Global Versus Local Scope of a Variable : Variable Definition « Language Basics « JavaScript DHTML

Global Versus Local Scope of a Variable

  <title>Global Versus Local Scope of a Variable</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var globalString = "A";
    function changeToB() {
      document.outputForm.beforeB.value = globalString;
      globalString = "B";
      document.outputForm.afterB.value = globalString;
    function changeToC() {
      document.outputForm.beforeC.value = globalString;
      globalString = "C";
      document.outputForm.afterC.value = globalString;
  // -->
  <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write("The initial value of globalString is \"" +Image from book globalString + "\".");
  // -->
  <br>  <form name="outputForm">
    <input name="changeButtonA" type="button" value="Change To B" onclick= "changeToB()">
    <input name="changeButtonB" type="button" value="Change To C" onclick="changeToC()">
      Value of globalString
    <input name="beforeB" type="TEXT" size="5,1">
      Before clicking on "Change To B"
    <input name="afterB" type="TEXT" size="5,1">
      After clicking on "Change To B"
    <input name="beforeC" type="TEXT" size="5,1">
      Before clicking on "Change To C"
    <input name="afterC" type="TEXT" size="5,1">
      After clicking on "Change To C"


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2.Use of Global and Local Variables
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4.Global and Local Variable Scope Demonstration
5.Variable scope
6.Variable scoping
7.Get the type of a variable
8.Global scope and page scope
9.String value is passed by value, while the array is passed by reference