EXEC sp_help <name> : EXEC « Store Procedure Function « SQL Server / T-SQL

EXEC sp_help <name>


To view the properties of the sales table, we just have to type the following into the Query Analyzer:

8> CREATE TABLE stores(
9>    stor_id        char(4)           NOT NULL,
10>    stor_name      varchar(40)           NULL,
11>    stor_address   varchar(40)           NULL,
12>    city           varchar(20)           NULL,
13>    state          char(2)               NULL,
14>    zip            char(5)               NULL
15> )
16> GO
1>    EXEC sp_help stores
2>    GO
Name                                                                                                                             Owner
                                                          Type                            Created_datetime
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------
stores                                                                                                                           dbo
                                                          user table                      2008-08-17 13:04:38.290

Column_name                                                                                                                      Type
                                                          Computed                            Length      Prec  Scale Nullable                            TrimTrailingBlanks                  FixedLenNu
llInSource                Collation
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------- ----- ----- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
stor_id                                                                                                                          char
                                                          no                                            4             no                                  no                                  no
stor_name                                                                                                                        varchar
                                                          no                                           40             yes                                 no                                  yes
stor_address                                                                                                                     varchar
                                                          no                                           40             yes                                 no                                  yes
city                                                                                                                             varchar
                                                          no                                           20             yes                                 no                                  yes
state                                                                                                                            char
                                                          no                                            2             yes                                 no                                  yes
zip                                                                                                                              char
                                                          no                                            5             yes                                 no                                  yes

Identity                                                                                                                         Seed                                     Increment
           Not For Replication
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
---------- -------------------
No identity column defined.                                                                                                                                          NULL
      NULL                NULL

No rowguidcol column defined.


The object 'stores' does not have any indexes, or you do not have permissions.

No constraints are defined on object 'stores', or you do not have permissions.

No foreign keys reference table 'stores', or you do not have permissions on referencing tables.
No views with schema binding reference table 'stores'.
3> drop table stores;
4> GO


Related examples in the same category

1.EXEC: execute a select statement
2.Example of Dynamic Database Context with EXEC()
3.You can specify the parameters by name.
4.Execute a system function
5.Use of Functions in Sql statement Concatenation and EXEC