Checkbuttons demonstration: set font : Font « 2D « Python

Checkbuttons demonstration: set font

Checkbuttons demonstration: set font
from Tkinter import *

class CheckFont( Frame ):
   def __init__( self ):
      Frame.__init__( self )
      self.pack( expand = YES, fill = BOTH )
      self.master.title( "Checkbutton Demo" )   
      self.frame1 = Frame( self )
      self.text = Entry( self.frame1, width = 40,
         font = "Arial 10" )
      self.text.insert( INSERT, "font style" )
      self.text.pack( padx = 5, pady = 5 )

      self.frame2 = Frame( self )
      # create boolean variable
      self.italicOn = BooleanVar()

      # create "Italic" checkbutton
      self.checkItalic = Checkbutton( self.frame2, 
         text = "Italic", variable = self.italicOn, 
         command = self.changeFont )
      self.checkItalic.pack( side = LEFT, padx = 5, pady = 5 )

   def changeFont( self ):
      desiredFont = "Arial 10"

      if self.italicOn.get():
         desiredFont += " italic"

      self.text.config( font = desiredFont )

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":


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4.Set font from Root componentSet font from Root component
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