'document' JavaScript Properties : document « Javascript Objects « JavaScript Reference

'document' JavaScript Properties

| JavaScript     |activeElement                   alinkColor                    |
| Properties     |bgColor                         charset                       |
|                |compatMode                      cookie                        |
|                |defaultCharset                  designMode                    |
|                |dir                             doctype                       |
|                |documentElement                 domain                        |
|                |encoding                        expando                       |
|                |fgColor                         fileCreatedDate               |
|                |fileModifiedDate                fileSize                      |
|                |height                          lastModified                  |
|                |linkColor                       parentWindow                  |
|                |protocol                        readyState                    |
|                |referrer                        title                         |
|                |uniqueID                        URL                           |
|                |URLUnencoded                    vlinkColor                    |
|                |width                           XMLDocument                   |

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