Hover event : Event « SmartClient « JavaScript DHTML

Hover event

Isomorphic SmartClient
Copyright(c) 1998 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc.
"SmartClient" is a trademark of Isomorphic Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.

Open Source License

SmartClient source code, located under the source/ directory, and the resulting assembled modules 
in isomorphic/system/modules/, as well as JavaScript and CSS files under the isomorphic/skins directory are 
licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3. 
The text of the LGPLv3 license is available online at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html

If your project precludes the use of this license, or if you'd like to support SmartClient LGPL, 
we encourage you to buy a commercial license.

Icon Experience Collection

Selected 16x16 icons within the isomorphic/skins directory are part of the Icon Experience collection 
(http://www.iconexperience.com) and may be freely used with any SmartClient components without charge, 
but may not be used as part of screen designs separate from SmartClient components without a purchase 
of a license from Icon Experience. We are working to replace these icons as soon as possible.

All other media found under the isomorphic/skins directory may be used under the LGPLv3.

Commercial Licenses

A number of commercial licenses are available for purchase. Please see http://smartclient.com/license.

Warranty Disclaimer

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General 
Public License for more details.

Copyright 2001 and beyond Isomorphic Software, Inc. Last revised July 20, 2008. 


<!-- The following code is revised from SmartClient demo code(SmartClient_70rc2_LGPL.zip).-->

  <SCRIPT>var isomorphicDir="isomorphic/";</SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Core.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Foundation.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Containers.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Grids.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Forms.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_DataBinding.js></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/system/modules/ISC_Calendar.js></SCRIPT>
  <SCRIPT SRC=isomorphic/skins/standard/load_skin.js></SCRIPT>
</HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR='silver'>

<div id="gridDiv">
    width: "80%", height: 84, leaveScrollbarGap:false,
    fields: [
        {name:"commonName", hidden:true, title:"Animal"},
        {name:"scientificName", title:"Scientific Name"},
        {name:"diet", title:"Diet"},
        {name:"information", title:"Interesting Facts", showHover: true}
    data: [
        {commonName:'Platypus',scientificName:'Ornithorhynchus Anatinus',diet:'Insects and Larvae',lifeSpan:'10-15 years',information:'Were thought to be a hoax when first discovered. The male has a venemous spur on his hind legs.  Capable of many vocalizations including sounds like a growling puppy and a brooding hen.'},
        {commonName:'Elephant (African)',scientificName:'Loxodonta africana',diet:'Herbivore',lifeSpan:'40-60 years',information:'The African Elephant is the largest of all land animals and also has the biggest brain of any land animal. Both males and females have ivory tusks. Elephants are also wonderful swimmers. Man is the only real enemy of the elephant. Man threatens the elephant by killing it for its tusks and by destroying its habitat.'},
        {commonName:'Alligator (American)',scientificName:'Allligator mississippiensis',diet:'Carnivore',lifeSpan:'50 years',information:'In the 16th century, Spanish explorers in what is now Florida encountered a large formidable animal which they called "el largo" meaning "the lizard". The name "el largo" gradually became pronounced "alligator".'}

    top: 150,
    disabled: true,
    title: "Close Issue",
    prompt: "You cannot close this issue - see the owner",

    left: 180,
    top: 100,
    width: 90,
    height: 47,
    src: "other/eyes.jpg",
    prompt: "360px by 188px<BR>25k<BR>JPEG high quality",
    hoverStyle: "interactImageHover"

    left: 220,
    top: 190,
    width: 200,
    itemHoverWidth: 200,
    itemHoverStyle: "interactFormHover",
    fields: [{
        name: "severityLevel",
        title: "Severity Level",
        type: "staticText",
        defaultValue: "Severity 2",
        prompt: "<b>Severity 1</b> - Critical problem<br>System is unavailable in production or " +
                "is corrupting data, and the error severely impacts the user's operations." +
                "<br><br><b>Severity 2</b> - Major problem<br>An important function of the system " +
                "is not available in production, and the user's operations are restricted." +
                "<br><br><b>Severity 3</b> - Minor problem<br>Inability to use a function of the " +
                "system occurs, but it does not seriously affect the user's operations."




Related examples in the same category

1.Event from parent
2.Focus event
3.Mouse move event
4.Add keyboard listener to Label
5.Event overlap
6.Custom event editing
7.Get cursor position from mouse clicked event
8.Show event detailed info
9.Mouse in/out event
10.Event logging example
11.Change mouse cursor
12.Extend setDisabled() to change visual state and cursor and init disabled state