Methods and Properties of the Checkbox Object : CheckBox « Form Control « JavaScript DHTML

Methods and Properties of the Checkbox Object

             blur()      Removes focus from the check box.
             click()     Calls the check box's onClick event handler.
             focus()     Applies focus to this check box.
              handleEvent()  Passes an event to the appropriate event handler 
                         associated with the check box.
             checked     Returns a Boolean value that determines if the 
                         check box is checked.
             defaultChecked Returns a Boolean value that holds the initial 
                         state of the check box. This value is set with the 
                         checked attribute.
             form        Returns the Form object of the check box.
             name        Returns a string that is specified in the name 
                         attribute of the HTML 'input' tag.
             type        Returns a string that is specified in the type 
                         attribute of the HTML 'input' tag. This string is 
                         always checkbox for the Checkbox object.
             value       Returns a value returned when the form is submitted.

Related examples in the same category

1.Call 'click()' to triger event
2.'defaultChecked' Example
3.Check status Example
4.'indeterminate' Example
5.CheckBox check action
6.Using the HTML Form Elements Array
7.Checkbox in a form
8.Check and uncheck a checkbox
9.Checkboxes in a form
10.Checkbox Action
11.Determining Whether a Checkbox Object Is Checked
12.The Checkbox Object's checked Property
13.The checked Property as a Conditional
14. A Checkbox and an onClick event Handler
15.Check a CheckBox
16.Is checked
17.A Checkbox and an onclick Event Handler
18.A Checkbox, an onclick Event Handler and show/hide form controls
19.Get value from check box