A Countdown Timer : Timer « Development « JavaScript DHTML

A Countdown Timer

JavaScript Bible, Fourth Edition
by Danny Goodman 

John Wiley & Sons CopyRight 2001

<TITLE>Count Down Timer</TITLE>
var running = false
var endTime = null
var timerID = null
function startTimer() {
    running = true
    now = new Date()
    now = now.getTime()
    // change last multiple for the number of minutes
    endTime = now + (1000 * 60 * 1)
function showCountDown() {
    var now = new Date()
    now = now.getTime()
    if (endTime - now <= 0) {

alert("Time is up.  Put down your pencils.")
    } else {
        var delta = new Date(endTime - now)
        var theMin = delta.getMinutes()
        var theSec = delta.getSeconds()
        var theTime = theMin
        theTime += ((theSec < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + theSec
        document.forms[0].timerDisplay.value = theTime
        if (running) {
            timerID = setTimeout("showCountDown()",1000)
function stopTimer() {
    running = false
    document.forms[0].timerDisplay.value = "0:00"
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="startTime" VALUE="Start 1 min. Timer"
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="clearTime" VALUE="Clear Timer"
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="timerDisplay" VALUE="">


Related examples in the same category

1.Using a Timer
2.setInterval() and clearInterval() methods
3.Timer Events Demo
4.Timer Events Demo 2
5.Accessing Document Contents
6.A Timeout Processing Example