Syntax for adding check constraint to a column : Constraint Check « Constraints « Oracle PL / SQL

Syntax for adding check constraint to a column


SQL> --CREATE TABLE <table schema>
SQL> --   (key attribute NOT NULL,
SQL> --    attribute        attribute type,
SQL> --    attribute        attribute type
SQL> --    [CHECK (<attribute value> IN (set of values))]
SQL> --    PRIMARY KEY      (key attribute));
SQL> --Example:
  2     (id         VARCHAR2(10)      NOT NULL,
  3      name       VARCHAR2(20),
  4      address    VARCHAR2(35),
  5      emp_type   VARCHAR2(8)
  6        CHECK(emp_type IN ('Designer', 'Worker')),
  7      PRIMARY KEY (id));

Table created.

SQL> drop table emp;

Table dropped.


Related examples in the same category

1.Constriant: check value between 0 and 100
2.State a check constraint that check relation between two columns
3.Follow the contraint
4.add constraint for a column: check (gender in ('MALE', 'FEMALE'))
5.Constraint check with 'upper' function
6.Constraint check with in function
7.Violate constraints
8.Check date type column for nullable and value range
9.Check nullable and value range for one single column data
10.Add two conditions for one column
11.Add constraint for date type column
12.A check constraint can also be created or added as a table constraint.
13.Add constraint to ensure that value from one column is bigger than that from another
14.Setting CHECK constraint for number type field
15.Setting the Check constraint for int value field during declaration
16.Use decode() function in check constraints
17.Violate a check constraint
18.alter table dept add emp_count number, constraint must_be_between_3_8, check(emp_count between 3 and 8 OR emp_count = 0), deferrable initially deferred
19.Could only contain three values
20.Must be upper case