split column value with ',' : INSTR « Char Functions « Oracle PL / SQL

split column value with ','

SQL> CREATE TABLE old_item (
  2       item_id   CHAR(20),
  3       item_desc CHAR(25)
  4       );

Table created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('LA-101', 'Can, Small');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('LA-102', 'Can, Large');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('LA-103', 'Bottle, Small');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('LA-104', 'Bottle, Large');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('NY-101', 'Box, Small');

1 row created.

SQL> INSERT INTO old_item VALUES('NY-102', 'Box, Large');

1 row created.

SQL> SELECT item_desc,
  2         SUBSTR(item_desc,
  3                1,
  4                INSTR(item_desc,
  5                      ',',
  6                      1
  7                      ) -1
  8                )
  9  FROM   old_item;

------------------------- -------------------------
Can, Small                Can
Can, Large                Can
Bottle, Small             Bottle
Bottle, Large             Bottle
Box, Small                Box
Box, Large                Box

6 rows selected.

SQL> drop table OLD_ITEM;

Table dropped.



Related examples in the same category

1.INSTR: returns the first-occurrence position of a character within a string
2.Simple demo for INSTR function: returns a location within the string where search pattern begins
3.INSTR: Look for the second occurrence of 'is'
4.If search pattern is not in the string, the INSTR function returns 0
5.Combine INSTR and SUBSTR together
6.If the INSTR pattern is not found, then the entire string would be returned
7.Get the sub string position by using instr
8.use instr in an if statement in PL SQL
9.Ise INSTR to format a column
10.Use substr and instr to extract column value
11.instr and substr