Easy Blowfish encryption : Encryption « Security « Java

Easy Blowfish encryption

 * $RCSfile$
 * $Revision: 3657 $
 * $Date: 2002-09-09 08:31:31 -0700 (Mon, 09 Sep 2002) $
 * Adapted from Markus Hahn's Blowfish package so that all functionality is
 * in a single source file. Please visit the following URL for his excellent
 * package: http://www.hotpixel.net/software.html
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Markus Hahn <markus_hahn@gmx.net>
 * Released under the Apache 2.0 license.

import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.Random;

 * A class that provides easy Blowfish encryption.<p>
 * @author Markus Hahn <markus_hahn@gmx.net>
 * @author Gaston Dombiak
public class Blowfish {

    private BlowfishCBC m_bfish;
    private static Random m_rndGen = new Random();

     * Creates a new Blowfish object using the specified key (oversized
     * password will be cut).
     * @param password the password (treated as a real unicode array)
    public Blowfish(String password) {
        // hash down the password to a 160bit key
        MessageDigest digest = null;
        try {
            digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
        catch (Exception e) {

        // setup the encryptor (use a dummy IV)
        m_bfish = new BlowfishCBC(digest.digest(), 0);

     * Encrypts a string (treated in UNICODE) using the
     * standard Java random generator, which isn't that
     * great for creating IVs
     * @param sPlainText string to encrypt
     * @return encrypted string in binhex format
    public String encryptString(String sPlainText) {
        // get the IV
        long lCBCIV;
        synchronized (m_rndGen)
            lCBCIV = m_rndGen.nextLong();

        // map the call;
        return encStr(sPlainText, lCBCIV);

    // Internal routine for string encryption

    private String encStr(String sPlainText,
                          long lNewCBCIV)
        // allocate the buffer (align to the next 8 byte border plus padding)
        int nStrLen = sPlainText.length();
        byte[] buf = new byte [((nStrLen << 1) & 0xfffffff8) + 8];

        // copy all bytes of the string into the buffer (use network byte order)
        int nI;
        int nPos = 0;
        for (nI = 0; nI < nStrLen; nI++)
            char cActChar = sPlainText.charAt(nI);
            buf[nPos++] = (byte) ((cActChar >> 8) & 0x0ff);
            buf[nPos++] = (byte) (cActChar & 0x0ff) ;

        // pad the rest with the PKCS5 scheme
        byte bPadVal = (byte)(buf.length - (nStrLen << 1));
        while (nPos < buf.length)
            buf[nPos++] = bPadVal;

        synchronized (m_bfish) {
            // create the encryptor

            // encrypt the buffer

        // return the binhex string
        byte[] newCBCIV = new byte[BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE];

        return bytesToBinHex(newCBCIV, 0, BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE) +
                bytesToBinHex(buf, 0, buf.length);

     * decrypts a hexbin string (handling is case sensitive)
     * @param sCipherText hexbin string to decrypt
     * @return decrypted string (null equals an error)
    public String decryptString(String sCipherText)
        // get the number of estimated bytes in the string (cut off broken blocks)
        int nLen = (sCipherText.length() >> 1) & ~7;

        // does the given stuff make sense (at least the CBC IV)?
        if (nLen < BlowfishECB.BLOCKSIZE)
            return null;

        // get the CBC IV
        byte[] cbciv = new byte[BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE];
        int nNumOfBytes = binHexToBytes(sCipherText,
        if (nNumOfBytes < BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE)
            return null;

        // something left to decrypt?
        nLen -= BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE;
        if (nLen == 0)
            return "";

        // get all data bytes now
        byte[] buf = new byte[nLen];

        nNumOfBytes = binHexToBytes(sCipherText,
                BlowfishCBC.BLOCKSIZE * 2,

        // we cannot accept broken binhex sequences due to padding
        // and decryption
        if (nNumOfBytes < nLen)
            return null;

        synchronized (m_bfish) {
            // (got it)

            // decrypt the buffer

        // get the last padding byte
        int nPadByte = (int)buf[buf.length - 1] & 0x0ff;

        // ( try to get all information if the padding doesn't seem to be correct)
        if ((nPadByte > 8) || (nPadByte < 0))
            nPadByte = 0;

        // calculate the real size of this message
        nNumOfBytes -= nPadByte;
        if (nNumOfBytes < 0)
            return "";

        // success
        return byteArrayToUNCString(buf, 0, nNumOfBytes);

     * destroys (clears) the encryption engine,
     * after that the instance is not valid anymore
    public void destroy()

     * implementation of the Blowfish encryption algorithm in ECB mode
     * @author Markus Hahn <markus_hahn@gmx.net>
     * @version Feburary 14, 2001
    private static class BlowfishECB
        /** maximum possible key length */
        public final static int MAXKEYLENGTH = 56;

        /** block size of this cipher (in bytes) */
        public final static int BLOCKSIZE = 8;

        // size of the single boxes
        final static int PBOX_ENTRIES = 18;
        final static int SBOX_ENTRIES = 256;

        // the boxes
        int[] m_pbox;
        int[] m_sbox1;
        int[] m_sbox2;
        int[] m_sbox3;
        int[] m_sbox4;

         * default constructor
         * @param bfkey key material, up to MAXKEYLENGTH bytes
        public BlowfishECB(byte[] bfkey)
            // create the boxes
            int nI;

            m_pbox = new int[PBOX_ENTRIES];

            for (nI = 0; nI < PBOX_ENTRIES; nI++)
                m_pbox[nI] = pbox_init[nI];

            m_sbox1 = new int[SBOX_ENTRIES];
            m_sbox2 = new int[SBOX_ENTRIES];
            m_sbox3 = new int[SBOX_ENTRIES];
            m_sbox4 = new int[SBOX_ENTRIES];

            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI++)
                m_sbox1[nI] = sbox_init_1[nI];
                m_sbox2[nI] = sbox_init_2[nI];
                m_sbox3[nI] = sbox_init_3[nI];
                m_sbox4[nI] = sbox_init_4[nI];

            // xor the key over the p-boxes

            int nLen = bfkey.length;
            if (nLen == 0) return; // such a setup is also valid (zero key "encryption" is possible)
            int nKeyPos = 0;
            int nBuild = 0;
            int nJ;

            for (nI = 0; nI < PBOX_ENTRIES; nI++)
                for (nJ = 0; nJ < 4; nJ++)
                    nBuild = (nBuild << 8) | (((int) bfkey[nKeyPos]) & 0x0ff);

                    if (++nKeyPos == nLen)
                        nKeyPos = 0;
                m_pbox[nI] ^= nBuild;

            // encrypt all boxes with the all zero string
            long lZero = 0;

            // (same as above)
            for (nI = 0; nI < PBOX_ENTRIES; nI += 2)
                lZero = encryptBlock(lZero);
                m_pbox[nI] = (int) (lZero >>> 32);
                m_pbox[nI+1] = (int) (lZero & 0x0ffffffffL);
            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI += 2)
                lZero = encryptBlock(lZero);
                m_sbox1[nI] = (int) (lZero >>> 32);
                m_sbox1[nI+1] = (int) (lZero & 0x0ffffffffL);
            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI += 2)
                lZero = encryptBlock(lZero);
                m_sbox2[nI] = (int) (lZero >>> 32);
                m_sbox2[nI+1] = (int) (lZero & 0x0ffffffffL);
            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI += 2)
                lZero = encryptBlock(lZero);
                m_sbox3[nI] = (int) (lZero >>> 32);
                m_sbox3[nI+1] = (int) (lZero & 0x0ffffffffL);
            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI += 2)
                lZero = encryptBlock(lZero);
                m_sbox4[nI] = (int) (lZero >>> 32);
                m_sbox4[nI+1] = (int) (lZero & 0x0ffffffffL);

         * to clear data in the boxes before an instance is freed
        public void cleanUp()
            int nI;

            for (nI = 0; nI < PBOX_ENTRIES; nI++)
                m_pbox[nI] = 0;

            for (nI = 0; nI < SBOX_ENTRIES; nI++)
                m_sbox1[nI] = m_sbox2[nI] = m_sbox3[nI] = m_sbox4[nI] = 0;

         * selftest routine, to check e.g. for a valid class file transmission
         * @return true: selftest passed / false: selftest failed
        public static boolean selfTest()
            // test vector #1 (checking for the "signed bug")
            byte[] testKey1 = { (byte) 0x1c, (byte) 0x58, (byte) 0x7f, (byte) 0x1c,
                                (byte) 0x13, (byte) 0x92, (byte) 0x4f, (byte) 0xef };
            int[] tv_p1 = { 0x30553228, 0x6d6f295a };
            int[] tv_c1 = { 0x55cb3774, 0xd13ef201 };
            int[] tv_t1 = new int[2];

            // test vector #2 (offical vector by Bruce Schneier)
            String sTestKey2 = "Who is John Galt?";
            byte[] testKey2 = sTestKey2.getBytes();

            int[] tv_p2 = { 0xfedcba98, 0x76543210 };
            int[] tv_c2 = { 0xcc91732b, 0x8022f684 };
            int[] tv_t2 = new int[2];

            // start the tests, check for a proper decryption, too

            BlowfishECB testbf1 = new BlowfishECB(testKey1);

            testbf1.encrypt(tv_p1, tv_t1);

            if ((tv_t1[0] != tv_c1[0]) ||
                    (tv_t1[1] != tv_c1[1]))
                return false;


            if ((tv_t1[0] != tv_p1[0]) ||
                    (tv_t1[1] != tv_p1[1]))
                return false;

            BlowfishECB testbf2 = new BlowfishECB(testKey2);

            testbf2.encrypt(tv_p2, tv_t2);

            if ((tv_t2[0] != tv_c2[0]) ||
                    (tv_t2[1] != tv_c2[1]))
                return false;


            if ((tv_t2[0] != tv_p2[0]) ||
                    (tv_t2[1] != tv_p2[1]))
                return false;

            // all tests passed
            return true;

        // internal routine to encrypt a 64bit block
        protected long encryptBlock(long lPlainBlock)
            // split the block in two 32 bit halves

            int nHi = longHi32(lPlainBlock);
            int nLo = longLo32(lPlainBlock);

            // encrypt the block, gain more speed by unrooling the loop
            // (we avoid swapping by using nHi and nLo alternating at
            // odd an even loop nubers) and using local references

            int[] sbox1 = m_sbox1;
            int[] sbox2 = m_sbox2;
            int[] sbox3 = m_sbox3;
            int[] sbox4 = m_sbox4;

            int[] pbox = m_pbox;

            nHi ^= pbox[0];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[1];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[2];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[3];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[4];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[5];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[6];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[7];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[8];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[9];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[10];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[11];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[12];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[13];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[14];
            nLo ^= (((sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[15];
            nHi ^= (((sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ pbox[16];

            // finalize, cross and return the reassembled block

            return makeLong(nHi, nLo ^ pbox[17]);

        // internal routine to decrypt a 64bit block
        protected long decryptBlock(long lCipherBlock) {
            // (same as above)

            int nHi = longHi32(lCipherBlock);
            int nLo = longLo32(lCipherBlock);

            nHi ^= m_pbox[17];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[16];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[15];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[14];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[13];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[12];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[11];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[10];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[9];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[8];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[7];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[6];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[5];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[4];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[3];
            nLo ^= (((m_sbox1[nHi >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nHi >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nHi >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nHi & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[2];
            nHi ^= (((m_sbox1[nLo >>> 24] + m_sbox2[(nLo >>> 16) & 0x0ff]) ^ m_sbox3[(nLo >>> 8) & 0x0ff]) + m_sbox4[nLo & 0x0ff]) ^ m_pbox[1];

            return makeLong(nHi, nLo ^ m_pbox[0]);

         * Encrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border) to another
         * buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(byte[] inbuffer, byte[] outbuffer) {
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * encrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border) to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(byte[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * encrypts an integer buffer (should be aligned to an
         * two integer border) to another int buffer (of the
         * same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(int[] inbuffer, int[] outbuffer) {
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * encrypts an int buffer (should be aligned to a
         * two integer border)
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(int[] buffer) {
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * encrypts a long buffer to another long buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(long[] inbuffer, long[] outbuffer) {
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                outbuffer[nI] = encryptBlock(inbuffer[nI]);

         * encrypts a long buffer to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(long[] buffer) {
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                buffer[nI] = encryptBlock(buffer[nI]);

         * decrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border)
         * to another byte buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(byte[] inbuffer,
                            byte[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * decrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border) to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void decrypt(byte[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // decrypt over a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * decrypts an integer buffer (should be aligned to an
         * two integer border) to another int buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(int[] inbuffer,
                            int[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * decrypts an int buffer (should be aligned to an
         * two integer border)
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void decrypt(int[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlock(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * decrypts a long buffer to another long buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(long[] inbuffer,
                            long[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                outbuffer[nI] = decryptBlock(inbuffer[nI]);

         * decrypts a long buffer to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void decrypt(long[] buffer) {

            int nLen = buffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                buffer[nI] = decryptBlock(buffer[nI]);

        // the boxes init. data,
        // FIXME: it might be better to create them at runtime to make the class
        //        file smaller, e.g. by calculating the hexdigits of pi (default)
        //        or just a fixed random sequence (out of the standard)

        final static int pbox_init[] = {

            0x243f6a88, 0x85a308d3, 0x13198a2e, 0x03707344, 0xa4093822, 0x299f31d0,
            0x082efa98, 0xec4e6c89, 0x452821e6, 0x38d01377, 0xbe5466cf, 0x34e90c6c,
            0xc0ac29b7, 0xc97c50dd, 0x3f84d5b5, 0xb5470917, 0x9216d5d9, 0x8979fb1b  };

        final static int sbox_init_1[] = {

            0xd1310ba6,   0x98dfb5ac,   0x2ffd72db,   0xd01adfb7,   0xb8e1afed,   0x6a267e96,
            0xba7c9045,   0xf12c7f99,   0x24a19947,   0xb3916cf7,   0x0801f2e2,   0x858efc16,
            0x636920d8,   0x71574e69,   0xa458fea3,   0xf4933d7e,   0x0d95748f,   0x728eb658,
            0x718bcd58,   0x82154aee,   0x7b54a41d,   0xc25a59b5,   0x9c30d539,   0x2af26013,
            0xc5d1b023,   0x286085f0,   0xca417918,   0xb8db38ef,   0x8e79dcb0,   0x603a180e,
            0x6c9e0e8b,   0xb01e8a3e,   0xd71577c1,   0xbd314b27,   0x78af2fda,   0x55605c60,
            0xe65525f3,   0xaa55ab94,   0x57489862,   0x63e81440,   0x55ca396a,   0x2aab10b6,
            0xb4cc5c34,   0x1141e8ce,   0xa15486af,   0x7c72e993,   0xb3ee1411,   0x636fbc2a,
            0x2ba9c55d,   0x741831f6,   0xce5c3e16,   0x9b87931e,   0xafd6ba33,   0x6c24cf5c,
            0x7a325381,   0x28958677,   0x3b8f4898,   0x6b4bb9af,   0xc4bfe81b,   0x66282193,
            0x61d809cc,   0xfb21a991,   0x487cac60,   0x5dec8032,   0xef845d5d,   0xe98575b1,
            0xdc262302,   0xeb651b88,   0x23893e81,   0xd396acc5,   0x0f6d6ff3,   0x83f44239,
            0x2e0b4482,   0xa4842004,   0x69c8f04a,   0x9e1f9b5e,   0x21c66842,   0xf6e96c9a,
            0x670c9c61,   0xabd388f0,   0x6a51a0d2,   0xd8542f68,   0x960fa728,   0xab5133a3,
            0x6eef0b6c,   0x137a3be4,   0xba3bf050,   0x7efb2a98,   0xa1f1651d,   0x39af0176,
            0x66ca593e,   0x82430e88,   0x8cee8619,   0x456f9fb4,   0x7d84a5c3,   0x3b8b5ebe,
            0xe06f75d8,   0x85c12073,   0x401a449f,   0x56c16aa6,   0x4ed3aa62,   0x363f7706,
            0x1bfedf72,   0x429b023d,   0x37d0d724,   0xd00a1248,   0xdb0fead3,   0x49f1c09b,
            0x075372c9,   0x80991b7b,   0x25d479d8,   0xf6e8def7,   0xe3fe501a,   0xb6794c3b,
            0x976ce0bd,   0x04c006ba,   0xc1a94fb6,   0x409f60c4,   0x5e5c9ec2,   0x196a2463,
            0x68fb6faf,   0x3e6c53b5,   0x1339b2eb,   0x3b52ec6f,   0x6dfc511f,   0x9b30952c,
            0xcc814544,   0xaf5ebd09,   0xbee3d004,   0xde334afd,   0x660f2807,   0x192e4bb3,
            0xc0cba857,   0x45c8740f,   0xd20b5f39,   0xb9d3fbdb,   0x5579c0bd,   0x1a60320a,
            0xd6a100c6,   0x402c7279,   0x679f25fe,   0xfb1fa3cc,   0x8ea5e9f8,   0xdb3222f8,
            0x3c7516df,   0xfd616b15,   0x2f501ec8,   0xad0552ab,   0x323db5fa,   0xfd238760,
            0x53317b48,   0x3e00df82,   0x9e5c57bb,   0xca6f8ca0,   0x1a87562e,   0xdf1769db,
            0xd542a8f6,   0x287effc3,   0xac6732c6,   0x8c4f5573,   0x695b27b0,   0xbbca58c8,
            0xe1ffa35d,   0xb8f011a0,   0x10fa3d98,   0xfd2183b8,   0x4afcb56c,   0x2dd1d35b,
            0x9a53e479,   0xb6f84565,   0xd28e49bc,   0x4bfb9790,   0xe1ddf2da,   0xa4cb7e33,
            0x62fb1341,   0xcee4c6e8,   0xef20cada,   0x36774c01,   0xd07e9efe,   0x2bf11fb4,
            0x95dbda4d,   0xae909198,   0xeaad8e71,   0x6b93d5a0,   0xd08ed1d0,   0xafc725e0,
            0x8e3c5b2f,   0x8e7594b7,   0x8ff6e2fb,   0xf2122b64,   0x8888b812,   0x900df01c,
            0x4fad5ea0,   0x688fc31c,   0xd1cff191,   0xb3a8c1ad,   0x2f2f2218,   0xbe0e1777,
            0xea752dfe,   0x8b021fa1,   0xe5a0cc0f,   0xb56f74e8,   0x18acf3d6,   0xce89e299,
            0xb4a84fe0,   0xfd13e0b7,   0x7cc43b81,   0xd2ada8d9,   0x165fa266,   0x80957705,
            0x93cc7314,   0x211a1477,   0xe6ad2065,   0x77b5fa86,   0xc75442f5,   0xfb9d35cf,
            0xebcdaf0c,   0x7b3e89a0,   0xd6411bd3,   0xae1e7e49,   0x00250e2d,   0x2071b35e,
            0x226800bb,   0x57b8e0af,   0x2464369b,   0xf009b91e,   0x5563911d,   0x59dfa6aa,
            0x78c14389,   0xd95a537f,   0x207d5ba2,   0x02e5b9c5,   0x83260376,   0x6295cfa9,
            0x11c81968,   0x4e734a41,   0xb3472dca,   0x7b14a94a,   0x1b510052,   0x9a532915,
            0xd60f573f,   0xbc9bc6e4,   0x2b60a476,   0x81e67400,   0x08ba6fb5,   0x571be91f,
            0xf296ec6b,   0x2a0dd915,   0xb6636521,   0xe7b9f9b6,   0xff34052e,   0xc5855664,
            0x53b02d5d,   0xa99f8fa1,   0x08ba4799,   0x6e85076a };

        final static int sbox_init_2[] = {

            0x4b7a70e9,   0xb5b32944,
            0xdb75092e,   0xc4192623,   0xad6ea6b0,   0x49a7df7d,   0x9cee60b8,   0x8fedb266,
            0xecaa8c71,   0x699a17ff,   0x5664526c,   0xc2b19ee1,   0x193602a5,   0x75094c29,
            0xa0591340,   0xe4183a3e,   0x3f54989a,   0x5b429d65,   0x6b8fe4d6,   0x99f73fd6,
            0xa1d29c07,   0xefe830f5,   0x4d2d38e6,   0xf0255dc1,   0x4cdd2086,   0x8470eb26,
            0x6382e9c6,   0x021ecc5e,   0x09686b3f,   0x3ebaefc9,   0x3c971814,   0x6b6a70a1,
            0x687f3584,   0x52a0e286,   0xb79c5305,   0xaa500737,   0x3e07841c,   0x7fdeae5c,
            0x8e7d44ec,   0x5716f2b8,   0xb03ada37,   0xf0500c0d,   0xf01c1f04,   0x0200b3ff,
            0xae0cf51a,   0x3cb574b2,   0x25837a58,   0xdc0921bd,   0xd19113f9,   0x7ca92ff6,
            0x94324773,   0x22f54701,   0x3ae5e581,   0x37c2dadc,   0xc8b57634,   0x9af3dda7,
            0xa9446146,   0x0fd0030e,   0xecc8c73e,   0xa4751e41,   0xe238cd99,   0x3bea0e2f,
            0x3280bba1,   0x183eb331,   0x4e548b38,   0x4f6db908,   0x6f420d03,   0xf60a04bf,
            0x2cb81290,   0x24977c79,   0x5679b072,   0xbcaf89af,   0xde9a771f,   0xd9930810,
            0xb38bae12,   0xdccf3f2e,   0x5512721f,   0x2e6b7124,   0x501adde6,   0x9f84cd87,
            0x7a584718,   0x7408da17,   0xbc9f9abc,   0xe94b7d8c,   0xec7aec3a,   0xdb851dfa,
            0x63094366,   0xc464c3d2,   0xef1c1847,   0x3215d908,   0xdd433b37,   0x24c2ba16,
            0x12a14d43,   0x2a65c451,   0x50940002,   0x133ae4dd,   0x71dff89e,   0x10314e55,
            0x81ac77d6,   0x5f11199b,   0x043556f1,   0xd7a3c76b,   0x3c11183b,   0x5924a509,
            0xf28fe6ed,   0x97f1fbfa,   0x9ebabf2c,   0x1e153c6e,   0x86e34570,   0xeae96fb1,
            0x860e5e0a,   0x5a3e2ab3,   0x771fe71c,   0x4e3d06fa,   0x2965dcb9,   0x99e71d0f,
            0x803e89d6,   0x5266c825,   0x2e4cc978,   0x9c10b36a,   0xc6150eba,   0x94e2ea78,
            0xa5fc3c53,   0x1e0a2df4,   0xf2f74ea7,   0x361d2b3d,   0x1939260f,   0x19c27960,
            0x5223a708,   0xf71312b6,   0xebadfe6e,   0xeac31f66,   0xe3bc4595,   0xa67bc883,
            0xb17f37d1,   0x018cff28,   0xc332ddef,   0xbe6c5aa5,   0x65582185,   0x68ab9802,
            0xeecea50f,   0xdb2f953b,   0x2aef7dad,   0x5b6e2f84,   0x1521b628,   0x29076170,
            0xecdd4775,   0x619f1510,   0x13cca830,   0xeb61bd96,   0x0334fe1e,   0xaa0363cf,
            0xb5735c90,   0x4c70a239,   0xd59e9e0b,   0xcbaade14,   0xeecc86bc,   0x60622ca7,
            0x9cab5cab,   0xb2f3846e,   0x648b1eaf,   0x19bdf0ca,   0xa02369b9,   0x655abb50,
            0x40685a32,   0x3c2ab4b3,   0x319ee9d5,   0xc021b8f7,   0x9b540b19,   0x875fa099,
            0x95f7997e,   0x623d7da8,   0xf837889a,   0x97e32d77,   0x11ed935f,   0x16681281,
            0x0e358829,   0xc7e61fd6,   0x96dedfa1,   0x7858ba99,   0x57f584a5,   0x1b227263,
            0x9b83c3ff,   0x1ac24696,   0xcdb30aeb,   0x532e3054,   0x8fd948e4,   0x6dbc3128,
            0x58ebf2ef,   0x34c6ffea,   0xfe28ed61,   0xee7c3c73,   0x5d4a14d9,   0xe864b7e3,
            0x42105d14,   0x203e13e0,   0x45eee2b6,   0xa3aaabea,   0xdb6c4f15,   0xfacb4fd0,
            0xc742f442,   0xef6abbb5,   0x654f3b1d,   0x41cd2105,   0xd81e799e,   0x86854dc7,
            0xe44b476a,   0x3d816250,   0xcf62a1f2,   0x5b8d2646,   0xfc8883a0,   0xc1c7b6a3,
            0x7f1524c3,   0x69cb7492,   0x47848a0b,   0x5692b285,   0x095bbf00,   0xad19489d,
            0x1462b174,   0x23820e00,   0x58428d2a,   0x0c55f5ea,   0x1dadf43e,   0x233f7061,
            0x3372f092,   0x8d937e41,   0xd65fecf1,   0x6c223bdb,   0x7cde3759,   0xcbee7460,
            0x4085f2a7,   0xce77326e,   0xa6078084,   0x19f8509e,   0xe8efd855,   0x61d99735,
            0xa969a7aa,   0xc50c06c2,   0x5a04abfc,   0x800bcadc,   0x9e447a2e,   0xc3453484,
            0xfdd56705,   0x0e1e9ec9,   0xdb73dbd3,   0x105588cd,   0x675fda79,   0xe3674340,
            0xc5c43465,   0x713e38d8,   0x3d28f89e,   0xf16dff20,   0x153e21e7,   0x8fb03d4a,
            0xe6e39f2b,   0xdb83adf7 };

        final static int sbox_init_3[] = {

            0xe93d5a68,   0x948140f7,   0xf64c261c,   0x94692934,
            0x411520f7,   0x7602d4f7,   0xbcf46b2e,   0xd4a20068,   0xd4082471,   0x3320f46a,
            0x43b7d4b7,   0x500061af,   0x1e39f62e,   0x97244546,   0x14214f74,   0xbf8b8840,
            0x4d95fc1d,   0x96b591af,   0x70f4ddd3,   0x66a02f45,   0xbfbc09ec,   0x03bd9785,
            0x7fac6dd0,   0x31cb8504,   0x96eb27b3,   0x55fd3941,   0xda2547e6,   0xabca0a9a,
            0x28507825,   0x530429f4,   0x0a2c86da,   0xe9b66dfb,   0x68dc1462,   0xd7486900,
            0x680ec0a4,   0x27a18dee,   0x4f3ffea2,   0xe887ad8c,   0xb58ce006,   0x7af4d6b6,
            0xaace1e7c,   0xd3375fec,   0xce78a399,   0x406b2a42,   0x20fe9e35,   0xd9f385b9,
            0xee39d7ab,   0x3b124e8b,   0x1dc9faf7,   0x4b6d1856,   0x26a36631,   0xeae397b2,
            0x3a6efa74,   0xdd5b4332,   0x6841e7f7,   0xca7820fb,   0xfb0af54e,   0xd8feb397,
            0x454056ac,   0xba489527,   0x55533a3a,   0x20838d87,   0xfe6ba9b7,   0xd096954b,
            0x55a867bc,   0xa1159a58,   0xcca92963,   0x99e1db33,   0xa62a4a56,   0x3f3125f9,
            0x5ef47e1c,   0x9029317c,   0xfdf8e802,   0x04272f70,   0x80bb155c,   0x05282ce3,
            0x95c11548,   0xe4c66d22,   0x48c1133f,   0xc70f86dc,   0x07f9c9ee,   0x41041f0f,
            0x404779a4,   0x5d886e17,   0x325f51eb,   0xd59bc0d1,   0xf2bcc18f,   0x41113564,
            0x257b7834,   0x602a9c60,   0xdff8e8a3,   0x1f636c1b,   0x0e12b4c2,   0x02e1329e,
            0xaf664fd1,   0xcad18115,   0x6b2395e0,   0x333e92e1,   0x3b240b62,   0xeebeb922,
            0x85b2a20e,   0xe6ba0d99,   0xde720c8c,   0x2da2f728,   0xd0127845,   0x95b794fd,
            0x647d0862,   0xe7ccf5f0,   0x5449a36f,   0x877d48fa,   0xc39dfd27,   0xf33e8d1e,
            0x0a476341,   0x992eff74,   0x3a6f6eab,   0xf4f8fd37,   0xa812dc60,   0xa1ebddf8,
            0x991be14c,   0xdb6e6b0d,   0xc67b5510,   0x6d672c37,   0x2765d43b,   0xdcd0e804,
            0xf1290dc7,   0xcc00ffa3,   0xb5390f92,   0x690fed0b,   0x667b9ffb,   0xcedb7d9c,
            0xa091cf0b,   0xd9155ea3,   0xbb132f88,   0x515bad24,   0x7b9479bf,   0x763bd6eb,
            0x37392eb3,   0xcc115979,   0x8026e297,   0xf42e312d,   0x6842ada7,   0xc66a2b3b,
            0x12754ccc,   0x782ef11c,   0x6a124237,   0xb79251e7,   0x06a1bbe6,   0x4bfb6350,
            0x1a6b1018,   0x11caedfa,   0x3d25bdd8,   0xe2e1c3c9,   0x44421659,   0x0a121386,
            0xd90cec6e,   0xd5abea2a,   0x64af674e,   0xda86a85f,   0xbebfe988,   0x64e4c3fe,
            0x9dbc8057,   0xf0f7c086,   0x60787bf8,   0x6003604d,   0xd1fd8346,   0xf6381fb0,
            0x7745ae04,   0xd736fccc,   0x83426b33,   0xf01eab71,   0xb0804187,   0x3c005e5f,
            0x77a057be,   0xbde8ae24,   0x55464299,   0xbf582e61,   0x4e58f48f,   0xf2ddfda2,
            0xf474ef38,   0x8789bdc2,   0x5366f9c3,   0xc8b38e74,   0xb475f255,   0x46fcd9b9,
            0x7aeb2661,   0x8b1ddf84,   0x846a0e79,   0x915f95e2,   0x466e598e,   0x20b45770,
            0x8cd55591,   0xc902de4c,   0xb90bace1,   0xbb8205d0,   0x11a86248,   0x7574a99e,
            0xb77f19b6,   0xe0a9dc09,   0x662d09a1,   0xc4324633,   0xe85a1f02,   0x09f0be8c,
            0x4a99a025,   0x1d6efe10,   0x1ab93d1d,   0x0ba5a4df,   0xa186f20f,   0x2868f169,
            0xdcb7da83,   0x573906fe,   0xa1e2ce9b,   0x4fcd7f52,   0x50115e01,   0xa70683fa,
            0xa002b5c4,   0x0de6d027,   0x9af88c27,   0x773f8641,   0xc3604c06,   0x61a806b5,
            0xf0177a28,   0xc0f586e0,   0x006058aa,   0x30dc7d62,   0x11e69ed7,   0x2338ea63,
            0x53c2dd94,   0xc2c21634,   0xbbcbee56,   0x90bcb6de,   0xebfc7da1,   0xce591d76,
            0x6f05e409,   0x4b7c0188,   0x39720a3d,   0x7c927c24,   0x86e3725f,   0x724d9db9,
            0x1ac15bb4,   0xd39eb8fc,   0xed545578,   0x08fca5b5,   0xd83d7cd3,   0x4dad0fc4,
            0x1e50ef5e,   0xb161e6f8,   0xa28514d9,   0x6c51133c,   0x6fd5c7e7,   0x56e14ec4,
            0x362abfce,   0xddc6c837,   0xd79a3234,   0x92638212,   0x670efa8e,   0x406000e0 };

        final static int sbox_init_4[] = {

            0x3a39ce37,   0xd3faf5cf,   0xabc27737,   0x5ac52d1b,   0x5cb0679e,   0x4fa33742,
            0xd3822740,   0x99bc9bbe,   0xd5118e9d,   0xbf0f7315,   0xd62d1c7e,   0xc700c47b,
            0xb78c1b6b,   0x21a19045,   0xb26eb1be,   0x6a366eb4,   0x5748ab2f,   0xbc946e79,
            0xc6a376d2,   0x6549c2c8,   0x530ff8ee,   0x468dde7d,   0xd5730a1d,   0x4cd04dc6,
            0x2939bbdb,   0xa9ba4650,   0xac9526e8,   0xbe5ee304,   0xa1fad5f0,   0x6a2d519a,
            0x63ef8ce2,   0x9a86ee22,   0xc089c2b8,   0x43242ef6,   0xa51e03aa,   0x9cf2d0a4,
            0x83c061ba,   0x9be96a4d,   0x8fe51550,   0xba645bd6,   0x2826a2f9,   0xa73a3ae1,
            0x4ba99586,   0xef5562e9,   0xc72fefd3,   0xf752f7da,   0x3f046f69,   0x77fa0a59,
            0x80e4a915,   0x87b08601,   0x9b09e6ad,   0x3b3ee593,   0xe990fd5a,   0x9e34d797,
            0x2cf0b7d9,   0x022b8b51,   0x96d5ac3a,   0x017da67d,   0xd1cf3ed6,   0x7c7d2d28,
            0x1f9f25cf,   0xadf2b89b,   0x5ad6b472,   0x5a88f54c,   0xe029ac71,   0xe019a5e6,
            0x47b0acfd,   0xed93fa9b,   0xe8d3c48d,   0x283b57cc,   0xf8d56629,   0x79132e28,
            0x785f0191,   0xed756055,   0xf7960e44,   0xe3d35e8c,   0x15056dd4,   0x88f46dba,
            0x03a16125,   0x0564f0bd,   0xc3eb9e15,   0x3c9057a2,   0x97271aec,   0xa93a072a,
            0x1b3f6d9b,   0x1e6321f5,   0xf59c66fb,   0x26dcf319,   0x7533d928,   0xb155fdf5,
            0x03563482,   0x8aba3cbb,   0x28517711,   0xc20ad9f8,   0xabcc5167,   0xccad925f,
            0x4de81751,   0x3830dc8e,   0x379d5862,   0x9320f991,   0xea7a90c2,   0xfb3e7bce,
            0x5121ce64,   0x774fbe32,   0xa8b6e37e,   0xc3293d46,   0x48de5369,   0x6413e680,
            0xa2ae0810,   0xdd6db224,   0x69852dfd,   0x09072166,   0xb39a460a,   0x6445c0dd,
            0x586cdecf,   0x1c20c8ae,   0x5bbef7dd,   0x1b588d40,   0xccd2017f,   0x6bb4e3bb,
            0xdda26a7e,   0x3a59ff45,   0x3e350a44,   0xbcb4cdd5,   0x72eacea8,   0xfa6484bb,
            0x8d6612ae,   0xbf3c6f47,   0xd29be463,   0x542f5d9e,   0xaec2771b,   0xf64e6370,
            0x740e0d8d,   0xe75b1357,   0xf8721671,   0xaf537d5d,   0x4040cb08,   0x4eb4e2cc,
            0x34d2466a,   0x0115af84,   0xe1b00428,   0x95983a1d,   0x06b89fb4,   0xce6ea048,
            0x6f3f3b82,   0x3520ab82,   0x011a1d4b,   0x277227f8,   0x611560b1,   0xe7933fdc,
            0xbb3a792b,   0x344525bd,   0xa08839e1,   0x51ce794b,   0x2f32c9b7,   0xa01fbac9,
            0xe01cc87e,   0xbcc7d1f6,   0xcf0111c3,   0xa1e8aac7,   0x1a908749,   0xd44fbd9a,
            0xd0dadecb,   0xd50ada38,   0x0339c32a,   0xc6913667,   0x8df9317c,   0xe0b12b4f,
            0xf79e59b7,   0x43f5bb3a,   0xf2d519ff,   0x27d9459c,   0xbf97222c,   0x15e6fc2a,
            0x0f91fc71,   0x9b941525,   0xfae59361,   0xceb69ceb,   0xc2a86459,   0x12baa8d1,
            0xb6c1075e,   0xe3056a0c,   0x10d25065,   0xcb03a442,   0xe0ec6e0e,   0x1698db3b,
            0x4c98a0be,   0x3278e964,   0x9f1f9532,   0xe0d392df,   0xd3a0342b,   0x8971f21e,
            0x1b0a7441,   0x4ba3348c,   0xc5be7120,   0xc37632d8,   0xdf359f8d,   0x9b992f2e,
            0xe60b6f47,   0x0fe3f11d,   0xe54cda54,   0x1edad891,   0xce6279cf,   0xcd3e7e6f,
            0x1618b166,   0xfd2c1d05,   0x848fd2c5,   0xf6fb2299,   0xf523f357,   0xa6327623,
            0x93a83531,   0x56cccd02,   0xacf08162,   0x5a75ebb5,   0x6e163697,   0x88d273cc,
            0xde966292,   0x81b949d0,   0x4c50901b,   0x71c65614,   0xe6c6c7bd,   0x327a140a,
            0x45e1d006,   0xc3f27b9a,   0xc9aa53fd,   0x62a80f00,   0xbb25bfe2,   0x35bdd2f6,
            0x71126905,   0xb2040222,   0xb6cbcf7c,   0xcd769c2b,   0x53113ec0,   0x1640e3d3,
            0x38abbd60,   0x2547adf0,   0xba38209c,   0xf746ce76,   0x77afa1c5,   0x20756060,
            0x85cbfe4e,   0x8ae88dd8,   0x7aaaf9b0,   0x4cf9aa7e,   0x1948c25c,   0x02fb8a8c,
            0x01c36ae4,   0xd6ebe1f9,   0x90d4f869,   0xa65cdea0,   0x3f09252d,   0xc208e69f,
            0xb74e6132,   0xce77e25b,   0x578fdfe3,   0x3ac372e6 };

    private static class BlowfishCBC extends BlowfishECB {

        // here we hold the CBC IV
        long m_lCBCIV;

         * get the current CBC IV (for cipher resets)
         * @return current CBC IV
        public long getCBCIV()
            return m_lCBCIV;

         * get the current CBC IV (for cipher resets)
         * @param dest wher eto put current CBC IV in network byte ordered array
        public void getCBCIV(byte[] dest)
            longToByteArray(m_lCBCIV, dest, 0);

         * set the current CBC IV (for cipher resets)
         * @param lNewCBCIV the new CBC IV
        public void setCBCIV(long lNewCBCIV)
            m_lCBCIV = lNewCBCIV;

         * set the current CBC IV (for cipher resets)
         * @param newCBCIV the new CBC IV  in network byte ordered array
        public void setCBCIV(byte[] newCBCIV)
            m_lCBCIV = byteArrayToLong(newCBCIV, 0);

         * constructor, stores a zero CBC IV
         * @param bfkey key material, up to MAXKEYLENGTH bytes
        public BlowfishCBC(byte[] bfkey)

            // store zero CBCB IV

         * constructor
         * @param bfkey key material, up to MAXKEYLENGTH bytes
         * @param lInitCBCIV the CBC IV
        public BlowfishCBC(byte[] bfkey,
                           long lInitCBCIV)

            // store the CBCB IV

         * constructor
         * @param bfkey key material, up to MAXKEYLENGTH bytes
         * @param initCBCIV the CBC IV (array with min. BLOCKSIZE bytes)
        public BlowfishCBC(byte[] bfkey,
                           byte[] initCBCIV)

            // store the CBCB IV

         * cleans up all critical internals,
         * call this if you don't need an instance anymore
        public void cleanUp()
            m_lCBCIV = 0;

        // internal routine to encrypt a block in CBC mode
        private long encryptBlockCBC(long lPlainblock)
            // chain with the CBC IV
            lPlainblock ^= m_lCBCIV;

            // encrypt the block
            lPlainblock = super.encryptBlock(lPlainblock);

            // the encrypted block is the new CBC IV
            return (m_lCBCIV = lPlainblock);

        // internal routine to decrypt a block in CBC mode
        private long decryptBlockCBC(long lCipherblock)
            // save the current block
            long lTemp = lCipherblock;

            // decrypt the block
            lCipherblock = super.decryptBlock(lCipherblock);

            // dechain the block
            lCipherblock ^= m_lCBCIV;

            // set the new CBC IV
            m_lCBCIV = lTemp;

            // return the decrypted block
            return lCipherblock;

         * encrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border)
         * to another buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(byte[] inbuffer,
                            byte[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * encrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border) to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(byte[] buffer)

            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * encrypts an int buffer (should be aligned to an
         * two integer border) to another int buffer (of the same
         * size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(int[] inbuffer,
                            int[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * encrypts an integer buffer (should be aligned to an
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(int[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // encrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = encryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * encrypts a long buffer to another long buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with plaintext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the ciphertext data
        public void encrypt(long[] inbuffer,
                            long[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                outbuffer[nI] = encryptBlockCBC(inbuffer[nI]);

         * encrypts a long buffer to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to encrypt
        public void encrypt(long[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                buffer[nI] = encryptBlockCBC(buffer[nI]);

         * decrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border)
         * to another buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(byte[] inbuffer,
                            byte[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * decrypts a byte buffer (should be aligned to an 8 byte border) to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void  decrypt(byte[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=8)
                // decrypt over a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = byteArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToByteArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * decrypts an integer buffer (should be aligned to an
         * two integer border) to another int buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(int[] inbuffer,
                            int[] outbuffer)

            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(inbuffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, outbuffer, nI);

         * decrypts an int buffer (should be aligned to a
         * two integer border)
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void decrypt(int[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            long lTemp;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI +=2)
                // decrypt a temporary 64bit block
                lTemp = intArrayToLong(buffer, nI);
                lTemp = decryptBlockCBC(lTemp);
                longToIntArray(lTemp, buffer, nI);

         * decrypts a long buffer to another long buffer (of the same size or bigger)
         * @param inbuffer buffer with ciphertext data
         * @param outbuffer buffer to get the plaintext data
        public void decrypt(long[] inbuffer,
                            long[] outbuffer)
            int nLen = inbuffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                outbuffer[nI] = decryptBlockCBC(inbuffer[nI]);

         * decrypts a long buffer to itself
         * @param buffer buffer to decrypt
        public void decrypt(long[] buffer)
            int nLen = buffer.length;
            for (int nI = 0; nI < nLen; nI++)
                buffer[nI] = decryptBlockCBC(buffer[nI]);


     * gets bytes from an array into a long
     * @param buffer where to get the bytes
     * @param nStartIndex index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    private static long byteArrayToLong(byte[] buffer,
                                       int nStartIndex)
        return (((long)buffer[nStartIndex]) << 56) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 1] & 0x0ffL) << 48) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 2] & 0x0ffL) << 40) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 3] & 0x0ffL) << 32) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 4] & 0x0ffL) << 24) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 5] & 0x0ffL) << 16) |
                (((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 6] & 0x0ffL) << 8) |
                ((long)buffer[nStartIndex + 7] & 0x0ff);

     * converts a long o bytes which are put into a given array
     * @param lValue the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buffer the target buffer
     * @param nStartIndex where to place the bytes in the buffer
    private static void longToByteArray(long lValue,
                                       byte[] buffer,
                                       int nStartIndex)
        buffer[nStartIndex] = (byte) (lValue >>> 56);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 1] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 48) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 2] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 40) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 3] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 32) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 4] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 24) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 5] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 16) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 6] = (byte) ((lValue >>> 8) & 0x0ff);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 7] = (byte) lValue;

     * converts values from an integer array to a long
     * @param buffer where to get the bytes
     * @param nStartIndex index from where to read the data
     * @return the 64bit integer
    private static long intArrayToLong(int[] buffer,
                                      int nStartIndex)
        return (((long) buffer[nStartIndex]) << 32) |
                (((long) buffer[nStartIndex + 1]) & 0x0ffffffffL);

     * converts a long to integers which are put into a given array
     * @param lValue the 64bit integer to convert
     * @param buffer the target buffer
     * @param nStartIndex where to place the bytes in the buffer
    private static void longToIntArray(long lValue,
                                      int[] buffer,
                                      int nStartIndex)
        buffer[nStartIndex]     = (int) (lValue >>> 32);
        buffer[nStartIndex + 1] = (int) lValue;

     * makes a long from two integers (treated unsigned)
     * @param nLo lower 32bits
     * @param nHi higher 32bits
     * @return the built long
    private static long makeLong(int nLo,
                                int nHi)
        return (((long)nHi << 32) |
                ((long)nLo & 0x00000000ffffffffL));

     * gets the lower 32 bits of a long
     * @param lVal the long integer
     * @return lower 32 bits
    private static int longLo32(long lVal)
        return (int)lVal;

     * gets the higher 32 bits of a long
     * @param lVal the long integer
     * @return higher 32 bits
    private static int longHi32(long lVal)
        return (int)((lVal >>> 32));

    // our table for binhex conversion
    final static char[] HEXTAB = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
                                   '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };

     * converts a byte array to a binhex string
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param nStartPos start index where to get the bytes
     * @param nNumOfBytes number of bytes to convert
     * @return the binhex string
    private static String bytesToBinHex(byte[] data,
                                       int nStartPos,
                                       int nNumOfBytes)
        StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder();
        sbuf.setLength(nNumOfBytes << 1);

        int nPos = 0;
        for (int nI = 0; nI < nNumOfBytes; nI++)
            sbuf.setCharAt(nPos++, HEXTAB[(data[nI + nStartPos] >> 4) & 0x0f]);
            sbuf.setCharAt(nPos++, HEXTAB[data[nI + nStartPos] & 0x0f]);
        return sbuf.toString();

     * converts a binhex string back into a byte array (invalid codes will be skipped)
     * @param sBinHex binhex string
     * @param data the target array
     * @param nSrcPos from which character in the string the conversion should begin,
     *                remember that (nSrcPos modulo 2) should equals 0 normally
     * @param nDstPos to store the bytes from which position in the array
     * @param nNumOfBytes number of bytes to extract
     * @return number of extracted bytes
    private static int binHexToBytes(String sBinHex,
                                    byte[] data,
                                    int nSrcPos,
                                    int nDstPos,
                                    int nNumOfBytes)
        // check for correct ranges
        int nStrLen = sBinHex.length();

        int nAvailBytes = (nStrLen - nSrcPos) >> 1;
        if (nAvailBytes < nNumOfBytes)
            nNumOfBytes = nAvailBytes;

        int nOutputCapacity = data.length - nDstPos;
        if (nNumOfBytes > nOutputCapacity)
            nNumOfBytes = nOutputCapacity;

        // convert now
        int nResult = 0;
        for (int nI = 0; nI < nNumOfBytes; nI++)
            byte bActByte = 0;
            boolean blConvertOK = true;
            for (int nJ = 0; nJ < 2; nJ++)
                bActByte <<= 4;
                char cActChar = sBinHex.charAt(nSrcPos++);

                if ((cActChar >= 'a') && (cActChar <= 'f'))
                    bActByte |= (byte)(cActChar - 'a') + 10;
                    if ((cActChar >= '0') && (cActChar <= '9'))
                        bActByte |= (byte)(cActChar - '0');
                        blConvertOK = false;
            if (blConvertOK)
                data[nDstPos++] = bActByte;

        return nResult;

     * converts a byte array into an UNICODE string
     * @param data the byte array
     * @param nStartPos where to begin the conversion
     * @param nNumOfBytes number of bytes to handle
     * @return the string
    private static String byteArrayToUNCString(byte[] data,
                                              int nStartPos,
                                              int nNumOfBytes)
        // we need two bytes for every character
        nNumOfBytes &= ~1;

        // enough bytes in the buffer?
        int nAvailCapacity = data.length - nStartPos;

        if (nAvailCapacity < nNumOfBytes)
            nNumOfBytes = nAvailCapacity;

        StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder();
        sbuf.setLength(nNumOfBytes >> 1);

        int nSBufPos = 0;

        while (nNumOfBytes > 0)
                    (char)(((int)data[nStartPos] << 8) | ((int)data[nStartPos + 1] & 0x0ff)));
            nStartPos += 2;
            nNumOfBytes -= 2;

        return sbuf.toString();


Related examples in the same category

1.Basic symmetric encryption example
2.Encryption and decryption with AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding
3.Cipher with AESECBPKCS7Padding BC
4.Basic symmetric encryption example with CTR using DES
5.Basic symmetric encryption example with padding and CBC using DES
6.Basic symmetric encryption example with padding and ECB using DES
7.CBC using DES with an IV based on a nonce: a hypothetical message number
8.Example of using PBE with a PBEParameterSpec
9.Get Cipher Instance Blowfish
10.Message without tampering with MAC (DES), encryption AES in CTR mode
11.Example of using PBE without using a PBEParameterSpec
12.Getting the Bytes of a Generated Symmetric Key
13.Encryption and Decryption using Symmetric Keys
14.Encrypt a password
15.Cryptography Streams: True Mirror
16.Get the formats of the encoded bytes
17.Create an encrypted string for password
18.Cryptography Streams: URLDigest
19.This program tests the AES cipher
20.This program tests the RSA cipher
21.Crypt demo
22.Encrypt User name
23.Crypt Utils
24.Encode a string using algorithm specified in web.xml and return the resulting encrypted password.
25.Encrypts the string along with salt, Decrypts the string and removes the salt