Reading Data from Radio Buttons : Form RadioButton « Rails « Ruby

Reading Data from Radio Buttons

File: public\input.html
    <title>Using Radio Buttons</title>
    <h1>Working With Radio Buttons</h1>
    This Ruby on Rails application lets you read data from radio buttons.
    <form action = "/hello/there">
      Select your new car's color.
      <input type="radio" name="radios1" value="red">red
      <input type="radio" name="radios1" value="green">green
      <input type="radio" name="radios1" value="blue">blue
      <input type="submit"/>

File: app\controllers\hello_controller.rb

class HelloController < ApplicationController
  def there
    @data = params[:radios1]

File: app\views\hello\there.rhtml

    <title>Reading data from radio buttons</title>
    <h1>Reading data from radio buttons</h1>
    This Ruby on Rails application reads data from radio buttons.
    You selected <%= @data %>.

 Start the WEBrick server:ruby script/server

 Navigate to http://localhost:3000/input.html


 90 k)

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