Exceprtion hierarchy : Exception « Development « Ruby

Exceprtion hierarchy

     |   +--LoadError
     |   +--NotImplementedError
     |   +--SyntaxError
     +--SecurityError         # Was a StandardError in 1.8
     |   +--Interrupt
     +--SystemStackError      # Was a StandardError in 1.8
         +--FiberError        # New in 1.9
         |   +--EOFError
         |   +--KeyError      # New in 1.9
         |   +--StopIteration # New in 1.9
         |   +--NoMethodError
         |   +--FloatDomainError


Related examples in the same category

1.status fo an exception
2.exception.success? Returns true is the exit status if nil or zero.
3.exc.to_s Returns the message associated with this exception