Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control 5 : Tree « GUI Components « JavaScript DHTML

Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control 5


<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<title>Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./examples/treeview/css/screen.css">
<style type="text/css">
    .emLabel, .emLabel:link, .emLabel:visited, .emLabel:hover { 
        font-weight: bold;
<body onload="treeInit()">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./examples/treeview/css/menu/tree.css">

<div id="pageTitle">
  <h3>Tree Control</h3>

<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/yahoo/yahoo.js" ></script>

<!-- The following are required for the logger -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/event/event.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/dom/dom.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/logger/logger.js"></script>
<!-- End logger reqs -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="./build/treeview/treeview-debug.js" ></script>

<style type="text/css">

/* logger default styles */
/* font size is controlled here: default 77% */
#yui-log {position:absolute;top:1em;right:1em;font-size:77%;text-align:left;}
/* width is controlled here: default 31em */
.yui-log {background-color:#AAA;border:1px solid black;font-family:monospace;z-index:9000;}
.yui-log p {margin:1px;padding:.1em;}
.yui-log button {font-family:monospace;}
.yui-log .yui-log-hd {padding:.5em;background-color:#575757;color:#FFF;}
/* height is controlled here: default 20em*/
.yui-log .yui-log-bd {width:100%;height:20em;background-color:#FFF;border:1px solid gray;overflow:auto;}
.yui-log .yui-log-ft {margin-top:.5em;margin-bottom:1em;}
.yui-log .yui-log-ft .yui-log-categoryfilters {}
.yui-log .yui-log-ft .yui-log-sourcefilters {width:100%;border-top:1px solid #575757;margin-top:.75em;padding-top:.75em;}
.yui-log .yui-log-btns {position:relative;float:right;bottom:.25em;}
.yui-log .yui-log-filtergrp {margin-right:.5em;}
.yui-log .info {background-color:#A7CC25;} /* A7CC25 green */
.yui-log .warn {background-color:#F58516;} /* F58516 orange */
.yui-log .error {background-color:#E32F0B;} /* E32F0B red */
.yui-log .time {background-color:#A6C9D7;} /* A6C9D7 blue */
.yui-log .window {background-color:#F2E886;} /* F2E886 tan */


<div id="container">
<img class="ylogo" src="img/logo.gif" alt="" />
  <div id="containerTop">
    <div id="header">
    <div id="main">

<div id="rightbar">

<div id="rightBarPad">
    <script type="text/javascript">

    YAHOO.example.logApp = function() {
        var divId;
        return {
            init: function(p_divId, p_toggleElId, p_clearElId) {
                divId = p_divId

            onload: function() {
                if (YAHOO.widget.Logger) {
                    new YAHOO.widget.LogReader( "logDiv", { height: "400px" } );
    } (); 

    YAHOO.util.Event.on(window, "load", YAHOO.example.logApp.onload);


    <div id="logDiv"></div>



  <div id="content">
    <form name="mainForm" action="javscript:;">
  <div class="newsItem">
    <h3>Menu TreeView Widget</h3>
    The presentation differences between the default treeview widget and this
    one were accomplished by modifying the css styles in tree.css.  The
    functionality is the same, except the menu does not allow multiple siblings
    to be expanded at one time (when you expand a node, all of its expanded 
    siblings are collapsed.

    <div id="expandcontractdiv">
    <a href="javascript:tree.expandAll()">Expand all</a>
    <a href="javascript:tree.collapseAll()">Collapse all</a>
    <div id="treeDiv1"></div>

      <div id="footerContainer">
        <div id="footer">

<script type="text/javascript">

  var tree;
  var nodes = new Array();
  var nodeIndex = 0;
  function treeInit() {

  function buildRandomTextNodeTree() {
    tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeDiv1");
    tree.onExpand = function(node) {
      // alert(node.index + " was expanded"); 

    tree.onCollapse = function(node) {
      // alert(node.index + " was collapsed"); 

    for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((Math.random()*4) + 3); i++) {
      var thisId = nodeIndex++;
      var thisLabel = "menu" + i;
      // nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode({ label: thisLabel }, tree.getRoot(), false);
      // nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.MenuNode({label:thisLabel, href:"http://asdf"}, tree.getRoot(), false);
      nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.MenuNode(thisLabel, tree.getRoot(), false);

      var p1 = nodes[thisId];
      var l1 = thisLabel;

      for (var j = 0; j < Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1; j++) { 
        thisId = nodeIndex++;
        thisLabel = l1 + "-" + j;
        // nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode({ label: thisLabel }, p1, true);
        nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.MenuNode(thisLabel, p1, false);

        var p2 = nodes[thisId];
        var l2 = thisLabel;

        for (var k =0; k < Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1; k++) { 
          thisId = nodeIndex++;
          thisLabel = l2 + "-" + k;

          var data = {
              id: thisId,
              label: thisLabel, 
              href: "javascript:onLabelClick(" + thisId + ")" 

          var data = {
              label: thisLabel, 
                            href: "javascript:void(''))" 
          nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(data, p2, false);
                    nodes[thisId].labelStyle = "emLabel";

          // nodes[thisId] = new YAHOO.widget.MenuNode(thisLabel, p2, false);



    // nodes[0] = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(tree.getRoot(), false, "label-0");

  var selectedId = null;
  function onLabelClick(id) {

    var node = tree.getNodeByProperty("id", id);
    // alert(node.label);

    var el = node.getLabelEl()

        YAHOO.log("pos: " + YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(el)); = "#c5dbfc";

    if (selectedId != null) {
      node = tree.getNodeByProperty("id", selectedId);
      node.getLabelEl().style.backgroundColor = "white";

    selectedId = id;



  3,714 k)

Related examples in the same category

1.Explorer based on tree
2.Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control
3.Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control 2
4.Tree Control
5.Dynamic TreeView Example
6.Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control 3
7.Yahoo! UI Library - Tree Control 4
8.Build a tree in JavaScript
9.Delete, insert items in a tree
10.Tree selection action handler
11.Expand, Collapse, Close, Open selected Tree item and branch
12.Change Tree Node Color and Icon
13.Checkbox tree node: checked, unchecked, get the checked items
14.Change tree expand and collapse icons
15.Drag and Drop between trees
16.Build tree from xml
17.Tree navigation bar
18.Navigation Tree
19.Navigation Tree menu based on XML
20.XML Tree
21.Building Collapsible Trees
22.Nano Tree
23.Tree which accepts drag and drop event in JavaScript (IE)
24.Simple Tree in Javascript
25.Elegant simple tree
26.folder tree static