Current Locale : I18N « JSP « Java

Current Locale

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %>

<head><title><fmt:message key="Welcome" /></title></head>
<h2><fmt:message key="Hello" /> <fmt:message key="and" /> <fmt:message key="Welcome" /></h2>

Locale: <c:out value="${pageContext.request.locale.language}" />_<c:out value="${}" /> 

<br /><br />

<fmt:formatNumber value="1000000" type="currency" />


Related examples in the same category

1.Locale info
2.Locale Display in a JSP
3.JSP: Define the string in tag (I18N)
4.JSP Internationalization and Localized Content 1JSP Internationalization and Localized Content 1
5.JSP Internationalization and Localized Content 2JSP Internationalization and Localized Content 2
6.JSP Internationalization and Localized Content:Currency Formatting and locales
7.JSP Internationalization and Localized Content: Date Formatting and locale
8.Internationalized Web Applications: JavaServer Pages