Form Validate: is blank, is digit and is integer : Form Validation « Form Control « JavaScript DHTML

Form Validate: is blank, is digit and is integer

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | jsPro - Validator Test Page                                             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
 * | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
 * | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
 * | your option) any later version.                                         |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
 * | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
 * | General Public License for more details.                                |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
 * | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
 * | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * $Id: validator.html,v 1.1 2003/09/19 15:42:46 wigleys Exp $
        <title>jsPro - Validator</title>
        <!-- error.js -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | jsPro - Error                                                           |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
 * | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
 * | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
 * | your option) any later version.                                         |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
 * | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
 * | General Public License for more details.                                |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
 * | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
 * | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
 * |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * $Id: error.js,v 1.15 2003/09/22 04:41:10 gator4life Exp $

 * Property used in <code>Error.handleError</code> to specify how errors are
 * reported. Permissable values are:
 * 0    No errors are reported.
 * 1    Report the error name and error message using the status bar of the
 *      active browser window.
 * 2    Report the error name and error message using an alert box.
 * 3    Report the error name, error message and debug message using an alert
 *      box.
 * 4    Report the error name, error message and debug message using a debug
 *      window. An instance of the Debug() class must be available.
Error.prototype.debugLevel = 4;

 * Uses <code>Error.debugLevel</code> to control how errors are reported. If
 * <code>Error.debugLevel</code> is set to 4, you must substitute the name of
 * your <code>Debug()</code> instance for <code>oDebug</code> in the line
 * <code>var jsProDebugWindow = oDebug</code>.
 * @summary             handles thrown exceptions
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.2, 09/03/03
 * @interface           <code>Error.handleError()</code>
 * @requires            <code>Debug.print(vMixedValue, sMessageType)</code>
 * @see                 <code>Debug()</code>
 * @see                 <code>Debug.print()</code>
Error.prototype.handleError = function() {

    var sDebugMessage = this.debug;
    var sErrorMessage = (sDebugMessage) ? sDebugMessage : '';

    switch (this.debugLevel) {
        case 0 :
        case 1 :
            window.status = + ': ' + this.message;
        case 2 :
            window.alert( + '\n\n' + this.message);
        case 3 :
            window.alert( + '\n\n' + this.message + '\n\n' + sErrorMessage);
        case 4 :
            var jsProDebugWindow = oDebug;
            if (jsProDebugWindow) {
                var oDebugWindow = jsProDebugWindow.debugWindow;
                if (oDebugWindow && !oDebugWindow.closed) {
                    jsProDebugWindow.print( + ' ' + this.message + ' ' + sErrorMessage, 1);

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
 * ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exceptions.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 06/27/03
 * @interface           <code>new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(sMethodName,
 *                      iIndex, iArrayLength)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param iIndex        the index of a hypothetical array member attempting to
 *                      be accessed
 * @param iArrayLength  the length of the array
function ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(sMethodName, iIndex, iArrayLength) { = 'ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException';
    this.message = sMethodName + ' has been accessed with an illegal index that is either negative or greater than the size of the array.';
    this.debug = 'Attempting to access index ' + iIndex.toString() + ', but array has an index range of 0 to ' + (iArrayLength - 1).toString() + '.';

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling IllegalArgument
 * exceptions.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.2, 07/24/03
 * @interface           <code>new IllegalArgumentException(sMethodName,
 *                      vExpectedArgs, iActualArgs)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param vExpectedArgs the number of arguments expected
 * @param iActualArgs   the number of arguments received
function IllegalArgumentException(sMethodName, vExpectedArgs, iActualArgs) { = 'IllegalArgumentException';
    this.message = sMethodName + ' has been passed an illegal number of arguments.';
    this.debug = 'Expected ' + vExpectedArgs.toString() + ' argument(s), but received ' + iActualArgs.toString() + ' argument(s).';

IllegalArgumentException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling IllegalValue
 * exceptions.
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.0, 09/22/03
 * @interface           <code>new IllegalValueException(sMethodName,
 *                      sVariableName, vExpectedVal, vActualVal)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param sVariableName the name of the variable containing the illegal value
 * @param vExpectedVal  the value expected in the variable containing the
 *                      illegal value
 * @param vActualVal    the value currently in the variable containing the
 *                      illegal value
function IllegalValueException(sMethodName, sVariableName, vExpectedVal, vActualVal) { = 'IllegalValueException';
    this.message = sMethodName + ' has encountered an illegal value in variable ' + sVariableName + '.'
    this.debug = 'Expected a value of ' + vExpectedVal.toString() + ', but contains a value of ' + vActualVal.toString() + '.'

IllegalValueException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
 * MethodNotAvailable exceptions.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 06/27/03
 * @interface           <code>new MethodNotAvailableException(sMethodName,
 *                      sMethodNameNA)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param sMethodNameNA the name of the method that was not available
function MethodNotAvailableException(sMethodName, sMethodNameNA) { = 'MethodNotAvailableException';
    this.message = 'A method has been called that is not available.';
    this.debug = sMethodName + ' attempted to call ' + sMethodNameNA + '.';

MethodNotAvailableException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling
 * PropertyNotAvailable exceptions.
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 08/01/03
 * @interface           <code>new PropertyNotAvailableException(sMethodName,
 *                      sPropNameNA)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param sPropNameNA   the name of the property that was not available
function PropertyNotAvailableException(sMethodName, sPropNameNA) { = 'PropertyNotAvailableException';
    this.message = 'A property has been accessed that is not available.';
    this.debug = sMethodName + ' attempted to access ' + sPropNameNA + '.';

PropertyNotAvailableException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling TypeMismatch
 * exceptions.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.2, 07/24/03
 * @interface           <code>new TypeMismatchException(sMethodName,
 *                      sExpectedType, sActualType)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
 * @param sExpectedType the name of the expected type of an argument
 * @param sActualType   the name of the actual type of an argument
function TypeMismatchException(sMethodName, sExpectedType, sActualType) { = 'TypeMismatchException';
    this.message = sMethodName + ' has been passed an argument with an illegal or inappropriate type.';
    this.debug = 'Expected an argument with a type of ' + sExpectedType + ', but received an argument with a type of ' + sActualType + '.';

TypeMismatchException.prototype = new Error();

 * Creates an object that is a subclass of Error for handling Unknown
 * exceptions.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 06/27/03
 * @interface           <code>new UnknownException(sMethodName)</code>
 * @param sMethodName   the name of the method where the exception was thrown
function UnknownException(sMethodName) { = 'UnknownException';
    this.message = 'An unknown error has occurred in ' + sMethodName + '.';

UnknownException.prototype = new Error();
        <!-- debug.js -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | jsPro - Debug                                                           |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
 * | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
 * | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
 * | your option) any later version.                                         |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
 * | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
 * | General Public License for more details.                                |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
 * | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
 * | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
 * |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * $Id: debug.js,v 1.6 2003/09/22 05:07:41 gator4life Exp $

 * Creates an object that opens a window for debugging.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 09/05/03
 * @interface           <code>new Debug()</code>
function Debug() {

    this.debugWindow ='../debug/debug.html', 'debug', 'width=400,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');

 * Clears the contents of the debug window.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 09/05/03
 * @interface           <code>Debug.clear()</code>
 * @return              <code>true</code> if no exceptions are encountered
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
 * @throws              UnknownException
Debug.prototype.clear = function() {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;

        if (iNumArguments != 0) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Debug.clear', 0, iNumArguments);

        var oMessageContainer = document.getElementById('messageContainer');

        if (!oMessageContainer) {
            throw vError = new UnknownException('Debug.clear');

        while (oMessageContainer.hasChildNodes()) {
    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        return vError ? null : true;

 * Displays content within the debug window.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.2, 09/05/03
 * @interface           <code>Debug.print(vMixedValue)</code>
 * @interface           <code>Debug.print(vMixedValue, iMessageType)</code>
 * @param vMixedValue   content to be displayed within the debug window
 * @param iMessageType  an integer representing the type of content to display
 *                      within the debug window (information: 0; error: 1)
 *                      (optional)
 * @return              <code>true</code> if no exceptions are encountered
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
 * @throws              IllegalValueException
 * @throws              TypeMismatchException
 * @throws              UnknownException
Debug.prototype.print = function(vMixedValue) {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;
        var iMessageType = 0;

        if ((iNumArguments < 1) || (iNumArguments > 2)) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Debug.print', '1 or 2', iNumArguments);
        } else if (iNumArguments == 2) {
            iMessageType = arguments[1];

        if ((typeof iMessageType != 'number') || (iMessageType.toString().indexOf('.') != -1)) {
            throw vError = new TypeMismatchException('Debug.print', 'integer', typeof iMessageType);

        if ((iMessageType != 0) && (iMessageType != 1)) {
            throw vError = new IllegalValueException('Debug.print', 'iMessageType', '0 or 1', iMessageType);

        var oDebugWindow = this.debugWindow;

        if (!oDebugWindow || oDebugWindow.closed) {
            throw vError = new UnknownException('Debug.print');

        var oDocument = oDebugWindow.document;

        if (!oDocument) {
            throw vError = new UnknownException('Debug.print');

        var oMessageContainer = oDocument.getElementById('messageContainer');

        if (!oMessageContainer) {
            throw vError = new UnknownException('Debug.print');

        var oTitleRow = oDocument.createElement('tr');
        var oTitleCell = oDocument.createElement('td');
        var oBodyRow = oDocument.createElement('tr');
        var oBodyCell = oDocument.createElement('td');

        if (!oTitleRow || !oTitleCell || !oBodyRow || !oBodyCell) {
            throw vError = new UnknownException('Debug.print');

        var oTitleRowStyle =;

        if (oTitleRowStyle) {
            oTitleRowStyle.backgroundColor = '#EEE';
            oTitleRowStyle.fontWeight = 700;

        var sOutputString = vMixedValue.toString();
        var sTitle = 'info';
        var sBody = sOutputString;

        if (iMessageType == 1) {
            sTitle = sOutputString.match(/\w+/);
            sBody = sOutputString.replace(/\w+/, '');
            var oBodyCellStyle =;
            if (oBodyCellStyle) {
       = '#FCC';

    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        return vError ? null : true;
        <!-- test.js -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | jsPro - Test                                                            |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
 * | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
 * | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
 * | your option) any later version.                                         |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
 * | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
 * | General Public License for more details.                                |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
 * | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
 * | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
 * |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * $Id: test.js,v 1.6 2003/09/15 05:07:09 gator4life Exp $

 * Creates an object that provides methods for testing all jsPro libraries.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @version             1.0, 07/24/03
 * @interface           <code>new Test()</code>
function Test() { }

 * Evaluates and returns the result of a jsPro method using assumptions about
 * the structure and ids of HTML elements in the jsPro HTML test files.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 08/20/03
 * @interface           <code>Test.evaluateMethod(oButton, sClass)</code>
 * @param oButton       the HTML input-button element that is clicked
 * @param sClass        the name of the jsPro class instance being tested
 * @return              the result of attempting to evaluate a jsPro method
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
 * @throws              TypeMismatchException
Test.prototype.evaluateMethod = function(oButton, sClass) {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;

        if (iNumArguments != 2) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Error.evaluateMethod', 2, iNumArguments);

        if (typeof oButton != 'object') {
            throw vError = new TypeMismatchException('Error.evaluateMethod', 'object', typeof oButton);

        if (typeof sClass != 'string') {
            throw vError = new TypeMismatchException('Error.evaluateMethod', 'string', typeof sClass);

        var sMethodName =;
        var oInput1 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + '1');
        var oInput2 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + '2');
        var oInput3 = document.getElementById(sMethodName + '3');
        var oOutput = document.getElementById(sMethodName + 'Result');
        var sArguments = '';

        if (oInput1) {
            var sInput1Value = oInput1.value;
            if (sInput1Value != '') {
                var fInput1Value = parseFloat(sInput1Value);
                sArguments += (isNaN(fInput1Value)) ? '\'' + sInput1Value + '\'' : fInput1Value;

        if (oInput2) {
            var sInput2Value = oInput2.value;
            if (sInput2Value != '') {
                var fInput2Value = parseFloat(sInput2Value);
                sArguments += (isNaN(fInput2Value)) ? ', \'' + sInput2Value + '\'' : ', ' + fInput2Value;

        if (oInput3) {
            var sInput3Value = oInput3.value;
            if (sInput3Value != '') {
                var fInput3Value = parseFloat(sInput3Value);
                sArguments += (isNaN(fInput3Value)) ? ', \'' + sInput3Value + '\'' : ', ' + fInput3Value;

        var vResult = eval(sClass + '.' + sMethodName + '(' + sArguments + ')');
    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        if (oOutput) {
            oOutput.value = vResult;
        <!-- validator.js -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | jsPro - Validator                                                       |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Stuart Wigley                                   |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
 * | under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by|
 * | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at |
 * | your option) any later version.                                         |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but     |
 * | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              |
 * | General Public License for more details.                                |
 * |                                                                         |
 * | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License|
 * | along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
 * | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA             |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * | Authors:   Stuart Wigley <>                     |
 * |            Randolph Fielding <>                  |
 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
 * $Id: validator.js,v 1.2 2003/09/22 03:17:34 gator4life Exp $

 * Creates an object that provides methods for performing boolean validations.
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @version             1.0, 09/19/03
 * @interface           <code>new Validator()</code>
function Validator() { }

 * Determine if the specified value is an empty string or a string composed of
 * only whitespace characters.
 * @summary             is blank string?
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 09/21/03
 * @interface           <code>Validator.isBlankString(vValue)</code>
 * @param vValue        a value of any datatype
 * @return              <code>true</code> if <code>vValue</code> is a string
 *                      and is either empty or composed of only whitespace
 *                      characters
 * @return              <code>false</code> if <code>vValue</code> is either
 *                      not a string or is not an empty string and not a
 *                      string composed of only whitespace characters
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
Validator.prototype.isBlankString = function(vValue) {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;

        if (iNumArguments != 1) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Validator.isBlankString', 1, iNumArguments);

        var bIsBlankString = (typeof vValue != 'string') ? false : (vValue.match(/\S/g)) ? false : true;
    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        return vError ? null : bIsBlankString;

 * Determine if the specified value is a single digit.
 * @summary             is single digit?
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 09/21/03
 * @interface           <code>Validator.isDigit(vValue)</code>
 * @param vValue        a value of any datatype
 * @return              <code>true</code> if <code>vValue</code> is a number
 *                      and a single digit
 * @return              <code>false</code> if <code>vValue</code> is either
 *                      not a number or is not a single digit
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
Validator.prototype.isDigit = function(vValue) {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;

        if (iNumArguments != 1) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Validator.isDigit', 1, iNumArguments);

        var bIsDigit = (typeof vValue != 'number') ? false : ((vValue > 9) || (vValue.toString().length != 1)) ? false : true;
    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        return vError ? null : bIsDigit;

 * Determine if the specified value is an integer.
 * @summary             is integer?
 * @author              Stuart Wigley
 * @author              Randolph Fielding
 * @version             1.1, 09/21/03
 * @interface           <code>Validator.isInteger(vValue)</code>
 * @param vValue        a value of any datatype
 * @return              <code>true</code> if <code>vValue</code> is a number
 *                      and an integer
 * @return              <code>false</code> if <code>vValue</code> is either
 *                      not a number or is not an integer
 * @return              <code>null</code> if an exception is encountered
 * @throws              IllegalArgumentException
Validator.prototype.isInteger = function(vValue) {

    try {

        var vError = null;
        var iNumArguments = arguments.length;

        if (iNumArguments != 1) {
            throw vError = new IllegalArgumentException('Validator.isInteger', 1, iNumArguments);

        var bIsInteger = (typeof vValue != 'number') ? false : (vValue.toString().indexOf('.') != -1) ? false : true;
    catch (vError) {

        if (vError instanceof Error) {
    finally {

        return vError ? null : bIsInteger;
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var oTest = new Test();
            var oDebug = new Debug();
            var oValidator = new Validator();
                    <td><input id="isBlankString1" name="input" type="text" size="5" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isBlankString" type="button" value="Calculate &gt;" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, 'oValidator')" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isBlankStringResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isDigit1" name="input" type="text" size="5" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isDigit" type="button" value="Calculate &gt;" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, 'oValidator')" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isDigitResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isInteger1" name="input" type="text" size="5" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isInteger" type="button" value="Calculate &gt;" onclick="oTest.evaluateMethod(this, 'oValidator')" /></td>
                    <td><input id="isIntegerResult" name="output" type="text" size="30" readonly="readonly" /></td>


Related examples in the same category

1.Form Validator: time, date email, phone number, age etc
2.Log in form validation
3.Log in email validation
4.Comprehensive form validation
5.Illegal sub string validation
6.Email form validation
7.Form Validator
8.Form valiation for empty data, file name
9.Email Address Validate
10.Time Validate
11.URL Validate
12.Use JavaScript to check the password input
13.Form value validation and onsubmit action
14.Check form input value and alert user by change the control background