Use date data type : Date Type « Date Time « SQL / MySQL

Use date data type

mysql> select * from employee_person;
| id | address                             | phone   | email | birthday   | sex  | m_status | s_name          | children |
|  1 | 200, Regina Street                  | 7176666 | | 1971-04-26 | M    | Y        | Ane Regina      |     NULL |
|  2 | 1232 Alberta Road                   | 5553312 | | 1968-03-02 | M    | Y        | Jane Van        |        3 |
|  3 | 90 Potter A                         | 3331211 | | 1967-09-22 | M    | N        | Sandhya Pil     |        2 |
|  4 | 202, Donna Street                   | 7176167 | | 1976-08-09 | F    | Y        | Manish Sha      |     NULL |
|  5 | Apartment #8, UBC, Van Street       | 8973242 | | 1974-10-14 | F    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
|  6 | 46 SFU Street                       | 6451234 | | 1978-12-31 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
|  7 | 432 Mercury Ave                     | 7932232 | | 1966-08-21 | M    | Y        | Mary Shelly     |        3 |
|  8 | 8 Little YaleTown                   | 5442994 | | 1975-01-14 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
|  9 | 64 Temp Road                        | 4327652 | | 1969-05-19 | M    | Y        | Man Nanda       |        1 |
| 10 | 132 Metro House, Henry Street       | 5552376 | | 1968-07-06 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
| 11 | 1 Grace Town, Van Avenue            | 5433879 | | 1957-11-04 | M    | Y        | Muriel Lovelace |        4 |
| 12 | 97 Oakland Road                     | 5423311 | | 1968-02-15 | M    | Y        | Rina Brighton   |        3 |
| 13 | 543 Applegate Lane                  | 3434343 | | 1968-09-03 | F    | Y        | Matt Shi        |        2 |
| 14 | 76 Fish Street                      | 7432433 | | 1965-04-28 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
| 15 | 98 Gun Street                       | 6500787 | | 1966-06-23 | M    | Y        | Betty Cudly     |        3 |
| 16 | #5 Winnepag Homes                   | 5433243 | | 1964-03-06 | M    | Y        | Stella Stevens  |        2 |
| 17 | 652 Devon Building, 6th Jade Avenue | 5537885 | | 1970-04-18 | F    | Y        | Edgar Alan      |        1 |
| 18 | Apartment #9, Together Towers       | 5476565 | | 1973-10-09 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
| 19 | Apartment #9, West Towers           | 5476565 | | 1973-01-20 | M    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
| 20 | 90 Yale Town                        | 7528326 | | 1968-01-25 | F    | N        | NULL            |     NULL |
| 21 | 4329 Eucalyptus Avenue              | 4254863 | | 1964-06-13 | M    | Y        | Ruby Richer     |        2 |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select email, phone
    -> from employee_person
    -> where birthday = '1969-12-31';
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Drop table employee_person;

CREATE TABLE employee_person (
    id int unsigned not null primary key, 
    address varchar(60), 
    phone int, 
    email varchar(60), 
    birthday DATE, 
    sex ENUM('M', 'F'), 
    m_status ENUM('Y','N'), 
    s_name varchar(40), 
    children int

INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (1, '200, Regina Street', 7176666, '', '1971-04-26', 'M', 'Y', 'Ane Regina');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (2, '1232 Alberta Road', 5553312, '', '1968-03-02', 'M', 'Y', 'Jane Van', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (3, '90 Potter A', 3331211, '', '1967-09-22', 'M', 'N', 'Sandhya Pil', 2);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name) values (4, '202, Donna Street', 7176167, '', '1976-08-09', 'F', 'Y', 'Manish Sha');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (5, 'Apartment #8, UBC, Van Street', 8973242, '', '1974-10-14', 'F', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (6, '46 SFU Street', '6451234', '', '1978-12-31', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (7, '432 Mercury Ave', 7932232, '', '1966-8-21', 'M', 'Y', 'Mary Shelly', '3');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (8, '8 Little YaleTown', 5442994, '', '1975-01-14', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (9, '64 Temp Road', 4327652, '', '1969-05-19', 'M', 'Y', 'Man Nanda', '1');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (10, '132 Metro House, Henry Street', 5552376, '', '1968-07-06', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (11, '1 Grace Town, Van Avenue', 5433879, '', '1957-11-04', 'M', 'Y', 'Muriel Lovelace', '4');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (12, '97 Oakland Road', 5423311, '', '1968-02-15', 'M', 'Y', 'Rina Brighton', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (13, '543 Applegate Lane', 3434343, '', '1968-09-03', 'F', 'Y', 'Matt Shi', '2');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (14, '76 Fish Street', 7432433, '', '1965-04-28', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (15, '98 Gun Street', 6500787, '', '1966-06-23', 'M', 'Y', 'Betty Cudly', 3);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (16, '#5 Winnepag Homes', 5433243, '', '1964-03-06', 'M', 'Y', 'Stella Stevens', 2);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (17, '652 Devon Building, 6th Jade Avenue', 5537885, '', '1970-04-18', 'F', 'Y', 'Edgar Alan', 1);
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (18, 'Apartment #9, Together Towers', 5476565, '', '1973-10-09', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (19, 'Apartment #9, West Towers', 5476565, '', '1973-1-20', 'M', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status) values (20, '90 Yale Town', 7528326, '', '1968-01-25', 'F', 'N');
INSERT INTO employee_person (id, address, phone, email, birthday, sex, m_status, s_name, children) values (21, '4329 Eucalyptus Avenue', 4254863, '', '1964-06-13', 'M', 'Y', 'Ruby Richer', 2);

select * from employee_person;

select email, phone
from employee_person
where birthday = '1969-12-31';

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