Auto type textarea : TextArea « Form Control « JavaScript DHTML

Auto type textarea


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">
This source code is released to the public domain with the provision that 
the copyright information remains in the source code.
Copyright (c) by: Robert N Bovara All Rights Reserved.
var outMsg = "";
var i = 0;
var lineNo = 1;
var timerDM=null;
var msg = " ";
function araVob() {
var ScreenLine = new araVob();
ScreenLine[1]  = "Doesn't this look better than status bar displays?"
ScreenLine[2]  =  "Isn't this easier to read than \"sideways\" scrollers?"
ScreenLine[3]  = " ";
ScreenLine[4]  =  "How many lines can you display on the status bar?"
ScreenLine[5]  =  "Here, you can not only display more than one line,\f ";
ScreenLine[6]  = "But, you can also display more than one \"page\" !"
ScreenLine[7]  = " ";
ScreenLine[8]  =  "Aren't you glad your browser interprets JavaScript (JScript)?"
ScreenLine[9]  = " ";
ScreenLine[10] =  "Enjoy!....\f";
ScreenLine[11] = "P.S.\t'Tis better to have no moving text at all ....."
ScreenLine[12] = "\t... than to have a \"sideways\" scroller.";
ScreenLine[13] = " \f";
To change or add messages, just replace values of or add to ScreenLine[n]
above.   Each ScreenLine[n] is a separate line.  To change the "page" before 
the defined page length is reached, insert a \f character at the end of the 
line where you want the break.    Use \" for quotes and \t for tabs in the 
message text.
var msgNum = 1;          // set to first message to display
var msgCnt = 13;         // set to number of last message "page" to display.
var typeSpeed = 70;      // the typing rate, in milliseconds. (Higher number is slower)
var pageLen = 5;         // set to page size, usually number of ROWS in TEXTAREA
var delay=typeSpeed;
var r = 0;
var cr="\r\n"
if ("3" <=navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)) {
 var cr="\n"
for (x = 1; x<=(msgCnt); x++) {
  ScreenLine[x] = ScreenLine[x] + cr;
msg = ScreenLine[1];

function DisplayMsg() {
  if (msg.length <= i || msg.charAt(i) == "\f") {
  outMsg = outMsg + msg.charAt(i);
  if (msg.charAt(i) == "\f" || (lineNo == pageLen && i==msg.length)) {
    delay = 4000; }
  else {
  if (msg.charAt(i) == cr && msg != " "+cr) {
    delay = 2000; }
  else {
    delay = typeSpeed; } 
  timerDM = setTimeout("DisplayMsg()",delay);

function ChangeMsg() {
 if (msgCnt < msgNum) {
   msgNum = 1;
 if (pageLen < lineNo || msg.charAt(r) == "\f") {
  lineNo = 1;
  msg = ScreenLine[msgNum];

function quitDisplay() {
  self.document.forms[0].elements[0].value = "Type yourself a Note today!";
// -->


<body onLoad="DisplayMsg()"; onUnload="quitDisplay()">
<FORM NAME= "msgform" ACTION=" "> 
     <TEXTAREA NAME="msgarea" COLS=80 ROWS=5> 
     JavaScript (or JScript) Power needed. 




Related examples in the same category

1.Textarea rows
2.Is TextArea Multiline
3.TextArea type
4.TextArea wrap
5.TextArea Columns Example
6.TextArea 'value'
7.Select the text in text area
8.Set TextArea to be Active
9.Not empty TextArea
10.Methods and Properties of the Textarea Object
11.TextArea on key up event
12.Append text to textarea
13.TextArea on change event
14.TextArea on key down event
15.TextArea on key press event
16.Getting and Setting a Text Object's Value