Positional selectors supported by jQuery: selecting elements based on their position in the DOM : Selector even odd index « jQuery « JavaScript DHTML

Positional selectors supported by jQuery: selecting elements based on their position in the DOM


Selector                   Description
:first                     The first match of the page. 
:last                      The last match of the page. 
:first-child               The first child element. 
:last-child                The last child element. 
:only-child                Returns all elements that have no siblings.
:nth-child(n)              The nth child element. 
:nth-child(even|odd)       Even or odd children. 
:nth-child(Xn+Y)           The nth child element.
:even and :odd             Even and odd matching elements page-wide.
:eq(n)                     The nth matching element.
:gt(n)                     Matching elements after (and excluding) the nth matching element.
:lt(n)                     Matching elements before (and excluding) the nth matching element.


Related examples in the same category

1.gt(index) matches all elements with an index above the given one.
2.even() matches even elements, zero-indexed.
3.eq(index) matches a single element by its index.
4.lt(index) matches all elements with an index below the given one.
5.odd() matches odd elements, zero-indexed.
6.Even number tags
7.Matches all elements with an index above the given one
8.Matches all elements with an index below the given one
9.Matches even elements, zero-indexed
10.Matches odd elements, zero-indexed.htm
11.Odd number paragraph
12.Matches a single element by its index