Generic Swap : Generic Function « Generics « VB.Net

Generic Swap


Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Module Program
  Public Function Swap(Of T)(ByRef a As T, ByRef b As T) As T
    Console.WriteLine("T is a {0}.", GetType(T))
    Dim temp As T
    temp = a
    a = b
    b = temp
  End Function
  Sub DisplayBaseClass(Of T)()
    Console.WriteLine("Base class of {0} is: {1}.", GetType(T), GetType(T).BaseType)
  End Sub
  Sub Main()
    Dim a, b As Integer
    a = 10 : b = 40
    Swap(Of Integer)(a, b)
    Dim s1, s2 As String
    s1 = "Generics" : s2 = "Rock"
    Swap(Of String)(s1, s2)
    Dim b1, b2 As Boolean
    b1 = True : b2 = False
    Swap(b1, b2)
    DisplayBaseClass(Of Boolean)()
    DisplayBaseClass(Of String)()
    DisplayBaseClass(Of Integer)()
  End Sub
End Module


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