LOAD DATA assumes the columns in the datafile have the same order as the columns in the table. : LOAD « Command MySQL « SQL / MySQL

LOAD DATA assumes the columns in the datafile have the same order as the columns in the table.


mysql> LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'mytbl.txt' INTO TABLE mytbl (b, c, a);


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1.Database directories are located directly under the data directory
2.The syntax of LOAD DATA is as follows:
3.Use LOAD DATA to load a file into a database other than the current one, you can qualify the table name with the database name.
4.Load a datafile containing values quoted by double quote characters
5.Load a file that has data values separated by commas, and lines ending with carriage returns
6.The LOAD DATA INFILE Statement
7.Load data from a text file to table
8.Load data with FIELDS clause
9.Inserting High Volumes of Data from a Text File with LOAD DATA
10.Load data and replace
11.Load data, replace and ignore
12.Load data to specific columns
13.Load data and set division
14.Importing Data into a Table