use the upto iterator, which is what traditional for loops translate into in Ruby. : upto « Statement « Ruby

use the upto iterator, which is what traditional for loops translate into in Ruby.

grades = [88, 99, 73, 56, 87, 64]

sum = 0

0.upto(grades.length - 1) do |loop_index|
  sum += grades[loop_index]

average = sum / grades.length

puts average


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2.uses the upto iterator to create a loop similar to a for loop from other languages
3.use curly braces ({}):
4.The upto Method and for loop
5.Example of upto that prints out a times table for 2 all the times tables from 1 to 12
7.One date may upto another
8.Interpolation with upto and array
9.upto with / without {}