If you are using a Linux system, replace the '\r\n' in the LINES TERMINATED BY syntax command with just '\n'. : Load Data Into Table « Backup Load « SQL / MySQL

If you are using a Linux system, replace the '\r\n' in the LINES TERMINATED BY syntax command with just '\n'.


LOAD DATA INFILE '/mysql/data/DataFile.txt'
INTO TABLE cust_num_names


Related examples in the same category

1.Load data in txt file into database
2.load text data into table
3.Set division with
4.Line starting string
5.Importing CSV Files
6.Specifying the Datafile Format
7.To specify a file format explicitly, use a FIELDS clause to describe the characteristics of fields within a line
8.IGNORE is often useful with files generated by external sources.
9.Skipping Datafile Lines
10.Specifying the Location of Files on the Client Host
11.The syntax for a command to use a comma-separated text file, saved in a Windows format
12.IGNORE lines.