Use view based on user-defind type : Create View « View « Oracle PL / SQL

Use view based on user-defind type


SQL> create type addressType as object
  2  (Street  VARCHAR2(50),
  3   City    VARCHAR2(25),
  4   State   CHAR(2),
  5   Zip     NUMBER);
  6  /
SQL> create type personType as object
  2  (Name     VARCHAR2(25),
  3   Address  addressType);
  4  /
SQL> create table emp
  2  (cid NUMBER   primary key,
  3   Name        VARCHAR2(25),
  4   Street      VARCHAR2(50),
  5   City        VARCHAR2(25),
  6   State       CHAR(2),
  7   Zip         NUMBER);
SQL> create view empView (cid, Person) as
  2  select cid,personType(Name,addressType(Street, City, State, Zip))
  3    from emp;
SQL> drop view empView;
SQL> drop table emp;
SQL> drop type personType;
SQL> drop type addressType;


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1.Create or replace a view
2.Create view without indiating the column name
3.Create OR REPLACE VIEW from selected columns in a table
4.Create a simple view
5.create force view
6.create materialized view
7.Create a view with check option
8.Create view by join three tables
9.Create view on single field of a type
10.Using view to simplify the query
11.User view and object id