Beans with scriptlet : Beans « JSP « Java

Beans with scriptlet

<%@ page import="com.java2s.Book" %>

  Book myBook = (Book) session.getAttribute("myBookBean");

  if ( myBook == null)
    myBook = new Book();
    session.setAttribute("myBookBean", myBook);
  } // end of if ()

  <head><title>JavaBean usage with scriptlets (1)</title></head>
    This page creates a JavaBean if you don't already have one.<P></P>
    Click <a href="page2_scriptlet.jsp">here</a> to go to a page that retrieves it.

<%@ page import="com.java2s.Book" %>
  Book myBook = (Book) session.getAttribute("myBookBean");

  <head><title>JavaBean usage with scriptlets (2) </title></head>
    This page retrieves a JavaBean, and its properties.<P>

    <table border="1">
      <th>JavaBean property</th><th>Value</th>
      <tr><td>id</td>    <td><%= myBookBean.getId()     %></td></tr>
      <tr><td>title</td> <td><%= myBookBean.getTitle()  %></td></tr>
      <tr><td>author</td><td><%= myBookBean.getAuthor() %></td></tr>
      <tr><td>price</td> <td><%= myBookBean.getPrice()  %></td></tr>

///JavaBean usage - useBean and setProperty tags

<jsp:useBean id="myBookBean"
  <jsp:setProperty name="myBookBean" property="id"     value="42"                      />
  <jsp:setProperty name="myBookBean" property="author" value="Ruth"                    />
  <jsp:setProperty name="myBookBean" property="title"  value="Cookery for accountants" />
  <jsp:setProperty name="myBookBean" property="price"  value="29.99"                   />

  <head><title>JavaBean usage - useBean and setProperty tags</title></head>
    This page creates a JavaBean if you don't already have one.<P></P>
    Click <a href="useAndSet2.jsp">here</a> to go to a page that retrieves it.

  <head><title>JavaBean usage - getProperty tag</title></head>
    This page retrieves a JavaBean, and its properties.<P>

    <table border="1">
      <th>JavaBean property</th><th>Value</th>
      <tr><td>id</td>    <td><jsp:getProperty name="myBookBean" property="id"     /></td></tr>
      <tr><td>title</td> <td><jsp:getProperty name="myBookBean" property="title"  /></td></tr>
      <tr><td>author</td><td><jsp:getProperty name="myBookBean" property="author" /></td></tr>
      <tr><td>price</td> <td><jsp:getProperty name="myBookBean" property="price"  /></td></tr>


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4.Getting a Property Value
5.Using a Constructor
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7.Using a Java Bean Jsp
8.Using Package Jsp
9.Using UseBean in Jsp
10.Set Property Value
11.Jsp Using Bean Scope Session
12.Bean property display
13.EL and Complex JavaBeans
14.JSP with Java bean
15.JSP form and Java beans
16.JSP email valid check
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18.JSP Standard Actions: set property
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20.JSP and Java beans (JavaBeans) 2JSP and Java beans (JavaBeans) 2