Make myCode a CACHE table. : Alter Table « Table « Oracle PL / SQL

Make myCode a CACHE table.


SQL> create table myCode
  2  (
  3    codeValue  VARCHAR2(1) primary key,
  4    Description VARCHAR2(25)
  5  );

Table created.

SQL> alter table myCode cache;

Table altered.

SQL> drop table myCode;

Table dropped.


Related examples in the same category

1.Alter table to add Columns in Tables
2.Alter table to add two columns to a table
3.Use alter table command to add foreign key constraint
4.Use alter table command to add foreign key with more than two columns
5.Use alter table to add foreign key with cascade delete
6.Use alter table to add foreign key with cascade delete for more than one column
7.Alter table to add a foreign key ON DELETE SET NULL
8.Alter to add DELETE ON NULL with more than one column
9.Alter table to drop unused columns
10.Alter table to drop two columns in a single command
11.Marking Columns Unused
12.Alter table to change the storage
13.Alter table cache
14.Alter table to drop constraints
15.If you are adding more than one column, the column definitions should be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.