Add the USING clause : Table Join Basics « Table Joins « Oracle PL / SQL

Add the USING clause

create table department(
            dept_no                 integer      primary key
           ,dept_name               varchar(20)      not null
           ,mgr_no                  integer

create table employee(
         emp_no                 integer         primary key
        ,lastname               varchar2(20)    not null
         ,dept_no                 integer

select dept_name, lastname
from department inner join employee
using (dept_no);
drop table department;
drop table employee;

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9.Get Categories and Products (with Joins)
10.Joining table to use between ... and clause
11.Nested Multi-Table Equi-Joins
12.How Many Featured Products By Department with JOINs
13.How Many Products By Department with JOINs
14.Non-Equi Joins