View buffers : ByteBuffer « File Input Output « Java

View buffers


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;

public class Buffers {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      float[] floats = { 6.61E-39F, 9.918385E-39F};

      ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(floats.length * 4);

      FloatBuffer fb = bb.asFloatBuffer();

      CharBuffer cb = bb.asCharBuffer();

    } catch (Exception e) {


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2.Create a read-only memory-mapped file
3.Create a read-write memory-mapped file
4.Create a private (copy-on-write) memory-mapped file.
5.use FileChannel and ByteBuffer
6.Fast Copy File
7.A ByteBuffer is a fixed-capacity buffer that holds byte values.
8.Create a ByteBuffer using a byte array
9.Create a non-direct ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity
10.Create a direct (memory-mapped) ByteBuffer with a 10 byte capacity.
11.Get the ByteBuffer's capacity
12.Use the absolute get().
13.Set the position
14.Use the relative get()
15.Get remaining byte count in a ByteBuffer
16.Set the limit for ByteBuffer
17.This convenience method sets the position to 0
18.Putting Bytes into a ByteBuffer
19.Converting Between a ByteBuffer an a Byte Array
20.Retrieve bytes between the position and limit
21.Retrieve all bytes in the buffer
22.Get and Set char type data in a ByteBuffer
23.Get and Set short type data in a ByteBuffer
24.Get and Set int type data in a ByteBuffer
25.Get and Set long type data in a ByteBuffer
26.Get and Set float type data in a ByteBuffer
27.Get and Set double type data in a ByteBuffer
28.Create a character ByteBuffer
29.Create a short ByteBuffer
30.Create an integer ByteBuffer
31.Create a long ByteBuffer
32.Create a float ByteBuffer
33.Create a double ByteBuffer
34.Get a substring
35.Using a ByteBuffer to Store Strings
36.Get default byte ordering
37.Put a multibyte value
38.Set to little endian
39.Determining If a ByteBuffer Is Direct
40.Reading from a Channel with a ByteBuffer
41.Writing and Appending a ByteBuffer to a File
42.Convert interchangeably between a ByteBuffer and a byte array
43.Create a ByteBuffer
44.Put bytes into a ByteBuffer
45.How to get bytes from a ByteBuffer
46.Write with ByteBuffer
47.Applying Regular Expressions on the Contents of a File