetval;
    * Compare binary files. Both files must be files (not directories) and exist.
    * @param first  - first file
    * @param second - second file
    * @return boolean - true if files are binery equal
    * @throws IOException - error in function
   public boolean isFileBinaryEqual(
      File first,
      File second
   ) throws IOException
      // TODO: Test: Missing test
      boolean retval = false;
      if ((first.exists()) && (second.exists()) 
         && (first.isFile()) && (second.isFile()))
         if (first.getCanonicalPath().equals(second.getCanonicalPath()))
            retval = true;
            FileInputStream firstInput = null;
            FileInputStream secondInput = null;
            BufferedInputStream bufFirstInput = null;
            BufferedInputStream bufSecondInput = null;

               firstInput = new FileInputStream(first); 
               secondInput = new FileInputStream(second);
               bufFirstInput = new BufferedInputStream(firstInput, BUFFER_SIZE); 
               bufSecondInput = new BufferedInputStream(secondInput, BUFFER_SIZE);
               int firstByte;
               int secondByte;
               while (true)
                  firstByte =;
                  secondByte =;
                  if (firstByte != secondByte)
                  if ((firstByte < 0) && (secondByte < 0))
                     retval = true;
                  if (bufFirstInput != null)
                  if (bufSecondInput != null)
      return retval;

    * Get path which represents temporary directory. It is guarantee that it 
    * ends with \ (or /).
    * @return String
   public static String getTemporaryDirectory(
      return s_strTempDirectory;

    * Copy any input stream to output file. Once the data will be copied
    * the stream will be closed.
    * @param input  - InputStream to copy from
    * @param output - File to copy to
    * @throws IOException - error in function
    * @throws OSSMultiException - double error in function
   public static void copyStreamToFile(
      InputStream input,
      File        output
   ) throws IOException
      FileOutputStream foutOutput = null;

      // open input file as stream safe - it can throw some IOException
         foutOutput = new FileOutputStream(output);
      catch (IOException ioExec)
         if (foutOutput != null)
            catch (IOException ioExec2)
         throw ioExec;

      // all streams including os are closed in copyStreamToStream function 
      // in any case
      copyStreamToStream(input, foutOutput);

    * Copy any input stream to output stream. Once the data will be copied
    * both streams will be closed.
    * @param input  - InputStream to copy from
    * @param output - OutputStream to copy to
    * @throws IOException - io error in function
    * @throws OSSMultiException - double error in function
   public static void copyStreamToStream(
      InputStream input,
      OutputStream output
   ) throws IOException
      InputStream is = null;
      OutputStream os = null;
      int                 ch;

         if (input instanceof BufferedInputStream)
            is = input;
            is = new BufferedInputStream(input);
         if (output instanceof BufferedOutputStream)
            os = output;
            os = new BufferedOutputStream(output);
         while ((ch = != -1)
         IOException exec1 = null;
         IOException exec2 = null;
            // because this close can throw exception we do next close in 
            // finally statement
            if (os != null)
               catch (IOException exec)
                  exec1 = exec;
            if (is != null)
               catch (IOException exec)
                  exec2 = exec;
         if ((exec1 != null) && (exec2 != null))
           throw exec1;
         else if (exec1 != null)
            throw exec1;
         else if (exec2 != null)
            throw exec2;


Related examples in the same category

1.Copies file contents from source to destination
2.Copies the contents of the given InputStream to the given OutputStream
3.Copy Pipe
4.Copy any input stream to output stream
5.Copy file and directory
6.Utility methods for file and stream copying
7.Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream.
8.copy Completely (InputStream input, OutputStream output)
9.copy Completely (Reader input, Writer output)
10.copy Completely(URI input, URI output)
11.Copies the InputStream into the OutputStream, until the end of the stream has been reached.
12.Copies the InputStream into the OutputStream, until the end of the stream has been reached. This method uses a buffer of 4096 kbyte.
13.Copies the contents of the Reader into the Writer, until the end of the stream has been reached.
14.Copies the contents of the Reader into the Writer, until the end of the stream has been reached. This method uses a buffer of 4096 kbyte.
15.Copy a file and user buffer
16.Copy a directory and all of its contents.
17.Copy chars from a Reader to a Writer.
18.Copy in stream to an out stream
19.Copy the source file system structure into the supplied target location.