Mouse Events with MochiKit : Mouse « Mochkit « JavaScript DHTML

Mouse Events with MochiKit

MochiKit is dual-licensed software.  It is available under the terms of the
MIT License, or the Academic Free License version 2.1.  The full text of
each license is included below.

<!-- Code revised from MochiKit demo code -->

<html xmlns="">
    <title>Mouse Events with MochiKit</title>
    <style type="text/css">
h1 {
    font-size: 2em;
    color: #4B4545;
    text-align: center;

div.scroll-box {
    border  : 2px solid blue;
    padding : 4ex 4em;
    margin  : 4ex 4em;

div.padding {
    padding : 4ex 4em;
    margin  : 4ex 4em;
    border  : 1px solid silver;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="MochiKit-1.4.2//lib/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">

    Mouse Events: Simple Mouse Scrolling Handlers


function showMouseEvent(evt) {
    getElement("show-mouse-event-repr").innerHTML = repr(evt);

function stopPageFromScrolling( event ) {
  var src = event.src();
  var scrollTop = src.scrollTop;

  //  While trying to stop scrolling events for IE, found that it
  //  jumped around a bit.  The following fudgetFactor is NOT the way
  //  to handle this but was the best I could do with the limited time
  //  I had.
  var fudgeFactor = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 25 : 0;

  // scrolling up
  if (event.mouse().wheel.y < 0) {
    // Following test should probably be "if (scrollTop == 0)" which
    // works in FF but not IE.
    if (scrollTop <= fudgeFactor) {
  //..scrolling down
  else {
    // Following test should be "if (scrollTop == src.scrollHeight - src.clientHeight)",
    // see comment above.
    if (src.scrollHeight <= (scrollTop + src.clientHeight + fudgeFactor)) {

function connectEvents(){
  connect("show-mouse-event", "onmousemove", showMouseEvent);
  connect("show-mouse-event", "onmousedown", showMouseEvent);
  connect("show-mouse-event", "onmouseup", showMouseEvent);
  connect("show-mouse-event", "onmousewheel", showMouseEvent);
  connect("no-scroll-page", "onmousewheel", stopPageFromScrolling);

connect(window, 'onload',
    function() {
          var elems = getElementsByTagAndClassName("A", "view-source");
          var page = "mouse_events/";
          for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
            var elem = elems[i];
            var href = elem.href.split(/\//).pop();
   = "_blank";
            elem.href = "../view-source/view-source.html#" + page + href;
        Mouse Events with MochiKit
        For a detailed description of what happens under the hood, check out
        <a href="mouse_events.js" class="view-source">mouse_events.js</a>.

        View Source: [
            <a href="index.html" class="view-source">index.html</a> |
            <a href="mouse_events.js" class="view-source">mouse_events.js</a> |
            <a href="mouse_events.css" class="view-source">mouse_events.css</a>

    <div id="show-mouse-event" class="scroll-box">
      Hover, Click, or Scroll In Me:<br/><br/>
      <span id="show-mouse-event-repr"></span>

    <div id="scroll-page" class="scroll-box" style="height: 100px; overflow: scroll;">
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page scrolls! <br />

    <div id="no-scroll-page" class="scroll-box" style="height: 100px; overflow: scroll;">
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />
      Scroll Me and then the page does not scroll! <br />

    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>
    <div class="padding">Ignore me I just make the page big enough to require scrollbars.</div>


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