Parse a Cookie: header into individual tokens according to RFC 2109. : Cookie « Servlets « Java

Parse a Cookie: header into individual tokens according to RFC 2109.

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import java.lang.System;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException;
import java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;

 * Parse a Cookie: header into individual tokens according to RFC 2109.
public class CookieTokenizer
     * Upper bound on the number of cookie tokens to accept.  The limit is
     * based on the 4 different attributes (4.3.4) and the 20 cookie minimum
     * (6.3) given in RFC 2109 multiplied by 2 to accomodate the 2 tokens in
     * each name=value pair ("JSESSIONID=1234" is 2 tokens).
    private static final int MAX_COOKIE_TOKENS = 4 * 20 * 2;

     * Array of cookie tokens.  Even indices contain name tokens while odd
     * indices contain value tokens (or null).
    private String tokens[] = new String[MAX_COOKIE_TOKENS];

     * Number of cookie tokens currently in the tokens[] array.
    private int numTokens = 0;

     * Parse a name=value pair from the Cookie: header.
     * @param cookies The Cookie: header to parse
     * @param beginIndex The index in cookies to begin parsing from, inclusive
    private int parseNameValue(String cookies, int beginIndex) {
        int length = cookies.length();
        int index = beginIndex;

        while (index < length) {
            switch (cookies.charAt(index)) {
            case ';':
            case ',':
                // Found end of name token without value
                tokens[numTokens] = cookies.substring(beginIndex, index).trim();
                if (tokens[numTokens].length() > 0) {
                    tokens[numTokens] = null;
                return index + 1;

            case '=':
                // Found end of name token with value
                tokens[numTokens] = cookies.substring(beginIndex, index).trim();
                return parseValue(cookies, index + 1);

            case '"':
                // Skip past quoted span
                do index++; while (cookies.charAt(index) != '"');


        if (index > beginIndex) {
            // Found end of name token without value
            tokens[numTokens] = cookies.substring(beginIndex, index).trim();
            if (tokens[numTokens].length() > 0) {
                tokens[numTokens] = null;

        return index;

     * Parse the name=value tokens from a Cookie: header.
     * @param cookies The Cookie: header to parse
    public int tokenize(String cookies) {
        numTokens = 0;

        if (cookies != null) {
            try {
                // Advance through cookies, parsing name=value pairs
                int length = cookies.length();
                int index = 0;
                while (index < length)
                    index = parseNameValue(cookies, index);
            catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                // Filled up the tokens[] array
            catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                // Walked off the end of the cookies header

        return numTokens;

     * Return the number of cookie tokens parsed from the Cookie: header.
    public int getNumTokens() {
        return numTokens;

     * Returns a given cookie token from the Cookie: header.
     * @param index The index of the cookie token to return
    public String tokenAt(int index) {
        return tokens[index];

     * Parse the value token from a name=value pair.
     * @param cookies The Cookie: header to parse
     * @param beginIndex The index in cookies to begin parsing from, inclusive
    private int parseValue(String cookies, int beginIndex) {
        int length = cookies.length();
        int index = beginIndex;

        while (index < length) {
            switch (cookies.charAt(index)) {
            case ';':
            case ',':
                // Found end of value token
                tokens[numTokens] = cookies.substring(beginIndex, index).trim();
                return index + 1;

            case '"':
                // Skip past quoted span
                do index++; while (cookies.charAt(index) != '"');


        // Found end of value token
        tokens[numTokens] = cookies.substring(beginIndex, index).trim();

        return index;


Related examples in the same category

1.Setting and Reading Cookies
2.Cookie Demo
3.Cookie reader
4.Use cookie to save session data
5.A utility class for parsing HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers
6.Cookie Utilities
7.Utilities for finding and manipulating cookies
8.Parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
9.Cookie Utility
10.Cookie Util