define hello so that it contains only a yield statement, : Code Block « Method « Ruby

define hello so that it contains only a yield statement,

then call the new version of hello with a block (the code in braces).

def hello

hello { puts "Hello, Matz!" } # => Hello, Matz!


Related examples in the same category

1.A block is a section of code that can be passed to a method much like passing an argument.
2.use code blocks with Ruby iterators like each, upto, downto, and times
3.block is invoked in conjunction with a method.
4.Place a space between the pipes ( | ) and the variable names
5.Code Blocks and each method
6.A code block is an anonymous, nameless method or function.
7.print all the elements in an array using the each method followed by a block
8.convert a block into an object.
9.1.upto(5) { ...code to loop here... }
10.10.downto(5) { ...code to loop here... }
11.0.step(50, 5) { ...code to loop here... }
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13.Nested block logics
14.Running a Code Block Periodically
15.block pointer