Define function to get last name : Create Function « Store Procedure Function « SQL Server / T-SQL

Define function to get last name

15> CREATE FUNCTION fnName (@Name VarChar(100))
16>   RETURNS VarChar(100)
17> AS
18>   BEGIN
19>      DECLARE @CommaPosition Int, @LastName varchar(100)
20>      SET @CommaPosition = 6
21>      SET @LastName = SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @CommaPosition)
22>      RETURN @LastName
23>   END
24> GO
Msg 2714, Level 16, State 3, Server JAVA2S\SQLEXPRESS, Procedure fnName, Line 22
There is already an object named 'fnName' in the database.
2> SELECT dbo.fnName('Washington, George')
3> GO


(1 rows affected)
2> drop function fnName
3> GO

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