to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') as time : TO_CHAR « Conversion Functions « Oracle PL / SQL

to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') as time


SQL> select sysdate                       as today
  2  ,      to_char(sysdate,'hh24:mi:ss') as time
  3  ,      to_char(to_date('01/01/2006','dd/mm/yyyy')
  4                ,'"is on "Day') as new_year_2006
  5  from dual;

TODAY      TIME     NEW_YEAR_2006
---------- -------- ---------------
26-10-2009 10:03:46 is on Zondag



Related examples in the same category

1.The TO_CHAR() function converts the expression into character data.
2.Pass variable into to_char function
3.Use to_char function to init an text value
4.convert a negative number into one with a trailing "minus sign,"
5.to_char(bdate,'fmMonth ddth, yyyy')
7.to_char(sysdate, 'Day', 'nls_date_language=Dutch')
8.to_char(sysdate,'DAY dy Dy') as day, to_char(sysdate,'MONTH mon') as month
9.CONVERSION functions: Print the current date/time as a character string and modifies the format