Read data in for sql statement : blob « Data Type « Oracle PL / SQL

Read data in for sql statement

SQL> select lpad(' ',2*level) || operation || ' ' || options
  2    || ' ' || object_name as "Execution Plan"
  3  from plan_table
  4  where statement_id = '&&1'
  5  connect by prior id = parent_id and statement_id = '&1'
  6  start with id = 1;
Enter value for 1:
old   4: where statement_id = '&&1'
new   4: where statement_id = ''
old   5: connect by prior id = parent_id and statement_id = '&1'
new   5: connect by prior id = parent_id and statement_id = ''

no rows selected



Related examples in the same category

1.Blob type column
2.Initialize blob type data
3.Read blob type data, DBMS_LOB.READ
4.A PL/SQL block to read an operating system file called BLOB.JPG that contains 1 row of binary data.