Smart Encoding InputStream : InputStream « File Input Output « Java

Smart Encoding InputStream

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

 * <p>
 * <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code> extends an <code>InputStream</code> with a special
 * constructor and a special method for dealing with text files encoded within different charsets.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * It surrounds a normal <code>InputStream</code> whatever it may be (<code>FileInputStream</code>...). It reads a
 * buffer of a defined length. Then with this byte buffer, it uses the class
 * <code>CharsetToolkit</code> to parse this buffer and guess what the encoding is. All this steps
 * are done within the constructor. At this time, you can call the method <code>getReader()</code> to retrieve a
 * <code>Reader</code> created with the good charset, as guessed while parsing the first bytes of the file. This
 * <code>Reader</code> reads inside the <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code>. It reads first in
 * the internal buffer, then when we reach the end of the buffer, the underlying InputStream is read with the default
 * read method.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Usage:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(&quot;utf-8.txt&quot;);
 * SmartEncodingInputStream smartIS = new SmartEncodingInputStream(fis);
 * Reader reader = smartIS.getReader();
 * BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
 * String line;
 * while ((line = bufReader.readLine()) != null) {
 *   System.out.println(line);
 * }
 * </pre>
 * Date: 23 juil. 2002
 * @author Guillaume Laforge
public class SmartEncodingInputStream
    extends InputStream {
  private final InputStream is;
  private int bufferLength;
  private final byte[] buffer;
  private int counter;
  private final Charset charset;

  public static final int BUFFER_LENGTH_2KB = 2048;
  public static final int BUFFER_LENGTH_4KB = 4096;
  public static final int BUFFER_LENGTH_8KB = 8192;

   * <p>
   * Constructor of the <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code> class. The wider the buffer is, the
   * most sure you are to have guessed the encoding of the <code>InputStream</code> you wished to get a
   * <code>Reader</code> from.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * It is possible to defined
   * </p>
   * @param is
   *          the <code>InputStream</code> of which we want to create a <code>Reader</code> with the encoding guessed
   *          from the first buffer of the file.
   * @param bufferLength
   *          the length of the buffer that is used to guess the encoding.
   * @param defaultCharset
   *          specifies the default <code>Charset</code> to use when an 8-bit <code>Charset</code> is guessed. This
   *          parameter may be null, in this case the default system charset is used as definied in the system property
   *          "file.encoding" read by the method <code>getDefaultSystemCharset()</code> from the class
   *          <code>CharsetToolkit</code>.
   * @param enforce8Bit
   *          enforce the use of the specified default <code>Charset</code> in case the encoding US-ASCII is recognized.
   * @throws IOException
  public SmartEncodingInputStream(final InputStream is, final int bufferLength, final Charset defaultCharset,
      final boolean enforce8Bit) throws IOException { = is;
    this.bufferLength = bufferLength;
    this.buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
    this.counter = 0;

    this.bufferLength =;
    final CharsetToolkit charsetToolkit = new CharsetToolkit(buffer, defaultCharset);
    this.charset = charsetToolkit.guessEncoding();

   * Constructor of the <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code>. With this constructor, the default
   * <code>Charset</code> used when an 8-bit encoding is guessed does not need to be specified. The default system
   * charset will be used instead.
   * @param is
   *          is the <code>InputStream</code> of which we want to create a <code>Reader</code> with the encoding guessed
   *          from the first buffer of the file.
   * @param bufferLength
   *          the length of the buffer that is used to guess the encoding.
   * @param defaultCharset
   *          specifies the default <code>Charset</code> to use when an 8-bit <code>Charset</code> is guessed. This
   *          parameter may be null, in this case the default system charset is used as definied in the system property
   *          "file.encoding" read by the method <code>getDefaultSystemCharset()</code> from the class
   *          <code>CharsetToolkit</code>.
   * @throws IOException
  public SmartEncodingInputStream(final InputStream is, final int bufferLength, final Charset defaultCharset)
      throws IOException {
    this(is, bufferLength, defaultCharset, true);

   * Constructor of the <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code>. With this constructor, the default
   * <code>Charset</code> used when an 8-bit encoding is guessed does not need to be specified. The default system
   * charset will be used instead.
   * @param is
   *          is the <code>InputStream</code> of which we want to create a <code>Reader</code> with the encoding guessed
   *          from the first buffer of the file.
   * @param bufferLength
   *          the length of the buffer that is used to guess the encoding.
   * @throws IOException
  public SmartEncodingInputStream(final InputStream is, final int bufferLength) throws IOException {
    this(is, bufferLength, null, true);

   * Constructor of the <code>SmartEncodingInputStream</code>. With this constructor, the default
   * <code>Charset</code> used when an 8-bit encoding is guessed does not need to be specified. The default system
   * charset will be used instead. The buffer length does not need to be specified either. A default buffer length of 4
   * KB is used.
   * @param is
   *          is the <code>InputStream</code> of which we want to create a <code>Reader</code> with the encoding guessed
   *          from the first buffer of the file.
   * @throws IOException
  public SmartEncodingInputStream(final InputStream is) throws IOException {
    this(is, SmartEncodingInputStream.BUFFER_LENGTH_8KB, null, true);

   * Implements the method <code>read()</code> as defined in the <code>InputStream</code> interface. As a certain number
   * of bytes has already been read from the underlying <code>InputStream</code>, we first read the bytes of this
   * buffer, otherwise, we directly read the rest of the stream from the underlying <code>InputStream</code>.
   * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or <code>-1</code> is there is no more data because the end
   *         of the stream has been reached.
   * @throws IOException
  public int read()
      throws IOException {
    if (counter < bufferLength)
      return buffer[counter++];

   * Gets a <code>Reader</code> with the right <code>Charset</code> as guessed by reading the beginning of the
   * underlying <code>InputStream</code>.
   * @return a <code>Reader</code> defined with the right encoding.
  public Reader getReader() {
    return new InputStreamReader(this, this.charset);

   * Retrieves the <code>Charset</code> as guessed from the underlying <code>InputStream</code>.
   * @return the <code>Charset</code> guessed.
  public Charset getEncoding() {
    return this.charset;
 * <p>
 * Utility class to guess the encoding of a given byte array. The guess is
 * unfortunately not 100% sure. Especially for 8-bit charsets. It's not possible
 * to know which 8-bit charset is used. Except through statistical analysis. We
 * will then infer that the charset encountered is the same as the default
 * standard charset.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * On the other hand, unicode files encoded in UTF-16 (low or big endian) or
 * UTF-8 files with a Byte Order Marker are easy to find. For UTF-8 files with
 * no BOM, if the buffer is wide enough, it's easy to guess.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Tested against a complicated UTF-8 file, Sun's implementation does not render
 * bad UTF-8 constructs as expected by the specification. But with a buffer wide
 * enough, the method guessEncoding() did behave correctly and recognized the
 * UTF-8 charset.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * A byte buffer of 4KB or 8KB is sufficient to be able to guess the encoding.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Usage:
 * </p>
 * <pre>
 * // guess the encoding
 * Charset guessedCharset = CharsetToolkit.guessEncoding(file, 4096);
 * // create a reader with the charset we've just discovered
 * FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
 * InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, guessedCharset);
 * BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
 * // read the file content
 * String line;
 * while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
 *   System.out.println(line);
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * Date: 18 juil. 2002
 * </p>
 * @author Guillaume LAFORGE
class CharsetToolkit {
  private final byte[] buffer;
  private Charset defaultCharset;
  private boolean enforce8Bit = false;

   * Constructor of the <code>CharsetToolkit</code> utility class.
   * @param buffer
   *            the byte buffer of which we want to know the encoding.
  public CharsetToolkit(final byte[] buffer) {
    this.buffer = buffer;
    this.defaultCharset = getDefaultSystemCharset();

   * Constructor of the <code>CharsetToolkit</code> utility class.
   * @param buffer
   *            the byte buffer of which we want to know the encoding.
   * @param defaultCharset
   *            the default Charset to use in case an 8-bit charset is
   *            recognized.
  public CharsetToolkit(final byte[] buffer, final Charset defaultCharset) {
    this.buffer = buffer;

   * Defines the default <code>Charset</code> used in case the buffer
   * represents an 8-bit <code>Charset</code>.
   * @param defaultCharset
   *            the default <code>Charset</code> to be returned by
   *            <code>guessEncoding()</code> if an 8-bit <code>Charset</code>
   *            is encountered.
  public void setDefaultCharset(final Charset defaultCharset) {
    if (defaultCharset != null)
      this.defaultCharset = defaultCharset;
      this.defaultCharset = getDefaultSystemCharset();

   * If US-ASCII is recognized, enforce to return the default encoding, rather
   * than US-ASCII. It might be a file without any special character in the
   * range 128-255, but that may be or become a file encoded with the default
   * <code>charset</code> rather than US-ASCII.
   * @param enforce
   *            a boolean specifying the use or not of US-ASCII.
  public void setEnforce8Bit(final boolean enforce) {
    this.enforce8Bit = enforce;

   * Gets the enforce8Bit flag, in case we do not want to ever get a US-ASCII
   * encoding.
   * @return a boolean representing the flag of use of US-ASCII.
  public boolean getEnforce8Bit() {
    return this.enforce8Bit;

   * Retrieves the default Charset
   * @return
  public Charset getDefaultCharset() {
    return defaultCharset;

   * <p>
   * Guess the encoding of the provided buffer.
   * </p>
   * If Byte Order Markers are encountered at the beginning of the buffer, we
   * immidiately return the charset implied by this BOM. Otherwise, the file
   * would not be a human readable text file.</p>
   * <p>
   * If there is no BOM, this method tries to discern whether the file is
   * UTF-8 or not. If it is not UTF-8, we assume the encoding is the default
   * system encoding (of course, it might be any 8-bit charset, but usually,
   * an 8-bit charset is the default one).
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * It is possible to discern UTF-8 thanks to the pattern of characters with
   * a multi-byte sequence.
   * </p>
   * <pre>
   * UCS-4 range (hex.)        UTF-8 octet sequence (binary)
   * 0000 0000-0000 007F       0xxxxxxx
   * 0000 0080-0000 07FF       110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
   * 0000 0800-0000 FFFF       1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
   * 0001 0000-001F FFFF       11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
   * 0020 0000-03FF FFFF       111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
   * 0400 0000-7FFF FFFF       1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
   * </pre>
   * <p>
   * With UTF-8, 0xFE and 0xFF never appear.
   * </p>
   * @return the Charset recognized.
  public Charset guessEncoding() {
    // if the file has a Byte Order Marker, we can assume the file is in
    // UTF-xx
    // otherwise, the file would not be human readable
    if (hasUTF8Bom(buffer))
      return Charset.forName("UTF-8");
    if (hasUTF16LEBom(buffer))
      return Charset.forName("UTF-16LE");
    if (hasUTF16BEBom(buffer))
      return Charset.forName("UTF-16BE");

    // if a byte has its most significant bit set, the file is in UTF-8 or
    // in the default encoding
    // otherwise, the file is in US-ASCII
    boolean highOrderBit = false;

    // if the file is in UTF-8, high order bytes must have a certain value,
    // in order to be valid
    // if it's not the case, we can assume the encoding is the default
    // encoding of the system
    boolean validU8Char = true;

    // TODO the buffer is not read up to the end, but up to length - 6

    final int length = buffer.length;
    int i = 0;
    while (i < length - 6) {
      final byte b0 = buffer[i];
      final byte b1 = buffer[i + 1];
      final byte b2 = buffer[i + 2];
      final byte b3 = buffer[i + 3];
      final byte b4 = buffer[i + 4];
      final byte b5 = buffer[i + 5];
      if (b0 < 0) {
        // a high order bit was encountered, thus the encoding is not
        // US-ASCII
        // it may be either an 8-bit encoding or UTF-8
        highOrderBit = true;
        // a two-bytes sequence was encoutered
        if (isTwoBytesSequence(b0)) {
          // there must be one continuation byte of the form 10xxxxxx,
          // otherwise the following characteris is not a valid UTF-8
          // construct
          if (!isContinuationChar(b1))
            validU8Char = false;
        // a three-bytes sequence was encoutered
        else if (isThreeBytesSequence(b0)) {
          // there must be two continuation bytes of the form
          // 10xxxxxx,
          // otherwise the following characteris is not a valid UTF-8
          // construct
          if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2)))
            validU8Char = false;
            i += 2;
        // a four-bytes sequence was encoutered
        else if (isFourBytesSequence(b0)) {
          // there must be three continuation bytes of the form
          // 10xxxxxx,
          // otherwise the following characteris is not a valid UTF-8
          // construct
          if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2) && isContinuationChar(b3)))
            validU8Char = false;
            i += 3;
        // a five-bytes sequence was encoutered
        else if (isFiveBytesSequence(b0)) {
          // there must be four continuation bytes of the form
          // 10xxxxxx,
          // otherwise the following characteris is not a valid UTF-8
          // construct
          if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2)
              && isContinuationChar(b3) && isContinuationChar(b4)))
            validU8Char = false;
            i += 4;
        // a six-bytes sequence was encoutered
        else if (isSixBytesSequence(b0)) {
          // there must be five continuation bytes of the form
          // 10xxxxxx,
          // otherwise the following characteris is not a valid UTF-8
          // construct
          if (!(isContinuationChar(b1) && isContinuationChar(b2)
              && isContinuationChar(b3) && isContinuationChar(b4) && isContinuationChar(b5)))
            validU8Char = false;
            i += 5;
        } else
          validU8Char = false;
      if (!validU8Char)
    // if no byte with an high order bit set, the encoding is US-ASCII
    // (it might have been UTF-7, but this encoding is usually internally
    // used only by mail systems)
    if (!highOrderBit) {
      // returns the default charset rather than US-ASCII if the
      // enforce8Bit flag is set.
      if (this.enforce8Bit)
        return this.defaultCharset;
        return Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
    // if no invalid UTF-8 were encountered, we can assume the encoding is
    // UTF-8,
    // otherwise the file would not be human readable
    if (validU8Char)
      return Charset.forName("UTF-8");
    // finally, if it's not UTF-8 nor US-ASCII, let's assume the encoding is
    // the default encoding
    return this.defaultCharset;

  public static Charset guessEncoding(final File f, final int bufferLength)
      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    final byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];;
    final CharsetToolkit toolkit = new CharsetToolkit(buffer);
    return toolkit.guessEncoding();

  public static Charset guessEncoding(final File f, final int bufferLength,
      final Charset defaultCharset) throws FileNotFoundException,
      IOException {
    final FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
    final byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];;
    final CharsetToolkit toolkit = new CharsetToolkit(buffer);
    return toolkit.guessEncoding();

   * If the byte has the form 10xxxxx, then it's a continuation byte of a
   * multiple byte character;
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's a continuation char.
  private static boolean isContinuationChar(final byte b) {
    return -128 <= b && b <= -65;

   * If the byte has the form 110xxxx, then it's the first byte of a two-bytes
   * sequence character.
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's the first byte of a two-bytes sequence.
  private static boolean isTwoBytesSequence(final byte b) {
    return -64 <= b && b <= -33;

   * If the byte has the form 1110xxx, then it's the first byte of a
   * three-bytes sequence character.
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's the first byte of a three-bytes sequence.
  private static boolean isThreeBytesSequence(final byte b) {
    return -32 <= b && b <= -17;

   * If the byte has the form 11110xx, then it's the first byte of a
   * four-bytes sequence character.
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's the first byte of a four-bytes sequence.
  private static boolean isFourBytesSequence(final byte b) {
    return -16 <= b && b <= -9;

   * If the byte has the form 11110xx, then it's the first byte of a
   * five-bytes sequence character.
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's the first byte of a five-bytes sequence.
  private static boolean isFiveBytesSequence(final byte b) {
    return -8 <= b && b <= -5;

   * If the byte has the form 1110xxx, then it's the first byte of a six-bytes
   * sequence character.
   * @param b
   *            a byte.
   * @return true if it's the first byte of a six-bytes sequence.
  private static boolean isSixBytesSequence(final byte b) {
    return -4 <= b && b <= -3;

   * Retrieve the default charset of the system.
   * @return the default <code>Charset</code>.
  public static Charset getDefaultSystemCharset() {
    return Charset.forName(System.getProperty("file.encoding"));

   * Has a Byte Order Marker for UTF-8 (Used by Microsoft's Notepad and other
   * editors).
   * @param bom
   *            a buffer.
   * @return true if the buffer has a BOM for UTF8.
  private static boolean hasUTF8Bom(final byte[] bom) {
    return (bom[0] == -17 && bom[1] == -69 && bom[2] == -65);

   * Has a Byte Order Marker for UTF-16 Low Endian (ucs-2le, ucs-4le, and
   * ucs-16le).
   * @param bom
   *            a buffer.
   * @return true if the buffer has a BOM for UTF-16 Low Endian.
  private static boolean hasUTF16LEBom(final byte[] bom) {
    return (bom[0] == -1 && bom[1] == -2);

   * Has a Byte Order Marker for UTF-16 Big Endian (utf-16 and ucs-2).
   * @param bom
   *            a buffer.
   * @return true if the buffer has a BOM for UTF-16 Big Endian.
  private static boolean hasUTF16BEBom(final byte[] bom) {
    return (bom[0] == -2 && bom[1] == -1);

   * Retrieves all the available <code>Charset</code>s on the platform, among
   * which the default <code>charset</code>.
   * @return an array of <code>Charset</code>s.
  public static Charset[] getAvailableCharsets() {
    final Collection collection = Charset.availableCharsets().values();
    return (Charset[]) collection.toArray(new Charset[collection.size()]);


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12.Deserializes an object from an input stream.
13.Reads at most certain bytes from input stream and returns them as a byte array.
14.Convert Reader to InputStream
15.A trace of the data that is being retrieved from an input stream
16.EOLConvertingInputStream: InputStream which converts \r bytes not followed by \n and \n not preceded by \r to \r\n.
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