Password verification: the second value must be equivalent to the first to validate : Password « Ext JS « JavaScript DHTML

Password verification: the second value must be equivalent to the first to validate


 * Ext JS Library 3.0.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
<title>Hello World Window</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext-3.0.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-3.0.0/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext-3.0.0/ext-all.js"></script>

<!-- Revised from demo code in ext3.0.0 -->
<script type="text/javascript">
 * Ext JS Library 3.0.0
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009 Ext JS, LLC
// Add the additional 'advanced' VTypes
Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes, {

    password : function(val, field) {
        if (field.initialPassField) {
            var pwd = Ext.getCmp(field.initialPassField);
            return (val == pwd.getValue());
        return true;

    passwordText : 'Passwords do not match'



    // turn on validation errors beside the field globally
    Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget = 'side';

    var bd = Ext.getBody();

     *  Password Verification 
    var pwd = new Ext.FormPanel({
      labelWidth: 125,
      frame: true,
      title: 'Password Verification',
      bodyStyle:'padding:5px 5px 0',
      width: 350,
      defaults: {
        width: 175,
        inputType: 'password'
      defaultType: 'textfield',
      items: [{
        fieldLabel: 'Password',
        name: 'pass',
        id: 'pass'
        fieldLabel: 'Confirm Password',
        name: 'pass-cfrm',
        vtype: 'password',
        initialPassField: 'pass' // id of the initial password field


<div id="pw">


Related examples in the same category

1.Add not blank password to a form