Use the Min method to return and display the smaller of two UInt64 variables. : ULong « Data Types « VB.Net

Use the Min method to return and display the smaller of two UInt64 variables.


Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine

      Dim xByte1 As Byte = 1
      Dim xByte2 As Byte = 5
      Dim xShort1 As Short = -2
      Dim xShort2 As Short = 5
      Dim xInt1 As Integer = -3
      Dim xInt2 As Integer = 5
      Dim xLong1 As Long = -4
      Dim xLong2 As Long = 5
      Dim xSingle1 As Single = 5F
      Dim xSingle2 As Single = 55F
      Dim xDouble1 As Double = 6.0
      Dim xDouble2 As Double = 56.0
      Dim xDecimal1 As [Decimal] = 7D
      Dim xDecimal2 As [Decimal] = 57D

      Dim xSbyte1 As SByte = 1
      Dim xSbyte2 As SByte = 2
      Dim xUshort1 As UShort = 2
      Dim xUshort2 As UShort = 3
      Dim xUint1 As UInteger = 5
      Dim xUint2 As UInteger = 7
      Dim xUlong1 As ULong = 8
      Dim xUlong2 As ULong = 9

      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xByte1, xByte2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xShort1, xShort2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xInt1, xInt2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xLong1, xLong2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xSingle1, xSingle2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xDouble1, xDouble2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xDecimal1, xDecimal2))

      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xSbyte1, xSbyte2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xUshort1, xUshort2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xUInt1, xUInt2))
      Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(xUlong1, xUlong2))
   End Sub
End Class 


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