Displays all operators in the connected database, with comments : Postgre SQL Command « Postgre SQL « PostgreSQL

Displays all operators in the connected database, with comments

postgres=# --Displays all operators in the connected database, with comments.
postgres=# \do+
                                                                               List of operators
   Schema   | Name |        Left arg type        |       Right arg type        |         Result type         |                           Description
 pg_catalog | !    | bigint                      |                             | numeric                     |
 pg_catalog | !!   |                             | bigint                      | numeric                     |
 pg_catalog | !!=  | integer                     | text                        | boolean                     | not in
 pg_catalog | !!=  | oid                         | text                        | boolean                     | not in
 pg_catalog | !~   | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
 pg_catalog | !~   | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
 pg_catalog | !~   | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-sensitive
 pg_catalog | !~*  | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | !~*  | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | !~*  | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match regex., case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | !~~  | bytea                       | bytea                       | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
 pg_catalog | !~~  | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
 pg_catalog | !~~  | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
 pg_catalog | !~~  | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression
 pg_catalog | !~~* | character                   | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | !~~* | name                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | !~~* | text                        | text                        | boolean                     | does not match LIKE expression, case-insensitive
 pg_catalog | #    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | binary xor
 pg_catalog | #    | bit                         | bit                         | bit                         | bitwise exclusive or
 pg_catalog | #    | box                         | box                         | box                         | box intersection (another box)
 pg_catalog | #    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | binary xor
 pg_catalog | #    | line                        | line                        | point                       | intersection point
 pg_catalog | #    | lseg                        | lseg                        | point                       | intersection point
 pg_catalog | #    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | binary xor
 pg_catalog | #    |                             | path                        | integer                     | number of points in path
 pg_catalog | #    |                             | polygon                     | integer                     | number of points in polygon
 pg_catalog | ##   | line                        | box                         | point                       | closest point to line on box
 pg_catalog | ##   | line                        | lseg                        | point                       | closest point to line on line segment
 pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | box                         | point                       | closest point to line segment on box
 pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | line                        | point                       | closest point to line segment on line
 pg_catalog | ##   | lseg                        | lseg                        | point                       | closest point to line segment on line segment
 pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | box                         | point                       | closest point on box
 pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | line                        | point                       | closest point on line
 pg_catalog | ##   | point                       | lseg                        | point                       | closest point on line segment
 pg_catalog | #<   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length less-than
 pg_catalog | #<=  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length less-than-or-equal
 pg_catalog | #<>  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length not equal to
 pg_catalog | #=   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length equal
 pg_catalog | #>   | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length greater-than
 pg_catalog | #>=  | tinterval                   | reltime                     | boolean                     | length greater-than-or-equal
 pg_catalog | %    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | modulus
 pg_catalog | %    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | modulus
 pg_catalog | %    | integer                     | smallint                    | integer                     | modulus
 pg_catalog | %    | numeric                     | numeric                     | numeric                     | modulus
 pg_catalog | %    | smallint                    | integer                     | integer                     | modulus
 pg_catalog | %    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | modulus
 pg_catalog | &    | bigint                      | bigint                      | bigint                      | binary and
 pg_catalog | &    | bit                         | bit                         | bit                         | bitwise and
 pg_catalog | &    | integer                     | integer                     | integer                     | binary and
 pg_catalog | &    | smallint                    | smallint                    | smallint                    | binary and
 pg_catalog | &&   | box                         | box                         | boolean                     | overlaps
 pg_catalog | &&   | circle                      | circle                      | boolean                     | overlaps
 pg_catalog | &&   | polygon                     | polygon                     | boolean                     | overlaps
 pg_catalog | &&   | tinterval                   | tinterval                   | boolean                     | overlaps
-- More  --

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