An example POJO Web service: how to expose the methods of a Java class as a Web service using Axis2. : POJO Web service « Web Services SOA « Java

An example POJO Web service: how to expose the methods of a Java class as a Web service using Axis2.

Sample: POJO (Plain Old Java Object)


This is an example POJO Web service. It shows how to expose the methods of a Java class as a Web
service using Aixs2.


To build the sample service you must have ant-1.6.x installed in your system. 

To set AXIS2_HOME in Unix/Linux type:
$export AXIS2_HOME=<path to axis2 distribution>

Building the Service

To build the sample service, type: $ant generate.service or just ant

This will build the AddressBookService.aar in the build directory and copy it to the
<AXIS2_HOME>/repository/services directory.

You can start the Axis2 server by running either axis2server.bat (on Windows) or
(on Linux)that are located in <AXIS2_HOME>/bin directory.

The WSDL for this service should be viewable at:

(e.g. http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/AddressBookService?wsdl)

src/sample/addressbook/rpcclient/ is a Client that uses RPCServiceClient
to invoke the methods of this web services just like the method invocations of a Java object.

Running the Client

To compile and run, type
$ant rpc.client

src/sample/addressbook/adbclient/AddressBookADBClient is Client that uses a generated stub with ADB
to invoke the methods of this web service.

To generate the stub, compile and run, type
$ant adb.client -Dwsdl=http://<yourhost>:<yourport>/axis2/services/AddressBookService?wsdl

Please contact axis-user list ( if you have any trouble running the sample.
        8 k)

Related examples in the same category

1.This sample shows how to expose a Java class as a web service
2.In this sample, we are deploying a POJO after writing a services.xml and creating an aar
3.How to expose the getters and setters of a Service: this demo uses the Spring to initialize the property of the Service