If we left justify the pop values by padding them on the right with RPAD( ) : RPAD « String « SQL / MySQL

If we left justify the pop values by padding them on the right with RPAD( )

mysql> CREATE TABLE states
    -> (
    ->  name            VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,   # state name
    ->  abbrev          CHAR(2) NOT NULL,               # 2-char abbreviation
    ->  statehood       DATE,                                   # date of entry into the Union
    ->  pop                     BIGINT,                                 # population as of 4/1990
    ->  PRIMARY KEY (abbrev)
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into states(name, abbrev, statehood, pop)values
    -> ("Alabama","AL","1819-12-14",4040587),
    -> ("Alaska","AK","1959-01-03",550043),
    -> ("Arizona","AZ","1912-02-14",3665228),
    -> ("Arkansas","AR","1836-6-15",2350725),
    -> ("California","CA","1850-9-9",29760021),
    -> ("Colorado","CO","1876-8-1",3294394),
    -> ("Connecticut","CT","1788-1-9",3287116),
    -> ("Delaware","DE","1787-12-7",666168),
    -> ("Florida","FL","1845-3-3",12937926),
    -> ("Georgia","GA","1788-1-2",6478216),
    -> ("Hawaii","HI","1959-08-21",1108229),
    -> ("Idaho","ID","1890-7-3",1006749),
    -> ("Illinois","IL","1818-12-3",11430602),
    -> ("Indiana","IN","1816-12-11",5544159),
    -> ("Iowa","IA","1846-12-28",2776755),
    -> ("Kansas","KS","1861-1-29",2477574),
    -> ("Kentucky","KY","1792-6-1",3685296),
    -> ("Louisiana","LA","1812-4-30",4219973),
    -> ("Maine","ME","1820-3-15",1227928),
    -> ("Maryland","MD","1788-4-28",4781468),
    -> ("Massachusetts","MA","1788-2-6",6016425),
    -> ("Michigan","MI","1837-1-26",9295297),
    -> ("Minnesota","MN","1858-5-11",4375099);
Query OK, 23 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 23  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> SELECT CONCAT(RPAD(pop,8,' '),name) FROM states;
| CONCAT(RPAD(pop,8,' '),name) |
| 4040587 Alabama              |
| 550043  Alaska               |
| 3665228 Arizona              |
| 2350725 Arkansas             |
| 29760021California           |
| 3294394 Colorado             |
| 3287116 Connecticut          |
| 666168  Delaware             |
| 12937926Florida              |
| 6478216 Georgia              |
| 1108229 Hawaii               |
| 1006749 Idaho                |
| 11430602Illinois             |
| 5544159 Indiana              |
| 2776755 Iowa                 |
| 2477574 Kansas               |
| 3685296 Kentucky             |
| 4219973 Louisiana            |
| 1227928 Maine                |
| 4781468 Maryland             |
| 6016425 Massachusetts        |
| 9295297 Michigan             |
| 4375099 Minnesota            |
23 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> drop table states;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


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