General IO Stream manipulation : Stream « File Input Output « Java

General IO Stream manipulation

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *
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 * distributed with this work for additional information        *
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *
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 * General IO Stream manipulation.
 * <p>
 * This class provides static utility methods for input/output operations, particularly buffered
 * copying between sources (<code>InputStream</code>, <code>Reader</code>, <code>String</code> and
 * <code>byte[]</code>) and destinations (<code>OutputStream</code>, <code>Writer</code>,
 * <code>String</code> and <code>byte[]</code>).
 * </p>
 * <p>Unless otherwise noted, these <code>copy</code> methods do <em>not</em> flush or close the
 * streams. Often, doing so would require making non-portable assumptions about the streams' origin
 * and further use. This means that both streams' <code>close()</code> methods must be called after
 * copying. if one omits this step, then the stream resources (sockets, file descriptors) are
 * released when the associated Stream is garbage-collected. It is not a good idea to rely on this
 * mechanism. For a good overview of the distinction between "memory management" and "resource
 * management", see <a href="">this
 * UnixReview article</a></p>
 * <p>For each <code>copy</code> method, a variant is provided that allows the caller to specify the
 * buffer size (the default is 4k). As the buffer size can have a fairly large impact on speed, this
 * may be worth tweaking. Often "large buffer -&gt; faster" does not hold, even for large data
 * transfers.</p>
 * <p>For byte-to-char methods, a <code>copy</code> variant allows the encoding to be selected
 * (otherwise the platform default is used).</p>
 * <p>The <code>copy</code> methods use an internal buffer when copying. It is therefore advisable
 * <em>not</em> to deliberately wrap the stream arguments to the <code>copy</code> methods in
 * <code>Buffered*</code> streams. For example, don't do the
 * following:</p>
 * <code>copy( new BufferedInputStream( in ), new BufferedOutputStream( out ) );</code>
 * <p>The rationale is as follows:</p>
 * <p>Imagine that an InputStream's read() is a very expensive operation, which would usually suggest
 * wrapping in a BufferedInputStream. The BufferedInputStream works by issuing infrequent
 * {@link[] b, int off, int len)} requests on the underlying InputStream, to
 * fill an internal buffer, from which further <code>read</code> requests can inexpensively get
 * their data (until the buffer runs out).</p>
 * <p>However, the <code>copy</code> methods do the same thing, keeping an internal buffer,
 * populated by {@link InputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len)} requests. Having two buffers
 * (or three if the destination stream is also buffered) is pointless, and the unnecessary buffer
 * management hurts performance slightly (about 3%, according to some simple experiments).</p>
 * @author Peter Donald
 * @author <a href="">Jeff Turner</a>
 * @version CVS $Revision: 494012 $ $Date: 2007-01-08 11:23:58 +0100 (Mo, 08 Jan 2007) $
 * @since 4.0

 * Behold, intrepid explorers; a map of this class:
 *       Method      Input               Output          Dependency
 *       ------      -----               ------          -------
 * 1     copy        InputStream         OutputStream    (primitive)
 * 2     copy        Reader              Writer          (primitive)
 * 3     copy        InputStream         Writer          2
 * 4     toString    InputStream         String          3
 * 5     toByteArray InputStream         byte[]          1
 * 6     copy        Reader              OutputStream    2
 * 7     toString    Reader              String          2
 * 8     toByteArray Reader              byte[]          6
 * 9     copy        String              OutputStream    2
 * 10    copy        String              Writer          (trivial)
 * 11    toByteArray String              byte[]          9
 * 12    copy        byte[]              Writer          3
 * 13    toString    byte[]              String          12
 * 14    copy        byte[]              OutputStream    (trivial)
 * Note that only the first two methods shuffle bytes; the rest use these two, or (if possible) copy
 * using native Java copy methods. As there are method variants to specify buffer size and encoding,
 * each row may correspond to up to 4 methods.

public final class IOUtil
    private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 4;

     * Private constructor to prevent instantiation.
    private IOUtil()

     * Unconditionally close an <code>Reader</code>.
     * Equivalent to {@link Reader#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
     * @param input A (possibly null) Reader
    public static void shutdownReader( final Reader input )
        if( null == input )

        catch( final IOException ioe )

     * Unconditionally close an <code>Writer</code>.
     * Equivalent to {@link Writer#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
     * @param output A (possibly null) Writer
    public static void shutdownWriter( final Writer output )
        if( null == output )

        catch( final IOException ioe )

     * Unconditionally close an <code>OutputStream</code>.
     * Equivalent to {@link OutputStream#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
     * @param output A (possibly null) OutputStream
    public static void shutdownStream( final OutputStream output )
        if( null == output )

        catch( final IOException ioe )

     * Unconditionally close an <code>InputStream</code>.
     * Equivalent to {@link InputStream#close()}, except any exceptions will be ignored.
     * @param input A (possibly null) InputStream
    public static void shutdownStream( final InputStream input )
        if( null == input )

        catch( final IOException ioe )

    // Core copy methods

     * Copy bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to an <code>OutputStream</code>.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input, final OutputStream output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Copy bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to an <code>OutputStream</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input,
                             final OutputStream output,
                             final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final byte[] buffer = new byte[ bufferSize ];
        int n = 0;
        while( -1 != ( n = buffer ) ) )
            output.write( buffer, 0, n );

     * Copy chars from a <code>Reader</code> to a <code>Writer</code>.
    public static void copy( final Reader input, final Writer output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Copy chars from a <code>Reader</code> to a <code>Writer</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final Reader input, final Writer output, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final char[] buffer = new char[ bufferSize ];
        int n = 0;
        while( -1 != ( n = buffer ) ) )
            output.write( buffer, 0, n );

    // Derived copy methods
    // InputStream -> *

    // InputStream -> Writer

     * Copy and convert bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input, final Writer output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Copy and convert bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input, final Writer output, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader( input );
        copy( in, output, bufferSize );

     * Copy and convert bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>, using the specified encoding.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     * <a href="">IANA
     * Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input, final Writer output, final String encoding )
        throws IOException
        final InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader( input, encoding );
        copy( in, output );

     * Copy and convert bytes from an <code>InputStream</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>, using the specified encoding.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *        <a href="">IANA
     *        Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final InputStream input,
                             final Writer output,
                             final String encoding,
                             final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader( input, encoding );
        copy( in, output, bufferSize );

    // InputStream -> String

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a String.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
    public static String toString( final InputStream input )
        throws IOException
        return toString( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a String.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static String toString( final InputStream input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        copy( input, sw, bufferSize );
        return sw.toString();

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a String.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *    <a href="">IANA
     *    Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
    public static String toString( final InputStream input, final String encoding )
        throws IOException
        return toString( input, encoding, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a String.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *   <a href="">IANA
     *   Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static String toString( final InputStream input,
                                   final String encoding,
                                   final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        copy( input, sw, encoding, bufferSize );
        return sw.toString();

    // InputStream -> byte[]

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final InputStream input )
        throws IOException
        return toByteArray( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of an <code>InputStream</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final InputStream input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        copy( input, output, bufferSize );
        return output.toByteArray();

    // Derived copy methods
    // Reader -> *

    // Reader -> OutputStream
     * Serialize chars from a <code>Reader</code> to bytes on an <code>OutputStream</code>, and
     * flush the <code>OutputStream</code>.
    public static void copy( final Reader input, final OutputStream output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Serialize chars from a <code>Reader</code> to bytes on an <code>OutputStream</code>, and
     * flush the <code>OutputStream</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final Reader input, final OutputStream output, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter( output );
        copy( input, out, bufferSize );
        // NOTE: Unless anyone is planning on rewriting OutputStreamWriter, we have to flush
        // here.

    // Reader -> String
     * Get the contents of a <code>Reader</code> as a String.
    public static String toString( final Reader input )
        throws IOException
        return toString( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of a <code>Reader</code> as a String.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static String toString( final Reader input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        copy( input, sw, bufferSize );
        return sw.toString();

    // Reader -> byte[]
     * Get the contents of a <code>Reader</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final Reader input )
        throws IOException
        return toByteArray( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of a <code>Reader</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final Reader input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        copy( input, output, bufferSize );
        return output.toByteArray();

    // Derived copy methods
    // String -> *

    // String -> OutputStream

     * Serialize chars from a <code>String</code> to bytes on an <code>OutputStream</code>, and
     * flush the <code>OutputStream</code>.
    public static void copy( final String input, final OutputStream output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Serialize chars from a <code>String</code> to bytes on an <code>OutputStream</code>, and
     * flush the <code>OutputStream</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final String input, final OutputStream output, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringReader in = new StringReader( input );
        final OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter( output );
        copy( in, out, bufferSize );
        // NOTE: Unless anyone is planning on rewriting OutputStreamWriter, we have to flush
        // here.

    // String -> Writer

     * Copy chars from a <code>String</code> to a <code>Writer</code>.
    public static void copy( final String input, final Writer output )
        throws IOException
        output.write( input );

    // String -> byte[]
     * Get the contents of a <code>String</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final String input )
        throws IOException
        return toByteArray( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of a <code>String</code> as a <code>byte[]</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static byte[] toByteArray( final String input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        copy( input, output, bufferSize );
        return output.toByteArray();

    // Derived copy methods
    // byte[] -> *

    // byte[] -> Writer

     * Copy and convert bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input, final Writer output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Copy and convert bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input, final Writer output, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( input );
        copy( in, output, bufferSize );

     * Copy and convert bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>, using the specified encoding.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     * <a href="">IANA
     * Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input, final Writer output, final String encoding )
        throws IOException
        final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( input );
        copy( in, output, encoding );

     * Copy and convert bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to chars on a
     * <code>Writer</code>, using the specified encoding.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *        <a href="">IANA
     *        Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input,
                             final Writer output,
                             final String encoding,
                             final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( input );
        copy( in, output, encoding, bufferSize );

    // byte[] -> String

     * Get the contents of a <code>byte[]</code> as a String.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
    public static String toString( final byte[] input )
        throws IOException
        return toString( input, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of a <code>byte[]</code> as a String.
     * The platform's default encoding is used for the byte-to-char conversion.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static String toString( final byte[] input, final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        copy( input, sw, bufferSize );
        return sw.toString();

     * Get the contents of a <code>byte[]</code> as a String.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *    <a href="">IANA
     *    Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
    public static String toString( final byte[] input, final String encoding )
        throws IOException
        return toString( input, encoding, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Get the contents of a <code>byte[]</code> as a String.
     * @param encoding The name of a supported character encoding. See the
     *   <a href="">IANA
     *   Charset Registry</a> for a list of valid encoding types.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static String toString( final byte[] input,
                                   final String encoding,
                                   final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        copy( input, sw, encoding, bufferSize );
        return sw.toString();

    // byte[] -> OutputStream

     * Copy bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to an <code>OutputStream</code>.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input, final OutputStream output )
        throws IOException
        copy( input, output, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Copy bytes from a <code>byte[]</code> to an <code>OutputStream</code>.
     * @param bufferSize Size of internal buffer to use.
    public static void copy( final byte[] input,
                             final OutputStream output,
                             final int bufferSize )
        throws IOException
        output.write( input );

     * Compare the contents of two Streams to determine if they are equal or not.
     * @param input1 the first stream
     * @param input2 the second stream
     * @return true if the content of the streams are equal or they both don't exist, false otherwise
    public static boolean contentEquals( final InputStream input1,
                                         final InputStream input2 )
        throws IOException
        final InputStream bufferedInput1 = new BufferedInputStream( input1 );
        final InputStream bufferedInput2 = new BufferedInputStream( input2 );

        int ch =;
        while( -1 != ch )
            final int ch2 =;
            if( ch != ch2 )
                return false;
            ch =;

        final int ch2 =;
        if( -1 != ch2 )
            return false;
            return true;


Related examples in the same category

1.Show the content of a file
2.Some general utility functions for dealing with Streams
3.Utilities related to file and stream handling.
4.Utility functions related to Streams
5.Utility methods for handling streams
6.Various utility methods that have something to do with I/O
7.General IO stream manipulation utilities
8.Count the number of bytes read through the stream
9.Count OutputStream
10.File utilities for file read and write
11.An InputStream class that terminates the stream when it encounters a particular byte sequence.
12.An InputStream that implements HTTP/1.1 chunking
13.An OutputStream which relays all data written into it into a list of given OutputStreams
14.Utility code for dealing with different endian systems
15.Copy From Stream To File
16.Copy Inputstream To File
17.Load Stream Into String
18.Reads the content of an input stream and writes it into an output stream.