Define Comparable Object and Sort them : CompareTo « Data Structure « VB.Net

Define Comparable Object and Sort them

Define Comparable Object and Sort them
Imports System

Public Class MainClass

  Shared Sub Main()
    Dim e1 As New Employee("E1", 50000)
    Dim e2 As New Employee("E2", 60000)
    Dim e3 As New Employee("E3", 20000)
    Dim e4 As New Employee("E4", 1)
    Dim theEmployees() As Employee = {e1, e2, e3, e4}
    Array.Sort(theEmployees) 'call the CompareTo 
    Dim aEmployee As Employee

    For Each aEmployee In theEmployees
      Console.WriteLine(aEmployee.TheName & " has yearly salary $" & FormatNumber(aEmployee.Salary))
  End Sub
End Class

Public Class Employee
  Implements IComparable
  Private m_Name As String
  Private m_Salary As Decimal

  Public Sub New(ByVal theName As String, ByVal curSalary As Decimal)
    m_Name = TheName
    m_Salary = curSalary
  End Sub
  Public Function CompareTo(ByVal AnEmployee As Object) As Integer _
  Implements IComparable.CompareTo
    If CType(AnEmployee, Employee).Salary < Me.Salary Then
      Return -1
    ElseIf CType(AnEmployee, Employee).Salary = Me.Salary Then
      Return 0
    ElseIf CType(AnEmployee, Employee).Salary > Me.Salary Then
      Return 1
    End If
  End Function
  Public ReadOnly Property TheName() As String
      Return m_Name
    End Get
  End Property
  Public ReadOnly Property Salary() As Decimal
      Return MyClass.m_Salary
    End Get
  End Property

End Class


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